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1、高级英语 修辞1By figures of speech we refer to those rhetorical devices termed tropes in classical rhetoric. Tropes have to do with the way words are made to mean other than what they would normally imply, and therefore involve deviation from the ordinary and literal meaning of words. They are ways of mak

2、ing our language figurative. 1Simile(明喻) Simile develops out of the Latin word similis meaning like. A simile is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. The comparison is purely imaginative. To make the comparis

3、on, words like as, as.so, and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. Simile(明喻) 一词源于拉丁语,意思是:象、如 一样。明喻直接比较两个或两个以上不同的人或事物,英语中常用的喻词是 like和 as。明喻比较的不同的人和事物之间必须至少有一个共同点,而所进行的比较纯属想象。 1. I was interrupted in my meditations by a noise like the Scotch express going under a

4、bridge. It was Honoria Glossop laughing. -by P.G. Wodehouse 一阵犹如直快火车在桥下隆隆驶过的响声打断了我的思路。原来是格洛思蒲在笑。 高级英语 修辞22. He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. - by George Eliot 这个人就像一只骄傲自负的公鸡,以为太阳升起是为了听它啼鸣。 3. One blinks before the dirty houses as one blinks before a man with his fac

5、e shot away. - H.L.Mencken 人们看到这所肮脏的房子,就像看到一个脸被子弹崩掉的人一样,惊愕不已。 4. Mary and her mother are as like as two peas. 玛丽和她母亲长得酷似。2Metaphor(隐喻) A metaphor, like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. A metaphor is in

6、a sense a condensed simile, differing from the latter only in form and artistry. Lets compare: Metaphor(隐喻)和明喻一样,也是两个不同事物之间的比较,但它有别于明喻,这种比较是隐含的,非陈述的。隐喻是一种浓缩的明喻,只是形式和表现手法不一样。Lets compare:Jim was as cunning as a fox. ( simile )Jim was a fox. ( metaphor )The world is like a stage. ( simile )The world i

7、s a stage. ( metaphor )高级英语 修辞3Lets look at more examples: 1. They wanted to get into the fun before the whole thing turned belly up. 它们要在这场战争结束之前也过一下打仗的瘾。 analysis For description, a dead fish which would be belly up implies the end of the thing. In translation, the implied rhetorical meaning is gi

8、ven instead of the literary meaning of the original. 2.Malone accused Bryan of calling for a duel to the death between science and religion.Then the court broke into a storm of applause that passed that for Bryan. The crowd seemed to feel that their champion had not scorched the infidels with the ho

9、t breath of his oratory as he should have.-John Scopes 马隆呼吁学术自由,指责布赖恩挑起科学与宗教之间的殊死斗争。.听众们似乎觉得他们的雄辨家布赖恩并没有能象往日那样以其三寸不料之舌击败马隆那些异教徒们。 analysis The write uses the words duel and storm and scorched to mean metaphorically the dead struggle between science and religion, the idealistic support of the mass an

10、d the unreasonable resentment of them against reasonable ideas. 决斗 ,暴风雨和烧焦 3. His eyes came out of his head like a prawns, and once more his moustache foamed up against his breakwater of a nose.-by Mr. Woodhouse 他那两只对虾眼在头上凸出来,鼻孔中喷出的热气把胡须吹得飘来飘去。 高级英语 修辞44. Of all the arts, tragedy is the proudest, th

11、e most triumphant; for it builds its shining citadel in the very center of the enemys country, on the very summit of his highest mountain; from its impregnable watch-towers, his camps and arsenals, his columns and forts are all revealed.-Bertrand Russell 悲剧是艺术之巅,是艺术的骄傲,因为悲剧把自己辉煌的城堡建造在敌人心脏地区的峰项上,在坚不可

12、摧的敌人的防区扎起营房、设下火药库、排好队列并且造起炮楼。 5. Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech. Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan. The trickle became a stream; the stream has now become a torrent.-by G. N

13、. M. Tyrell 语言一旦成为人们交流思想的工具,知识就开始增加,随后就是知识的系统化积累。点点滴滴的知识汇成潺潺涓流,涓涓溪流又汇成汪洋大海,取之不尽、用之不绝。 6.The hall way was zebra-striped with darkness and moonlight.-Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 月光射进回廊,在黑暗中投下条条光影。 3Metonymy(换喻) Originating from Greek, metonymy means a change of name, that is, the use of one thing for another re

14、lated to it, as the Bench for the magistrates or judges sitting in court, a silk for a Queens Counsel, the bottle for alcoholic liquor. 高级英语 修辞5 Metonymy(换喻)一词来源于希腊语,意思是:名称的变换。换喻就是用一个事物的名称替换与它有连带关系的另一事物的名称,例如,用法官坐的板凳 替换 法庭的法官;用法官穿的 丝服表示英国王室的法律顾问;用盛酒的瓶子 替换酒 。 The glories of our blood and state,Are sh

15、adows, not substantial things;There is no armor against fate;Death lays his icy hand on kings;Scepter and CrownMust tumble downAnd in the dust be equal madeWith the poor crooked Scythe and Spade.(Shirley, The Glories of Our Blood)Metonymy can be derived from various sources-from names of persons, fr

16、om animals, professions, locations, or names of places:A. Names of persons1. John Bull: England, or the English people2. Uncle Sam: The United States of AmericaB. Animals1. British Lion: England or the English government2. the bear: The former Soviet union or the Soviet governmentC. Parts of the body高级英



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