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1、Terre e mare, Molfetta by Elements Arch lab莫尔费塔滨海空间改造: 城市与水的再相遇Appreciation towards Elements Arch lab for providing the following description:莫尔费塔是个与海洋息息相关的小城,港口、船坞、滨海长廊、日光浴场等与水相关的活动区域沿海岸线分布着。在这里,所有针对城市空间改造的方案都意图保留或恢复城市与水的亲密性,把城市空间交还于居民。Molfetta is a city that has always been linked to the sea, with

2、 a coastline marked by the relationship between its different uses with the water (harbors, shipyards, promenades, bathing areas, etc). Any proposal to improve this space must be oriented to preserve or restore the identity of the place and give the city back to citizens. 东部滨海空间渲染图,Eastern Promenade

3、 rendering 西部滨海空间渲染图,Western Promenade rendering Prima Cala 海滩渲染图,Prima Cala rendering由于在地缘上靠近巴里,方案将莫尔费塔视作为意大利滨海旅游系统中的一个节点,通过步行道,错落的滨海平台和小体量的建筑,将城市和亚德里亚海连接起来。Due to its proximity to Bari, the project enhances Molfetta as a touristic spot of the Italian coast, linking the city to the Adriatic through

4、 a soft filter made of walkways, platforms and small buildings.方案落成后,城市与水的亲密关系将会重现在这个新的滨海活动空间中。The project is the regeneration and creation of a new promenade in order to get back the identity of the city. 总平面图,plan莫尔费塔滨海区域城市和海洋割裂的现状,繁忙的车流和匮乏的停车场地,使其滨海景观背离城市历史及结构上与水紧密相连的特征。The current relationship b

5、etween the land and the sea, as well as the high traffic density and the poor parking organization, have transformed the coastal landscape of Molfetta in a variety of promenades unrelated to the historical identity and tectonics of the city.通过在重要节点增加活动项目,用区域性的停车系统取代古城中现有的集中停车,以及增加一个连接 Prima Cala 海滩和

6、 Madonna dei Martiri 广场的快速公交路线,滨海空间的可用性将大幅提升。The proposal enhances the waterfront by adding activities in the most representative points of the promenade and decentralizing parking lots from the historical center of Molfetta, reorganizing it along the entire promenade. To do so, we suggest an expres

7、s bus line which connects Prima Cala with Madonna dei Martiri square. 停车体统,parking system方案重点关注了海洋与城市这两个截然不同的区域间边缘的处理。项目的东部与亚德里亚海相交的地块,通过错落的两层平台,将城市界面与海平面相连。而在西边,当地块的边界处于港口区域内时,边缘则简化处理为一层平台。The proposal focuses on the areas between the edge of the sea and the city: a limit with two very different at

8、titudes taking into account the relationship between the water and the stroll. On one hand, the eastern boundary is directly open to the Adriatic Sea, where two levels of promenades are proposed and the project works from the section, trying to link the water level with the one from the city. On the

9、 other hand, the western waterfront, where the limit is within the harbor area, is conceived with a single level. 剖面设计,sections根据周边和城市的需求,不同的活动节点沿海岸铺展开来。莫尔费塔的古城中心作为整个滨海区域的视觉中心,当仁不让的成为这个系统中的重点,在为参观者提供绝佳观赏点的同时,提醒着人们这座城市悠久的历史沉淀。Various nodes of activity are identified in relation to the surroundings an

10、d local needs. Molfettas historical center, which is visible from the whole promenade, is understood as the main node. This offers spectacular views along the already mentioned promenade and reminds us the origin and identity of Molfetta. 节点系统,nodes项目地块的其他问题,如闲置的空地,废弃的建筑,步行系统的不连贯性,步行系统的弱势地位以及消极的空间,都

11、被视作机遇一一得到解决。Several problems and opportunities are identified throughout the waterfront. Such problems are vacant spaces and/or abandoned buildings, walking discontinuities, vehicles priorities over citizens and completely inactivated areas. 解决方案,solutions东部滨海活动空间滨海活动空间的东部区域(从 Prima Cala 海滩到古城中心)的重点

12、在于步行、娱乐和休闲系统的建立。通过与城市界面齐平的上层平台以及连接海平面的下层平台,满足城市居民对日光浴、野餐、钓鱼等不同活动的需求,沿海滨道设置的各种服务设施为人们享用整个滨海活动空间提供便利。条形长凳取代了栏杆,作为特色景观元素统一了整个滨海空间的风格,在提供休憩空间的同时,激活附近场地的使用。在立面上,在通过植被弱化新建成的平台边缘的同时,保留现有的城市历史遗迹。Eastern PromenadeThe eastern part of the promenade (from Prima Cala to the old city center) is focused on the wal

13、ks, the entertainment and the leisure of citizens. It is compounded by two levels: the upper one (at the city level) and the lower one (at the sea level). In this section we suggest to create bathing and picnic spaces, areas for fishermen and a group of services that invite pedestrians to walk along

14、 the entire promenade. We are talking about a ride accompanied by singular elements along all its length: the benches. The space they take up allows us to get rid of the handrails and to provide both resting and dynamic areas inside the promenade.In a second plane, we create a vegetable sieve that m

15、akes it possible to blur the newest facades, but always protecting the ones considered as historical heritage of the city. 轴测图,axonometric drawing西部滨海活动空间滨海活动空间的西部区域(从 Banchina San Domenico 港 到 Madonna dei Martiri 广场)则有着更浓厚的商业氛围以及与海更直接的对话。与东部连续的宽阔平台不同,在西部现有的活动空间得到扩展的基础上,更多的新建场地补充进来。线性长凳不再意味着陆地与海的边缘,

16、而是成为不同活动场地间的过渡。植被与场地功能相结合,以组团形式出现。Western PromenadeThe western stretch of boardwalk (Banchina San Domenico to Madonna dei Martiri) has a more commercial character and more direct contact with the sea. Unlike the eastern section, the platform is characterized by a single constant and wider level. In this section, the existing facilities are expanded and new spaces for citizens are created. The linear bench disappears from the boundary betw


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