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1、1在第八届国际柑橘苗木大会上的致辞市委常委、副市长马正其(2008 年 10月 23日)尊敬哈桑马林主席、各位领导、各位专家、各位代表:金秋时节,柑橘飘香。在这美好的季节里,我们迎来了国内外柑橘界的朋友,迎来了国际柑橘苗木大会在我市隆重召开。今天我能出席这次大会感到非常高兴。The golden autumn,citrus fragrance.In this beautiful season,we have ushered in domestic and foreign friends of the citrus industry,also we welcome the arrival of

2、the international conference on citrus seeding to be held ceremoniously in my city.Today,I was happy to attend this conference.首先,我代表中共重庆市委、重庆市人民政府向参加这次会议的国际柑橘育苗者协会主席哈桑马林先生,向来自世界各国和国内的柑橘专家表示热烈的欢迎并致以良好的祝愿。Firstly.Id like to represent the committee of Chongqing and the Peoples government of Chongqing

3、to show my welcomes and good wishes to the president of the international citrus seeding association and the citrus expert from home and aboard.“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”。今天国际柑橘苗木大会在我市召开,是我市农业对外开放的一件大事,也是我市柑橘发展历史上的一件喜事,标志着我市柑橘生产技术水平进入了新的发展阶段,也体现了我们愿虚心学习国际、国内柑橘先进育苗技术的决心和诚意。在为期 3天的会议中,我们将与来自国内外柑橘界的朋友一起,共同探讨世界柑橘新的品

4、种和技术,必将极大地推动我市柑橘育苗技术进步,促进我市柑橘产业发展。There is a Chinese saying “It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.”Today, it is a big event for the opening up of the citys agriculture that the international conference on citrus seeding being held in Chongqing.Also it is a joyful event on the develo

5、pmental history of the citys citrus industry.It not only marks the citys production technology of citrus has entered into a new developing phase, but also reflects the determination and sincerity that we would earnestly learn the advanced seeding technology from the domestic and foreign experts.Duri

6、ng the three-days conference, we would like to discuss with the friends coming from home and aboard about the new product and technology of the citrus.We firmly believe it would promote the progress of the citrus technology and the development of citrus industry for Chongqing.重庆是一座具有 3000多年悠久历史和光荣传统

7、的历史文化名城。南宋光宗赵惇因先在恭州于一月封为恭王,二月受内禅即帝位,自诩“双重喜庆”而得名。重庆是我国西部地区唯一的直辖市,幅员面积 8.24万平方公里,下辖 40个行政区县(自治县),东临湖北、湖南,南接贵州,西靠四川,北连陕西。经过改革开放特别是直辖以来的发展,重庆国内生产总值、社会消费品零售总额在全国处于中等水平,主要经济指标在西部居前 5位,其中农业在国民经济中占有重要位2置。Chongqing is a historical cultural city with a history of 3000 years and glorious tradition.It received

8、its current name after Prince Zhao Dun of the Southern Song Dynasty described his crowning as king and then Emperor Guangzong as a “double celebration”.Chongqing is the only municipality in the West of China,it has an area of 8.24 square kilometers and controls 40 administrative districts(autonomous

9、 counties). Hubei and Hunan are on the east of Chongqing,while Guizhou is on the south,and Shanxi and Sichuan lie on the north and west .Benefited from the opening up and municipalization,especially the municipalization,the GDP and the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Chongqing are at

10、a medium level in whole nation.And the main economic indicators ranked the top 5 in the West,among all these,agriculture occupied an important position in the national economy.重庆三峡库区具有悠久的柑橘种植历史,是世界柑橘生产的最适宜地区之一,也是农业部规划的中国柑橘优势产区,具有得天独厚的自然生态条件。全市有 38个区县生产柑橘,集中分布在三峡库区的江津区、万州区、长寿区、开县、奉节县、忠县等 10个区县,面积和产量占

11、全市柑橘的 60%以上。The Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing has a long history of cultivation of citrus because its unique ecological conditions.It is not only one of the most suitable areas of the worlds citrus production,but also the advantageous area of Chinese citrus that planned by the Ministry of

12、 Agriculture.There are 38 districts and counties that produce citrus in the whole city,mainly distributed in the districts or counties that near the Three Gorges Reservoir Area,such as Jiangjing District ,Wanzhou District ,Changshou District , Kaixian County .Fengjie County , Zhongxian County and ot

13、her four districts and counties.And the area and production account for more than 60 percent of the citys total output.目前,全市柑橘通过国家优势柑橘区域规划和柑橘产业发展重点区域建设规划。近几年来,我市柑橘产业取得迅猛发展,率先在全国建成柑橘种苗三级良繁体系,无病毒容器苗年生产能力达到 1000万株以上,已经形成了较为完善柑橘的生产技术体系和促进柑橘产业发展的政策体系,新建高标准规模化生产基地 45万亩,柑橘种植面积达到 190万亩,总产达 125万吨。At present,

14、Chongqing has passed two national plans ,one is the Regional Planning for the Advantageous Area of Citrus,and another is Important Regional Construction Planning for the Development of Citrus Industry. In recent years,our city experienced a rapid development in citrus industry. For example,Chongqing

15、 became the first in the country that built the system of three levels of good breeding in citrus seeding,and the annual production capacity of the free-virus container seeding has reached 10 million plants.Also we have formed relatively perfect system on technical production and the policy on promo

16、ting the development of citrus industry,the newly built base for high standard scale production has 3reached 450,000 acres and the planting area of citrus has come to 1,9 million mu with a total production of 1.25 million tons.澳门恒河公司、北京汇源集团、三峡建设集团、美国博富文公司、美国熙可公司以及福建森美公司等龙头企业的进入,为重庆柑橘产业发展注入了新的活力,其中澳门恒河公司围绕柑橘的鲜果销售已在江津、长寿和奉节建设优质杂柑和脐橙果园 3万亩,分别在江津和奉节建设每小时处理柑橘 15吨和 20吨的商品化处理线;三峡建设集团以鲜橙汁生产为目标在忠县建设处理能力10万吨的 NFC加工厂,已在忠县、丰都和涪陵建设基地果园 7万亩;北京汇源集团着眼于浓缩橙汁的生产在万州建设 20万吨的加工厂,已在万州、云阳和开



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