plos one期刊发表影响因子

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《plos one期刊发表影响因子》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《plos one期刊发表影响因子(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Agricultural Sciences in Chinaimpact factor文章送给 23 个审稿人审阅,under review 说明已送审了,而 wait for other review 说明已有审稿人返回审稿的意见(reviewer comments),但还有审稿人未送回,要等待大家对 Plos One 的影响因子如何预测?这个期刊的审稿政策决定了论文的平均水平不高。但同时他们还是发表了少数高水平的论文。通常一个期刊的影响因子主要取决于引用率高的前 20%左右的论文的引用次数,后面大多数贡献不大,所以我的评估应该在 1 以上,但不会太高,应该小于 3.同时,SCI 收录与否也

2、没把握。现在是 ISI Web of Knowledge 收录了,但 ISI Web of Science 没有,后者才包含 SCIE.我之所以设置最后一个选项,是担心 Plos One 和 LNCS 一样的下场。PLoS One 现在还未收录到 SCI 中,因此今年 ISI 可能不会统计它的 2008 年影响因子了。不过,有人早已利用 Google Scholar 对 PLoS One 在 2007 年发表的文章进行了引用统计,结果计算出其 IF=5.68。虽然他们没有统计该杂志 2006 年文章的运用情况,但 PLoS One 在 2006 才刊登 137 篇论文(而 2007 年为 12

3、29 篇) ,所以对统计结果影响不大。就算 2006 年全部文章引用为零(这是不可能的) ,PLoS One的 IF 也达到 5.11。所以说,2008 年 PLoS One 的影响因子应该在 5 以上见过 PLOS one 上有很好的文章,质量也不一定比 PLOS 系列中其他的期刊的低。另外老外投稿时和我们对期刊的看法不一样。我个人觉得 PLOS one 的引用会比一般的杂志高,但是 SCI 暂时不会收录,如果收录的话,也是等审稿策略改变以后,要知道, Google scholar 有很多重复,去掉了吗。PLoS One民间统计的影响因子出自这里:http:/lampreylinux.wo

4、. -of-plos-one/另外还有一些关于 PLoS One 的讨论:http:/www.sciencenet. . spx?id=220746http:/ 看看 plos one 网页上的这句话,PLoS ONE will rigorously peer-review your submissions and publish all papers that are judged to be technically sound. Judgments about the importance of any particular p

5、aper are then made after publication by the readership (who are the most qualified to determine what is of interest to them). 即使 plos one 发表一些高水平论文,总的影响因子也不会太高。ISI 的 SCIE 迟迟不肯收录它可能也是这个原因。有人误把 ISI web of knowledge 收录当成了 SCI 收录,目前 ISI 的 web of science 并没有收录这一期刊。顺便多说几句,要想在 plos one 上发表论文,就要放弃拿着期刊做宣传的想法

6、。这个期刊的审稿不审你论文的水平高低,而是可靠与否。也就是说,即使它的影响因子达到 100,作者也不能因为在上面发表了论文,而宣称自己的研究水平如何高。这一点不同于传统期刊(以及 plos 系列的其他期刊) 。要证明自己的水平,还要耐性等待他人引用或者被 F1000 等机构评价一下。我并没有贬低 plos one 作者群的意思。好的论文不需要沾期刊的光,而是期刊沾论文的光。只有差的论文才整天宣传自己发表在什么期刊上。俄国数学家佩雷尔曼,因拒领菲尔兹奖而在中国新闻上反复出现,他的论文就没有发表在著名期刊上,甚至可以说没有正式发表,没有经过审稿等过程自己放到网上(arXiv)的。这位人物显然足够自

7、信,没有必要投给严格审稿的顶级数学期刊或综合性期刊。the IFs of the journal where a paper is published is a very poor measure of a papers importanceLast edited by darwinists on 2009-5-1 at 14:32 http:/pbeltrao.blogsp . t-factor.htmlGuestimating PLoS ONE impact factor Abhishek Tiwari did some analysis on the number of citation

8、s that PLoS ONE is getting so far using Scopus database. We had a small discussion over the numbers on FriendFeed and I ended up looking at different set of values also from Scopus. I tried to predict the first Impact Factor for PLoS ONE that might be out sometime this year. Before showing the numbe

9、rs I will repeat again that I think the IFs of the journal where a paper is published is a very poor measure of a papers importance. Although it is probably a good measure of the relative value of a journal (within a given field) we should be striving to pick what we read based on the value of a pap

10、er instead of the journal. The Impact Factors that will be published this year are calculated as the total number of citations from 2008 to papers published in 2006 and 2007, divided by the number of citable units in 2006-2007 (articles and reviews). The data I am looking at is from Scopus so it var

11、ies a bit from the one in ISI. The variability comes from the decision of what to include as citable articles and from the journals that are covered in Scopus versus ISI. One problem I found with Scopus data was that, for some journals, the database has multiple entries due to small variations in ar

12、ticle titles. For PLoS Biology, PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS Genetics the number of articles published should be less than half of what is reported. This does not appear to be the case for PLoS ONE. I downloaded the tables of published articles and tried to removed redundancies looking at the

13、 tittles and authors. I counted only articles and reviews as citable items but used all articles published in 2006-2007 to get the number of citations in the year 2008. I also did the same calculations for the impact factor of the previous year to be able to compare with the data from ISI. The resul

14、ts were comparable but not the same. In summary, PLoS ONE might get an impact factor of about half of the expected for PLoS Computational Biology. The usual disclaimers should be said: I have no idea of how complete Scopus data is and how exactly it relates to ISI.Last edited by darwinists on 2009-5

15、-1 at 14:37 IFs.JPG以上转贴早已在他处看过。这组统计数据与前人利用 Google Scholar 提供的数据出入较大。不过两组数据都说明了一点,PLoS One 的平均引用率,也就是所谓 ISI 影响因子,决不会象某些人猜测那样,在 1左右,也不会象上面投票那样,12 。关于 PLoS One 的引用分析,推荐大家看看如下网址:http:/www.abhishek-ti . journals.html不仅是 PLoS One,任何期刊的影响因子不能说明其发表论文的真正水平。但是,在当今中国学术界,我们无不在用期刊的 IF 来为论文量身定价。同时,期刊的 IF,无时不刻在左右着

16、作者群和读者群。如果 PLoS One 不被 SCI 收录的原因,我想,并不在于它的审稿策略,而是在于 PLoS One 的“叛逆”,不想追随 ISI 主导的 IF 潮流。不过,遗憾的是,自从 PLoS One 创刊以来,关于它的 IF 预测和讨论,一直没停止过。一些“摇钱树” 、 “垃圾收集站”之类的言论,即使没有贬低 PLoS One 的作者群之意,也无形中影响了其读者群。本人最初就是受到这类言论的影响,对 PLoS One 的第一印象极差,在后来看过更多评论,对该期刊有更深入了解后,印象才逐渐改观。不过,我想,大多数人可能没有多大兴趣去对一个期刊进行深入认识了。结果,某些个人主观言论误导了大家,而帮助大家对 PLoS One 有更深入认识,也许可避免这类事情发生。Last edited by javaen on 2009-5-3 at 22:32 PLoS ONE 毫无疑问发表了很多很高水平的论文,这一点看看 Science 的 Editors Highlight 以及 Faculty of 1000



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