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1、Video shows animals in tiny cages during processUpdated: 2012-02-23 08:06By Zheng Jinran (China Daily)Print Mail Large Medium Small 2 BEIJING - A bear wearing a small metal jacket walked quickly around in a cage not much bigger than its body. Sometimes it suddenly crashed against the cage and roared

2、 in the shabby room where two moon bears are kept to extract bile every day. A plastic bag and a pipe were plugged into its body. The images are part of a video clip that premiered at a news conference on Tuesday by Animals Asia Foundation, an animal protection organization with headquarters in Hong

3、 Kong. The 15-minute video, with clips taken in the last few years, shows more cases about the plight of bears from illegal private farms or legal companies. We want to show the truth of extracting bile to the public, that the industry is cruel and inhumane, said Xiong Junhui, a major member of the

4、video team, which spent four years collecting information in six provinces and cities by pretending to be buyers. Guizhentang Pharmaceutical, one of Chinas largest bear bile producers, applied for an initial public offering in February, drawing strong opposition from many individuals as well as non-

5、governmental organizations related to animal welfare protection. Fang Shuting, head of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, supports the company, saying the cruel practice of metal jackets was used more than 20 years ago, and the free drip method it uses causes no pain to the bears

6、 because they looked very comfortable. The company opened its farm to media and the public on Wednesday and Friday to prove it. But Animals Asia Foundation denied free drips were safe, adding it brings no less trauma to bears physically and psychologically. Of 165 bears experiencing the free drip bi

7、le extraction, 99 percent have cholecystitis (or biliary colic) and 66 percent have gallbladder polyps. About 36 bears have gallstones, some as large as seven centimeters. Many bears suffered multiple diseases in their livers and gallbladders, according to information collected from the groups bear

8、rescue center in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province. People would feel great pain if they have a stone in their kidney even its only half a centimeter. Please think how painful it would be with such large gallstones, said Monica Bando, a veterinarian at the center. The center rescued 277 Asian bla

9、ck bears, or moon bears, from a crackdown on farms and 121 of them died - 35 percent from liver cancer. Consuming bear bile poses a significant risk to human health, because the bile was extracted from a long-time wound, where the tissue is sensitive and has many diseases, said Zhang Xiaohai, extern

10、al affairs director of the foundation. If the IPO is successful, it would be a huge hit to the animal protection campaign, and would be irresponsible for future shareholders of the company, because the industry has no future, Zhang said. Animals Asia Foundation didnt visit the Guizhentang bear farm

11、with the media, though it was invited, but the foundation published an announcement at Sina Weibo that the Guizhentang bear farm declined to allow them into the farm on Wednesday. Its not transparent at all, said Jill Robinson, founder of the organization. We want the records of these bears released

12、 to the public. And what we did is not targeted at a company, but the industry as a whole. We want the whole industry to stop, Robinson told media on Wednesday. China Daily(China Daily 02/23/2012 page3)网友卧底 4 年偷拍熊场取胆铁马甲使用依旧普遍2012-02-25 10:06:16 来源:广州日报打印文章 发送给我好友0中国在线部分养熊场取胆过程残忍被困养黑熊需穿“铁马甲”定期吃消炎药。归真

13、堂近日邀请媒体围观活熊取胆让活熊取胆再度引发网友关注。同时,一则名为月亮熊的视频在国内各大论坛被网友疯狂点击并转载。视频是 4 位网友以游者身份、历时 4 年拍摄的纪录片。视频所揭发的黑作坊活熊取胆的真相也引发网友强烈关注。昨天,该视频主创人员接受本报记者采访,介绍了这段纪录片惊心动魄的拍摄经历和鲜为人知的“熊产业链”。4 年来到 4 省熊场偷拍这段时长 16 分 27 秒的月亮熊视频以全纪实的方式记录了拍摄者在吉林、辽宁、四川等省拍摄的活熊取胆的真实场面。视频中,黑熊的哀嚎与伤口令人动容。昨日,该段视频在网上的点击量超过万次。很多网友在看过视频后都感慨“活熊取胆实在太残忍了,这种传统的制药方

14、式应该取缔” 。“我们 4 年间去了全国 4 个省份 11 家熊场,有 4 间是合法的,我们甚至去了越南。这些天我看到有中药协的官员说活熊取胆熊很舒服,我坐不住了,我决定站出来,用我们掌握的情况回应这种言论,告诉大家活熊取胆的真相。我也看到过所谓的无管引流 、 无痛取胆,但我看到这些所谓很舒服 的熊,实际上身上也有伤口溃烂、发炎。换了是人,身上有那么大的伤口,会舒服吗?”该视频的导演涂俏昨天接受本报采访时说。假扮游客进村买熊胆涂俏表示,早在 2008 年初,有报纸报道说活熊取胆很残忍,于是她便有了拍纪录片记录活熊取胆真相的想法。但拍摄工作却比预想的困难得多。 “正规熊场明确拒绝,不正规的熊场你

15、根本不知道在哪里,去拍摄还得冒着被打的危险。 ”从 2008 年初到 2009 年 5 月的一年多时间,他们都在四处寻觅熊场拍摄,但都一无所获。最后,找了一圈,锁定了第一个目标吉林省榆树市。他们听说榆树市青山乡有很多熊场,于是雇了一辆出租车直奔乡下。为了掩人耳目,几个人假扮游客进村买熊胆,把摄像机藏在衣服里面,隐蔽拍摄,随行的另外一位摄像师则假扮成她的老公。 “走过两三户人家,一位农妇正在园地里摘菜。我试着问你们家有熊胆卖吗?,农妇迟疑了片刻,反问我, 你们怎么知道这里有熊胆粉卖的? 我知道这下有戏。就说, 听人说的,我们家有老人有肝病,正等着熊胆粉救命。 这下才骗过农妇,获得接近熊场偷拍的机

16、会。 ”但是,很快熊场的主人便发现了摄像机,质问他们怎么回事?她解释称,家中的老人希望能用到真正的熊胆,用摄像机拍摄取胆过程是为了让老人放心,这才蒙混过关。熊场违规使用“铁马甲”涂俏昨天告诉记者,4 年间她和几名同伴一共探访了四川资阳、吉林延吉等地的 11 家熊场,其中有 4 家是有证的,其余 7 家都是“地下”的。而活熊取胆的残忍场景也着实让她吃了一惊。她第一次“卧底” 的熊场,只养着两头熊。只见每个笼子里都关着一只黑熊,笼子里的黑熊几乎无法转身。养殖户拿着大铁钩子,熟练地推了推那块特制的挡板,外加一个碗口粗的大铁棒,将熊死死地固定在一个更小的区域里,接着,便听到了黑熊的一声嚎叫,真的很悲惨。也是这一次,她才知道,为了防止熊乱动,取胆的熊都要穿上“铁马甲”。她表示, “铁马甲”,就是穿戴在熊身上的几十斤重的铁甲。由于国家相关条文规定,禁止给熊穿“铁马甲”,所以这些养殖户一听到风声、有人来检查时就将“铁马甲”卸掉。为熊穿上“铁马甲” 需要 10 分钟,而卸下仅需 5 分钟。在视频


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