Press release example新闻稿的例子

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1、Press release example 1: communicating priorities and scansThis sample press release reports on a new education priority based on earlier scan results of the hypothetical Bayside Community Foundation. This piece illustrates communication about the “scan” and “prioritize” steps of the community impac

2、t model. The practical purposes of the release are to share scan results, and announce an education summit addressing a priority area of the community foundation. The broader purposes are to position the foundation as responsive to community needs and to raise awareness of an important local issue.B

3、ayside Community Foundation Announces Education SummitScan Identifies Better Schools as Critical Community NeedAfter undertaking a major community needs assessment in 2002, the board of directors of the Bayside Community Foundation has established public education achievement as a key program priori

4、ty. “Education is a major need facing Bayside, and its a big priority of our foundation and our donors,” said Peter Newell, president of the foundations board. “We decided that we have a unique and important role to play in this issue, and were happy to increase our partnership with the local school

5、s.”A joint survey sponsored by The Bayside News and the Bayside Community Foundation found that 72% of local residents consider improving the schools as the communitys “most critical need.” Residents said they were especially concerned about increasing dropout rates and low test scores. Through its

6、community needs assessment, the foundation also found that local schools were lagging behind the states average in test scores for at-risk students, and the dropout rate is on the rise. Parents are particularly concerned about the lack of good after-school programs. Among the major obstacles to prog

7、ress identified were lack of adequate parent involvement, limited community financial and volunteer support for the schools, and a shortage of qualified teachers.“Our community scan showed us Bayside needs and wants to improve our schools,” said Jane Shipman, Bayside Community Foundation CEO. “The c

8、ommunity foundation is uniquely qualified to address this issue, not just through grants but also by bringing community leaders together and coordinating efforts.”The foundation will be devoting a portion of its unrestricted funds for grants and other support to local schools and educational organiz

9、ations. To launch this program, the foundation will sponsor and organize the “Bayside Education Summit” in June, bringing together school officials, teachers, parents, community leaders and education experts to raise awareness of local needs and identify a path forward. For more information on the s

10、ummit, please see the Bayside Community Foundation website, # #Press release example 2: communicating grant strategyThis sample press release reports on grants awarded by hypothetical Bayside Community Foundation. Note that the release foundation doesnt simply list the grant amount but

11、underscores why the grant was made, either by highlighting the organizations past effectiveness or its expected outcomes The purposes of the release are to announce the grants, shine a light on grantees and position the foundation as a strategic grantmaker. $210,000 Grant Awards by Bayside Community

12、 Foundation Make a DifferenceGrants for Better Schools Head the ListAt its March board meeting, The Bayside Community Foundations board of directors approved $210,000 in grants to 34 local nonprofit organizations. Highlighting the awards were a set of grants focused on improving the communitys publi

13、c schools, part of the foundations new education priority.“Education is one of the most critical issues facing Bayside today,” said Jane Shipman, Bayside Community Foundation CEO. “We believe the grants made under our education priority will really help galvanize the reform process for Bayside schoo

14、ls. These local nonprofit organizations are doing some exciting and innovative work with the schools, helping train teachers, involve parents and engage students.”Organizations were selected to receive grants based on strategic criteria including demonstration of past effectiveness, a focus on at-ri

15、sk populations, and the potential of proposals to achieve community impact. “Community impact is the name of the game,” CEO Shipman said. “We choose programs to invest in by assessing their potential for making a real difference in the lives of Bayside residents. Measurable results are the bottom li

16、ne.”Bayside Area Schools$14,000 for a teacher training program on early childhood literacy. The school district has focused on K-5 literacy levels, recognizing the importance of reading ability to subsequent academic success, and will train teachers on improving literacy levels for students in lower elementary grades.Bayside Senior Center$17,000 to continue its wellness projects to increase health awareness among residents aged 55 and over. The Centers efforts over the last 3 ye



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