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1、中考英语补全对话的设题及解题技巧A)从所给的选项中选出恰当的句子完成对话,其中有两项为多余选项。 (1) A:What are you going to do this evening ? B:Well,I have no idea 1 A:Im going to see a film B:Good idea! 2 A:CertainlyYoure welcome B: 3 A:Lets make it half past sevenOK? B:No problem! 4 A:In front of the cinema gate B:OKSee you then A: 5 AWhere sh

2、all we meet then ? BSee you CCan I come,too? DWhat did you think? EWhat time shall we meet? FWhat about you? GThats all right (2) (Alice advises(劝告)Bill to read Eng lish every day and ag rees to help him ) A:Why don t you look happy ? B:Because I have a lot of trouble with my EnglishI can hardly pas

3、s the exam every tim e 1 A:Don t worry 2 B:No,I only read English before the exam A:Ah,thats itIf you want to study it well,you must practise it every day 3 B:Ill take your advice and try to practise reading English every day 4 A:All rightId like toBut in fact I still have some trouble with English,

4、too 5 AWill you help me with it? BLets help each other CIll try my best to learn it well DHow do you like English? EI really don t know what to do FWhat are you going to do next? GDo you read English? B)依据对话情境,用适当的句子补全对话。 (3) D:Good morning (1) ? W:I don t feel very well D:(2) ? W:Yes,I haveMy tempe

5、rature is a little high D:Open your m outh and say“Ah” W:Aahh D:(3) ? W:Ever since last night D:Did you sleep well? W:NoI was very tired last night D:Oh,I see(4) W:Can you tell me how I got a cold? D:Maybe you over worked yourself W:I think soI have too much work to do every dayDo I have to stay hom

6、e? D:YesYoud better stay home for two or three days W:(5) ? D:No,I dont think its too seriousBut you really need a g ood rest and take this medicine W:(6) ? D:Three times a day W:OKThank you (4) A:Hi,(1) ? B:Im playing football(2) ? A:Sorry,Im busy at the momentBy the way,(3) B:Why not? A:Its too da

7、ngerousCant you see there is too much traffic?You must be careful B:Oh,thanksWhy are you so busy?(4) ? A:Im going to Uncle WangsHes mending my TV set(5) Oh,I must go now ,its late B:(6) You mustn t ride too fast A:OKBye-bye B:Bye (5) (Xiao Bin and his father are at home) Xiao Bin :(1) ,Dad? Father :

8、Im learning English on TV Xiao Bin :(2) ?Youre only a taxi driver,not a student(3) ? Father :YesAs we know ,the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008When the day comes,(4) ,Ill drive my taxi to welcome and help friends all over the world Xiao Bin :Oh,youre really great! Father :And whats mor

9、e,we are a member of the WTO (5) Lets try our best to learn English wellOK? Xiao Bin :Good idea! Keys:(1)FCEAB(2)EGFAB (3)1Whats your trouble 2H ave you taken your temperature 3How long have you been like this 4Youve got a cold 5Is it serious 6How often do I take it (4)1What are you doing 2Would you

10、 like to join us 3you mustn t play football on the street 4W here are you goin g 5I want to get it back Ill go and see if he has finished mending it 6Be careful (5)1What are you doing 2W hat are you doing that for 3Is it useful for you to learn English 4if I know much English 5So English will be mor

11、e and more important from now on 一、补全对话的设题 补全对话的设题主要有三类: 1 日常交际用语及其应答 这类题主要考查学生对日常生活中经常运用的会话习语及其应答的掌握情况,如打电话、购物、看病、感谢、抱怨、谈论天气、问题、禁止、警告等。这种题有较为固定的语言模式。如练习 1、练习 3。 2 具体情景语境题 根据对话的具体情景语境提供的各种信息进行全面的分析、比较和逻辑推理,确定空缺语句。这种题的应答没有固定的语言模式,要视对话的具体情景语境确定空缺语句,如练习 2。 3 综合设题 综合设题就是将日常会话用语与具体情景语境相结合。如练习 4、练习 5。 二、补

12、全对话解题技巧点拨 解补全对话题可采取以下三个步聚: 1 首先阅读全篇对话,了解对话大意,在掌握了对话主题与大意的基础上着手做题较为快捷准确。 2 根据情景语境,有选项的可结合待选语句,边读边做题。 3 重读全篇对话,确定补全后的对话是否通顺连贯,语法是否正确。 解题时应正确使用会话用语,日常会话用语有一定的语言模式,应熟练掌握;理清询问或答语:若为询问句,则应注意询问句与其上下句的关系;若为疑问句,还要搞清楚何种疑问句,是一般疑问句,还是特殊疑问句,或选择疑问句。弄清了疑问句的种类,好对症下药,给出中肯的答语;注意上下句式关系:上下句子间有多种关系、有因果关系、转折关系,描述、过程、空间、举

13、例、证明、分类、比较、对比、比拟、类推和添加等关系。对话句之间的关系搞清楚了,就容易根据这一特定语境确定选项。 下面结合具体实例加以说明: 练习 1该组对话属日常会话习语及其应答题。解这类题难度不大,只要记住固定的句式即可。 首先,通读整篇对话,了解对话大意为:A 今晚想看电影,B 想一起去,他们约好了见面的时间、地点。结合所给选项,边读边做:1 题表征求对方意见;2 题表请求;3 题、4 题表预约时间与地点;5 题是道别的应答语。对话完成后再读,该对话语法正确,语义通顺,合乎表达习惯。 练习 2本组对话属综合设题,1 题、4 题为日常会话用语,其余 3 个小题属语境推断题。对话大意为:A 通

14、过询问,得知 B 不高兴的原因英语考试不及格。B 告诉 A 应注意怎样做才能通过考试。结合具体选项,1 题由下文中的 Dont worry可选出选项 E,不知自己该怎样做,表焦虑;2 题由下文中的应答可知此题应选一般疑问句。由 I only read English可得出答案;3 题通过下文的应答,应选一特殊疑问句,问对方今后应如何做;4 题由下文 All rightId like to可得出答案 A,表请求;5 题由前句 But in fact I still have some trouble with English ,too可 得答案:Lets help each other 练习 3

15、本组对话主要考查看病方面的会话用语,无选项,需根据上下文的暗示写出所缺的句子。难度比练习 1 和练习 2 要大。解这类题时,除日常会话习语外,还应特殊注意情景语境、标点符号及试题与上下文之间的关系。1 题表示询问病情;2 题由 Yes,I haveMy temperature可知是一般疑问句,问是否量了体温;3 题为特殊疑问句,询问得病多长时间;4 题是通过对前面询问病情得出的结论,再根据下文 got a cold 可得出答案;5 题由下文可知此句应填询问自己病情的语句;6 题需通过上、下文语境,确定此句为“每天服几次药?”。 练习 4本组对话为综合设题。其大意为:A 去王叔叔家,路上看到 B 在街上踢球。B 想邀 A 一起踢,A 说此时很忙,并告戒 B 在街上踢球很危险。1 题根据答语可填出;2 题为日常会话习语。由答语可知是表邀请的语句;3 题



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