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1、撒切尔时代三十年回顾1979 年 5 月 3 日,玛格丽特撒切尔当选为英国历史上第一位女首相。三十年后的今天,让我们再次一睹撒切尔夫人的风采。三十年前的今天(1979 年 5 月 3 日),玛格丽特希尔达 撒切尔 (撒切尔夫人)当选为英国历史上第一位女首相。1 / 301979 年,英国伦敦唐宁街 10 号, 撒切尔 夫人与她的丈夫丹尼斯在一起 图片:Tim Graham/Corbis 2 / 301979 年,选举结束后, 撒切尔 夫人在唐宁街 10 号。左边的年轻记者很眼熟.图片:PA 3 / 301979 年, 撒切尔 夫在唐宁街 10 号门口的飒爽英姿,这张是黑白的。图片:PA 4 /

2、 301980 年, 撒切尔 夫人在约克郡北部赛尔比煤矿的 Wistow 矿区图片:PA 5 / 301980 年, 撒切尔 夫人在布赖顿召开的保守党年会上图片:Peter Johns 6 / 301981 年, 撒切尔 夫人与杰弗里豪、基思约瑟夫、约翰诺特和诺曼泰比特在英国国会下院保守党前排就座 图片:Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty 7 / 301981 年, 撒切尔 夫人与美国总统罗纳德里根一起出席在白宫举行的欢迎仪式图片:AP 8 / 301982 年,撒切尔夫人在英国国会下院宣布,有关马岛战争阿根廷投降的谈判正在进行之中。稍后,她在唐宁街 10 号

3、受到人们的热烈欢迎。图片:PA 9 / 301982 年, 撒切尔 夫人在保守党会议上图片:Nils Jorgensen/Rex Features10 / 301983 年, 撒切尔 夫人与丹尼斯在一个投票站投票后图片:Peter Jordan/Time Life Pictures/Getty 11 / 301983 年, 撒切尔 夫人在保守党会议上图片:Don McPhee 12 / 301983 年, 撒切尔 夫人访问驻扎在马岛(福克兰岛)的英国军队图片:PA 13 / 301983 年,在第二次竞选首相成功后, 撒切尔 夫人向庆祝的人群挥手致意图片:PA 14 / 301984 年, 撒

4、切尔 夫人在布赖顿酒店爆炸案发生的当天下午返回爆炸现场图片:Rex Features 15 / 301985 年, 撒切尔 夫人和丹尼斯在喝茶图片:John Downing/Hulton Archive/Getty The Thatcher era, three decades onIt was 30 years ago today that the British electorate voted Margaret Thatcher in as the nations first woman prime minister1 / 301979: Britains first woman pri

5、me minister at 10 Downing Street with her husband, Denis Photograph: Tim Graham/Corbis 2 / 301979: Outside 10 Downing Street after her election. The young reporter on the left looks familiar .Photograph: PA 3 / 301979: Outside No 10 again, in black and whitePhotograph: PA 4 / 301980: Margaret Thatch

6、er at the Wistow colliery in the Selby coalfieldPhotograph: PA 5 / 301980: On the last day of the Conservative party conference in BrightonPhotograph: Peter Johns 6 / 301981: Thatcher, Geoffrey Howe, Keith Joseph, John Nott and Norman Tebbit on the Conservative frontbench in the House of CommonsPhot

7、ograph: Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty 7 / 301981: With the US president, Ronald Reagan, at an arrival ceremony at the White HousePhotograph: AP 8 / 301982: Facing an enthusiastic reception from well-wishers outside No 10 on her return from the Commons after telling MPs talks on an Argentinian s

8、urrender of the Falklands were in progressPhotograph: PA 9 / 301982: At party conferencePhotograph: Nils Jorgensen/Rex Features10 / 301983: With Denis after voting at a polling stationPhotograph: Peter Jordan/Time Life Pictures/Getty 11 / 301983: Thatcher at party conferencePhotograph: Don McPhee 12

9、 / 301983: Visiting British troops on the Falkland islandsPhotograph: PA 13 / 301983: Waving to well-wishers after her second election winPhotograph: PA 14 / 301984: Thatcher returns to the scene of the Brighton bomb on the afternoon after the explosionPhotograph: Rex Features 15 / 301985: Enjoying

10、a cup of tea with DenisPhotograph: John Downing/Hulton Archive/Getty 三十年前的今天(1979 年 5 月 3 日),玛格丽特希尔达 撒切尔 (撒切尔夫人)当选为英国历史上第一位女首相。 16 / 301986 年, 撒切尔 夫人与凯奈斯贝克在英格兰西北部城市黑泽举行的保守党会议上图片:Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty 17 / 301986 年, 撒切尔 夫人与法国总统弗朗索瓦密特朗在英国坎特伯雷大教堂的牧师会礼堂,他们在那里签署了建造英吉利海峡隧道的协议图片:PA 18 / 301986 年, 撒

11、切尔 夫人正式访问在西德的英国驻军时,站在一辆坦克上图片:Joel Fink/AP 19 / 301987 年, 撒切尔 夫人在苏格兰参加竞选图片:Derek Hudson/Sygma/Corbis20 / 301987 年, 撒切尔 夫人在澳大利亚佩斯演讲图片:Murdo Macleod 21 / 301987 年, 撒切尔 夫人在黑泽举行的保守党年会上作闭幕演讲后,与会人员起立鼓掌长达 11 分钟,图为撒切尔夫人向大家致谢图片:PA 22 / 301988 年, 撒切尔 夫人与苏共中央总书记米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫在一起图片:Sipa Press/Rex Features 23 / 301988

12、 年, 撒切尔 夫人与美国总统里根在华盛顿图片:Sipa Press/Rex Features 24 / 301988 年, 撒切尔 夫人在布赖顿举行的保守党会议上聆听发言图片:PA 25 / 301989 年, 撒切尔 夫人与美国总统乔治赫伯特沃克布什(老布什)在唐宁街 10 号图片:NWI/Rex Features 26 / 301989 年,英伦航空 92 号班机空难后, 撒切尔 夫人向媒体讲话图片:Ross Kinnaird/Empics/PA 27 / 301989 年, 撒切尔 夫人与丹尼斯一起庆祝保守党在民意测验中第三次获胜图片:Anne Katrin Purkiss/Rex F

13、eatures 28 / 301990 年, 撒切尔 夫人在保守党会议上图片:Peter Jordan/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Image 29 / 301990 年, 撒切尔 夫人宣布英国托内斯(Torness)核电站正式投入运营图片:Murdo Macleod 30 / 301990 年, 撒切尔 夫人离开唐宁街,“这世界可真有意思!”图片:Graham Turner The Thatcher era, three decades onIt was 30 years ago today that the British electorate voted Mar

14、garet Thatcher in as the nations first woman prime minister16 / 301986: Kenneth Baker and Thatcher at party conference in BlackpoolPhotograph: Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty 17 / 301986: With Francois Mitterrand at the Chapter House, in Canterbury Cathedral as Britain and sign the agreement that will

15、 result in the Channel tunnelPhotograph: PA 18 / 301986: Riding on a tank during an official visit to British forces in West GermanyPhotograph: Joel Fink/AP 19 / 301987: Election campaigning in Scotland Photograph: Derek Hudson/Sygma/Corbis20 / 301987: Speaking in PerthPhotograph: Murdo Macleod 21 / 301987: Acknowledging an 11-minute standing ovation after her speech closing the Conservative party conference in BlackpoolPhotograph: PA 22 / 301988: Thatcher and Mikhail GorbachevPhotograph: Sipa Press/Rex Features 23 / 301988: With


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