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1、英语单项知识的讲解与练习(94)466. choose 的用法choose 选择。例句:He will choose banking as his career.他将选择银行业做为职业。He chose not to go home until later.他决定晚一点才回家。Have you chosen where to go? 你选定去哪儿了吗 ?I do not choose running. 我不打算跑。He chose that we should stay. 他要我们留下短语:These books are for you to choose (后要加:from, among,

2、out of)这些书供你挑选;choose between A and B 从 A、B 中选一个;cannot choose but (do) 只得;choose three from/ among/ out of these books 从这些书中挑选三本;choose A before B 挑 A 不挑B; choose somebody something 替某人挑选某物;choose somebody (as/ for/ to be) our team leader 挑选某人当队长;choose for 选作为;choose to do something 选定、愿意做某事; choo

3、se asfor把选作;用法:choose 作“选择”解时可接名词、代词、带或不带疑问词的动词不定式、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词 for 的宾语。choose 还可接以“to be/as+ n. ”或以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 choose 作“决定,选定”解时,可接动词不定式或 that/wh-从句作宾语,而不接名词或代词作宾语,不可用于被动结构。choose 后接的 that 从句须用虚拟语气。choose 作“喜欢; 宁愿” 解时,可以搭用 before, instead of 或 more than 引起的短语来构成选择比较结构。

4、比较:choose 挑选,强调以个人意志判断的抉择。如:Choose me a good one, please. choice 一般只限于两者之间的选择。如:I have a choice between “go” and “come”. select 挑选,强调在同一种或不同种类的许多东西中进行有目的的精选或淘汰。如:You may select those books you like best. pick (out) 与 choose, select 同义,指按个人的喜好或希望做选择,有“仔细挑剔、苛刻地选择” 等意味。如: Pick out what you like from th

5、ese. 练习:There are five pairs _, but Im at a loss which to buy.A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choosing _ but keep silent over the matter in order not to lose his present job.A. He had no choice B. There was no other choice for him C. He didnt have any choice D. There was nothin

6、g for him to do The couple next door were quarreling all night long so I had no choice but _ awake till dawn.A. lie B. to lie C. lay D. to lay The key _ as captain is that you must have the outstanding ability of leadership.A. to choosing B. to choose C. to be chosen D. to being chosen 467. civil 的用

7、法civil 国内的,公民的,文明的。例句:The law shall strictly protect civil rights.法律应严格保护公民的权利。The presence of the army should act as a check on civil unrest. 军队的存在应能制止民间的动乱。The boy was so cold and even didnt return a civil greeting.那个男孩是那么的冷淡,他甚至都没有回敬一个礼貌的问候。The America Civil War broke out during the presidency of

8、 Lincoln.在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。I am working on a masters degree in civil architecture.我在攻读民用建筑专业的硕士学位。短语:a civil engineer 土木工程师;civil engineering 土木工程;engineer a bridge 设计桥梁; civil service 文官(总称); civil society 文明社会; civil war 内战; civil to offer the help 有礼貌的提供帮助;civil to strangers 对陌生人有礼貌;用法:civil 的基本含意是

9、“公民的,平民的”,也可作“非军职的,非宗教的; 国民间的,民用的; 民事的,民法的”解,常用作定语, 无比较级和最高级形式。civil 还可作“ 文明的 ,有教养的”解,常与介词 of 或 to 连用, 可用于比较等级。练习:Du Li was admitted into the Science and civil _ College of Shandong after the 28th Athens Olympic Games.A. Engineer B. Engineering C. Engine D. Engaging The American Civil War _ in 1861.

10、 A. happened B. took place C. occurred D. broke outThe people should have their _ rights each.A. persons B. peoples C. civil D. civilsThe Chinese people are working hard to build up a _ society.A. civil B. civilization C. civilize D. civilizable468. close 的用法close 关、闭、亲密的、靠近的、靠近。例句:He soon brought t

11、he meeting to a close.他很快就结束了会见。They live quite close.他们住得很近。The church is close to the school.教堂在学校附近。If you close your eyes, you cant see anything.如果你闭上眼睛,就什么也看不见了。The road was closed to traffic for two days.这条路已经封路两天了。短语:get/ be close to 接近;stand close to 站的近旁;close friends 亲密的朋友;have a close rel

12、ation with 同有密切的关系;close at hand 近在咫尺; live close by 住在附近;come/ bring to a close 结束、终止;close down/ up 关闭;close on/ upon 接近、差不多;close in 围拢、逼近;close about 笼罩周围;close the door(s) to somebody/ something 朝着关上大门、不给机会;用法:close 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,主动形式可含有被动意义。close 在句中可用作定

13、语或表语,其后常加介词 to。close 可修饰动态动词或其他副词,也常修饰介词短语或形容词。close 后常接介词 of, 表示“的结束”。比较:close to 接近、邻近、靠近; close 是形容词或副词, to 是介词,用在动词等后面, to 后接表示地点或场所的名词,若接表示某方面的名词,则用 in。 be close to 接近、邻近;get close to 接近、靠近;be close in age 年龄很接近;at the close of 在结束时;bring to a close 结束;close 与 closely 都可作副词,当意思为 “紧紧”时,两者可换用;当意为

14、“近地”, close 指场所的接近、邻近、挨近;closely 指状况或人际关系的“密切”;当意为 “严格、仔细、严密、密切”时,只用 closely。如:Watch closely what I do./ This problem is closely related with that one.练习:She came _ him and whispered sth into his ear. A. close to B. closely to C. far away D. far from After they had watched many sleepers _, researche

15、rs came to a conclusion that people sleep with their eyes _ but not all the time.A. close; closely B. closely; close C. close; closed D. closely; closed I wonder why he kept his mouth _ while the police were looking into the accident.You said it. In fact he is _ related to the matter.A. close; close B. closing; closely C. shut; closely D. closed; nearly It was very cold so they stayed _ together to keep warm.A. close B. closed C. closely D. close to He sat _ against the wall and listened to the teacher _.A. close; close B. closely; clo



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