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1、I摘 要改革开放以来,我国经济建设飞速发展,随着社会建设不断发展,各种新兴工程的不断动工,建设的不断发展,起重运输机械应用的范围也越来越广,要求越来越高,操作人员的需求越来越多,工作量也非常大,还有各种原因容易造成人员伤亡事故。据有关资料统计,我国每年起重伤害事故的因工死亡人数占全部工业企业因工死亡总人数的 15%左右,因此我们在提高工作人员素质的同时,也要努力提高机械的自动化和智能化,以便减轻工作人员的负担,这也是人类二十一世纪奋斗的目标:把人类从繁重的体力劳动中彻底解放出来。随着科技的进步,各种先进的科学技术在不断的应用在改善人的工作环境中,慢慢的解放人类的体力劳动,向着高度自动化和无人职

2、守的方向发展,在这些技术中,PLC(可编程序控制器)具有微型计算机体积小、功能强、灵活性大、程序修改方便等优点,而且编程简单,一般电气技术人员容易掌握,使用方便,安装、调试、维修;维修量小、价格便宜。用 PLC 构成的控制系统,不仅非常方便的代替了复杂的继电器、接触器控制,而且在一般控制领域中比使用单板微机、工业控制用微机要简单方便,可靠得多。PLC 在其稳定性、高自动化程度的不断加强,越来越受工程人员的喜爱。因此,起重机械中也正在运用 PLC 技术改造,在这里我们主要研究 PLC 在单臂桥梁起重机质量检测中的应用软件设备,进行系统仿真和过程分析,对 PLC 有一些初步了解。关键词:PLC ;

3、起重机;质量检测;软件设计;仿真;IIAbstractSince the reform and open policy, the our country economic development rapid development, has constructed the unceasing development along with the society, each kind of emerging project begins construction unceasingly, the construction unceasing development, lifts heavy ob

4、jects the transport machinery application the scope also more and more broadly, request more and more high, operators demand more and more many, work load also extremely big, but also has each kind of reason to be easy to create the personnel casualty accident. According to pertinent data statistics

5、, our country lifts heavy objects the injury accident because the labor death total number of people 15%. Therefore we during enhancement staff quality also must enhance the machinery diligently the automation and the intellectualization, in order to lighten staffs burden. This also is the human 21s

6、t century goals: Liberates thoroughly the humanity from the arduous physical labor.Along with the technical progress, each advanced science and technology unceasing application in is improving in humans working conditions, the slowly liberation humanitys working conditions, the slowly liberation hum

7、anitys physical labor, turns towards high automated and nobody duty direction develops. In these technologies, PLC(programmable foreword controller) has the microcomputer volume small, function, flexibility big, merit and so on red-tape operation convenience, also the programming simple, the install

8、ment, the debugging, the service quantity small price is cheap. Control system constitutes which with PLC, not only extremely convenient has replaced the complex relay, the contact device control, moreover in the general control domain the use veneer microcomputer, the industry control micro confide

9、ntially uses simple to be more convenient than, is much more reliable. PLC in its stability, the high automat city strengthens unceasingly, more and more receives the project personnels affection. Therefore, in the hoisting machinery also is utilizing the PLC technological transformations, mainly st

10、udies PLC in here us in the simple ratio bridge crane quality examination application and to PLC some understandings.Key words:PLC ;Hoist crane;Quality examination; Software design; SimulationIII目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II目 录 .III第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 概述 .1第 2 章 PLC 结构与工作原理 .32.1 PLC 基本单元的构成 .32.2 PLC 软件 .62.3 PLC 的工作原理 .8第 3 章 起重机械在生产中的地位与情况 .113.1 起重机的分类 .143.2 起重机械的主要参数及起重机构造标准术语 .143.3 起重机械工作的特点以及存在的危险因素 .153.4 国内外工程起重机发展动向 .153.5 桥式起重机桥架简介 .16第 4 章 新型 LD 电动单梁起重机 .184.1 结构与特点 .184.2 性能参数 .20第 5 章 电动单梁起重机质量检测的 PLC 设计 .225.1 起重机质量检测系统的工艺和控制要求 .225.2 应用 OMRON 公司的 PLC 进行质量检测设计 .23参考文献 .



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