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1、论文开题报告院 系 外文学院 专 业 英语教育学生姓名 刘玫 学号 20060201619 指导教师 张华鸿选 题The Mirror Of Oscar Wilde A Stylistic Analysis on the characters of THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY本选题的意义及国内外研究状况:The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only published novel written by Oscar Wilde. Wilde called it “my first long story.”(1887) Its consid

2、ered one of the last works of classic gothic horror fiction with a strong Faustian theme. It deals with the “Artistic Movement” of the hedonism, and homosexuality, both of which caused fierce controversy when the book was first published. However, in recent times, the book has been regarded as one o

3、f the modern classics of Western literature. As controversial as this book, Oscar Wilde was also a very influential representative of Aestheticism. The well-known “Aesthetic Movement” -that fought against Victorianism- marked its end when Oscar was put into prison. Aestheticism used “Art For Arts Sa

4、ke” as their slogan and strongly insisted on “Life should copy Art.” (From Wikipedia) Oscar himself attached great importance to this book. He summarized the relationship between himself and the novels central characters: “Basil Hallward is what I think I am; Lord Henry what the world thinks me; Dor

5、ian what I would like to bein other ages perhaps.” (Letters, 352) “Each man sees his own sin in Dorian Gray.” (Letters, 266) With the help of the theories and approaches by Michael Toolan, Geoffrey N. Leech, and Michael H. short. this essay will mainly deal with the stylistic analysis of these three

6、 central characters of THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY to see which one really mirrored Oscar Wilde. Or maybe all did. The significance and innovation of this subject can be concluded as the following:Firstly, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY used to be a banned book, because it deals with decadence and homose

7、xuality. Recently its reaccepted by modern world. So new understandings should be given to this book and Oscar Wilde. Secondly, studies upon this novel are not enough. Whats worse, stylistic analysis of the characters in this book is less.Thirdly, with the analysis of the characters in this novel, w

8、e may have a better understand of Oscar Wilde and the miserable ending of his life.研究内容:To study by stylistic analysis how Oscar Wilde mirrored himself into three main characters in THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY. This thesis will firstly give a brief introduction of Oscar Wilde and his aesthetic philos

9、ophy. In this section, a simple comparison in style between Victorianism and Aestheticism will be brought up. Secondly, a general idea about the story and some influential researches on main characters will be presented. Based on the previous studies and some stylistic approaches, this thesis will t

10、ry to develop new connections between characters and author. Some examples will be selected from the text to support the illustrations. Finally, this thesis will draw a conclusion that THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY is not only a picture in which Wildes Aestheticism is faithfully painted, but also a mir

11、ror of his inner world. Characters Oscar Wilde/ Inner worldDorian Gray Narcissism; Hedonism; carrier of Aestheticism Lord Henry Devil; Cynicism; Prince Paradox; the outlook of lifeBasil Hallward Creator of Art Artist VS. Writer Comment:1. You are required to begin the essay by an “Introduction” to t

12、ell the reasons of your choice of the topic and significance of your study, the way of your study, the procedures of your study. 2. In the “Introduction”, you are required to do a literature review to introduce the theory you mean to apply to the study of “THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY”. In your case,

13、such aspects as “the concern of stylistics”, “the need for stylistic study” and “the levels of language”, which can be found in Xu Youzhis English Stylistics should be elaborated, so that you can justify your analysis in the following study. Please, before your first draft of your essay, read the fi

14、rst few chapters of the book carefully to find useful information to enrich this part as this is the foundation of your study.A Brief Plan of contents1. Abstract 2. Summary of the story and three main characters3. Literal Reviewprevious researchesAestheticism VS. VictorianismOscar Wilde and his phil

15、osophy Studies upon this novel and characters4. Stylistic Analysis Illustrations Development Freuds Psychology Theory Leech and Shorts TheoryToolans Theory.5. Conclusion6. References研究方法、手段及步骤:Based on the previous researches of THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, such as the studies of the author and three

16、 main characters, concerning Psychology (Freuds publication of The Interpretation of Dreams) and Literary work, this thesis will concentrate on the stylistic analysis of this book.This thesis will adopt the methods of Leech and Short, together with Toolans theory and the criticism of some famous scholars. The procedure will strictly follow the order of review, adaptation, development, analysis, example, and conclusion. 参考文献:1 Geoffrey



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