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1、青少年榜样研究摘 要榜样具有示范作用,在人的成长过程中发挥着重要影响。为青少年树立榜样,指导其思想和行为,是我国的教育传统。本文系统考察中华人民共和国建立以来国家、社会、教师为学生树立的榜样,以及学生自己认定的榜样,在分析两者的一致性基础上,试图剖析榜样教育有效实施的理论依据和实践基础。 本文对青少年榜样的研究,主要从“榜样树立者”及“榜样学习者”两个维度展开。在“榜样树立者”维度,一方面通过文献检索梳理建国以来国家和社会为青少年树立的 608 位榜样人物,另一方面通过访谈和问卷调查探明目前学校教师为青少年树立的榜样。在“榜样学习者”维度,首先对建国后 6 个年代 29 名成年人进行访谈,查明

2、他们至今尚有印象的青少年时期的学习榜样;其次对377名当代青少年进行作品分析或问卷调查,查明他们心目中的学习榜样;另一方面对 15 本人物传记进行分析,考察杰出人物青少年时代所择定的学习榜样。 研究表明,国家和社会所树立的榜样人物,随着时代的变迁,其品质经历了从国家本位到社会本位到个人本位的总体倾向性变化,先立的榜样对后起的榜样有着深远的影响,对各代青少年的实际影响则呈相对递减趋势;接受调查的部分教师否认自己对学生进行了榜样教育,但客观上几乎所有的老师都为学生树立学习榜样,且所树立的榜样类型多样,按频率的高低依次为学生的同学、教师、课本上出现的优秀人物、名人、学生家长,与学生认同的榜样类型有较

3、高的一致性;杰出人物在青少年时期除以身边熟人为榜样外,还以一些历史上的名人、伟人作为自己的楷模。 基于上述发现,本文主张,在继承榜样教育之传统的同时,改善学校的榜样教育,拓展榜样选择范围,树立只要有优点就值得学习的朴素榜样学习观,保持榜样教育的适当高度,坚持榜样教育的持续性和科学性。关键词:榜样,观察学习,学生认同 2Abstract Example provides a good demonstration for the people,which plays an important role during their process of development. It is China

4、s educational tradition that setting an example for young people to guide their thinking and behavior. On one hand, this paper reviewing the examples set by the state, society and the teachers since the establishment of our country and the examples identified by students themselves; on the other han

5、d, analyzing the consistency between the two kinds of examples, which to provide effective implementation of the theory and practice basis for model educationThis article expands from the those who set an example and model learner two dimensions. In the first dimension, on one hand, through literatu

6、re retrieval combing 608 models who set by the society and state since the founding of our country; on the other hand, using interview and questionnaires to discover the examples that school teachers set for young people; and the later dimension, firstly 29 adults that during the first six years aft

7、er the founding of New China were interviewed to identify models still in their mind for the period when they were young; secondly, analyzing 377 works of contemporary young people or questionnaire survey to identify role models in their mind; on the other hand, analysis of 15 biographies, studying

8、the models that the elite selected during their young ageThe results show that, on one hand, with the changing times, the quality of the examples which set by the state and society, going through the general tendency from the national standard to social standard, from the social standard to individu

9、al standard. And the first established examples have made profound effects on the late-models, and the actual impact on the behalf of young people is decreasing; on the other hand some teachers surveyed denied their setting models for the students, but objectively almost all the teachers are setting

10、 several types of models for students, according the frequencies from high to low the types of models just as follows: students, teachers, excellent figures appear on the textbooks, celebrities and parents, which have a higher consistency with the types of the example agreed by the students; last bu

11、t not least outstanding figures not only choosing the close acquaintance as their role model during their adolescence, but also taking some celebrities and great people in the history as their modelsBased on the above findings, this paper advocates that we should not only carry on the traditional of

12、 model education, but also improve model education in the school, and expand the scope of model selection, set up the simple concept of model education that as long as there are advantages to learning to learn from the examples. We should maintain the proper height of model education, and adhere to

13、the model education continuously and scientifically Key word: Model; Observational learning; Recognition of student3目 录导 论.1 一、选题缘由 1 二、研究思路和方法 1 (一)研究思路.1 (二)研究方法.1 三、基本概念界定.4 (一)关于榜样.4 (二)关于偶像.4 (三)本文中的“榜样”.5 第一章 国家和社会树立的榜样 6 一、榜样类型分析.8 二、榜样的时代特性 9 (一)战斗英雄.9 (二)阶级斗争模范.10 (三)社会主义建设时代的道德模范 10 1.爱民为民

14、的楷模.10 2.集体主义模范 12 3.建设社会主义新中国的劳动模范.13 (四)“文革”年代的楷模 14 1.上山下乡的知青楷模 14 2.“反潮流英雄”.15 (五)改革开放年代的学习楷模.16 1.勇攀科学高峰?陈景润.16 2.女排精神.17 3.“身残志坚”?张海迪.17 4.全国十佳少先队员.17 (六)抗震救灾英雄少年.18 (七)小结.19 三、教师树立的榜样.20 第二章 青少年自己认定的榜样.23 一、当代青少年所认定的榜样 23 (一)关系维度的考察 24 1.互动性的榜样:同学、家长和教师 24 2.非互动性榜样 25 (二)特性维度的考察 26 (三)观察学习的误区

15、?“以自己为榜样”.27 二、杰出人物认定的榜样.28 第三章 青少年榜样学习一致性研究.33 一、各个年代的榜样学习之印象调查 33 (一)关于革命英雄.34 (二)关于雷锋 344 1.五六十年代?响应号召的红火岁月.35 2.记忆模糊的 70、80 后.35 (三)关于张海迪.36 二、当代青少年榜样学习一致性研究 36 结 语 38 一、坚持榜样教育.38 二、坚持朴素的榜样学习观.39 三、坚持榜样教育的适度高度性.39 四、坚持榜样教育的可持续性和全民性.40 五、坚持榜样教育的科学性.41 附 录 43 一、中华人民共和国榜样谱.43 二、中小学作文设计.90 三、教师问卷.91

16、 四、高中年级学生问卷 92 五、访谈提纲?对各个年代的青少年的榜样调查 93 参考文献.94 后 记 995导 论 一、选题缘由 榜样广泛存在于社会生活的各个领域、各个行业。榜样的力量是无穷的,榜样教育在人的社会化过程中起着不可替代的作用。美国著名心理学家班杜拉(ABandura)认为,从动作的模拟到语言的掌握,从态度的习得到人格的形成,均可以通过对榜样的观察和模仿加以完成。为青少年树立道德榜样,对其进行榜样教育也是我国传统思想道德教育的重要模式。从榜样教育的实效性来看,社会所认同和推崇的榜样人物必须得到学生个体的认同和学习,才能达到榜样教育实际的教育效果。那么从建国以来,我们国家和社会为学生树立了哪些青少年榜样?这些榜样是否切合学生的发展和需要而得到学生的认同?国家为学生所树立的榜样又经历了怎样的具体变迁?目前学生心目中的榜样又是谁?他们又关注榜样的哪些品质? 基于对于上述问题的疑惑,本文试图从榜样的树立者和榜样的学习者两个维度,对青


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