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1、Chapter4 Behavior and Attitudes9#502名词解释1.Attitude:个体对事情的反应方式2.Role:处于特定社会位置的人被期望表现出的行为3.Foot-in-the-door phenomenon:如果想要别人帮你一个大忙,一个有效的策略是:请他们帮一个小忙。4.Self-perception theory:当我们观察自己的行为时我们会做出类似的推断。填空题1.The “ABCs” of attitudes: affect behavior cognition 2.Daryl Bem put forward the self-perception theor

2、y 3. To reduce and eliminate cognitive dissonance we can: Change cognition Change behavior Increase third party cognition4.self-presentation theory assumes that for strategic reasons we express attitudes that make us appear consistent.5.self-presentation also names Impression Management 单选题1.Which o

3、f the following options is not one of the ABCs of Attitudes?( C)A. affect B. behavior C. belief D. cognition2. Which of the following options is the function of attitude on behavior(B)Adecide B. predict C. change D. strength3.When saying becomes believing?(A)A. when there is no compelling,external e

4、xplanation for ones wordsB. when there is no one disagrees what you saidC. when you believe in what you saidD. when people believe in what you said4.which of the following options is true about impression management? (B)A. our attitudes change because we are motivated to maintain consistency among o

5、ur cognition.B. we express attitudes that match our actions.C. we express attitudes to leave a good impression to others.D. the aboves are wrong.5.what impression managements purpose is?(A)A. to create a good impressionB. to feel ourselves alrightC. to become a better personD. the aboves are wrong6.

6、“Here I am smoking again,I must like smoking。”which of the following can explain the sentence?(D)A. self-persentionB. self-justicationC. impression managementD. self-perception7.“I look like a cool smoker.”which of the following can explain the sentence?(B )A. self-perceptionB. impression management

7、C. self-justicationD .self-observation8.“I dont sing because I am happy,I am happy because I sing.”which of the following can explain the sentence?(A)A. insufficient justification effectB. self-perception theoryC. self presentation theoryD. impression management9.which of the following is true about

8、 cognitive dissonance theory?(C)A. the smallest incentive that will get people to do something is usually the most effective in getting them to like the activity and keep on doing it.B. people explain their behavior by noting the conditions under which it occurs.C. when external inducements are insu

9、fficient to justify our behavior,we reduce dissonance by justifying the behavior internally.D. the result of bring people to do what they already like doing;they may then see their actions as externally controlled rather than intrinsically appealing 10.social psychologys detective suspect three poss

10、ible sources about why actions affect attitude,what are they?(C)A. self presentation,overjustification effect,cognitive dissonanceB. self presentation,overjustification effect,insufficient justification effectC. self presentation ,self justification ,self perceptionD. self presentation ,self justifi

11、cation,impression management. 多选题1 Why does our behavior affect our attitudes ( ABC )A self-presentation: impression managementB self-justification: cognitive dissonanceC self-perceptionD social movement2 How well do our attitudes predict our behavior (ABD)A when attitudes predict behaviorB when att

12、itudes are potent C when saying becomes believing D when the attitude corresponds very closely to the predicted behavior3 When does our behavior affect our attitude ( ABD )A role playing B social movements C comparing theories D evil and moral acts4 Which of the following statements is wrong ( AB )A

13、 Role play can not predict our attitudeB the foot-in-the-door is not very effectiveC The law of behavior decision attitude may lead to unethical behaviorD Positive behavior to others will enhance the impression of the people5 Claude Steeles suggest why is “volunteering” to say or do undesirable thin

14、g so arousing,( ABC )A act are embarrassing B they make us feel foolish C they threaten our sense of personal competence and goodnessD people rarely internalize coerced behavior6 Reduce and eliminate the stress and psychological tension caused by the cognitive dissonance, usually take the following

15、ways( ABD )A change cognitionB change behaviorC choose to escapeD increase cognition 7 What reason will produce pleasant behavior( AC )A intrinsic motivationB The environmental factorsC extrinsic motivation D above three 8 Which of the following is a foot-in-the-door phenomenon( ABC )A Decomposing a

16、 large problem into a number of small problemsB when asking for help, ask for a little.C When making a plan, first complete the simple part.D Attain the highest level in one step9 Which of the following statements is right( ABCD )A social psychologist Allan Wicker offered a shocking conclusion; Peoples expressed attitude hardly predict their varying behavior B self-conscious people usually are in touch with their



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