non-disclosure agreement(保密协议)

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《non-disclosure agreement(保密协议)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《non-disclosure agreement(保密协议)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、MUTUAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT DATEDBETWEEN:(1) THE LONDON TAXI CORPORATION LTD and its Affiliates whose Registered Office is at Holyhead Road, Coventry, CV5 8JJ; and(1 ) 伦敦出租车有限公司及其附属机构,公司注册地址:考文垂市霍利黑德路,CV5 8JJ;与(2) COMPANY NAME and its Affiliates whose Registered Office is at(2 ) _公司及其附属机构,公司注册地址

2、:_之间订立于 年 月 日的共同保密协议WHEREAS:鉴于:A. In the course of the parties dealings with each other, it will be necessary for them to give, expose or disclose each to the other Confidential Information (as defined in this Agreement).A双方合作项目的进行期间,一方必需给予、告知、披露给另一方所需的“保密信息”(如本协议所定义)。B. The parties have agreed that

3、 the Confidential Information will be disclosed by the Disclosing Party, without jeopardising or otherwise relinquishing its proprietary rights therein, on the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement.B. 双方同意, 披露方将根据本协议的条款和条件披露保密信息, 但披露方的披露行为不应危害或在其他方面损及其对保密信息拥有的各项专有权益。IT IS HEREBY AGRE

4、ED as follows:双方均同意 1. In this Agreement:1. 本协议中1.1 “Affiliates” means a subsidiary of either party, their holding company and any subsidiaries of such holding company (as such expressions are defined by Section 1159 of Companies Act 2006)1.1 附属机构指任一方的子公司、控股公司以及此控股公司的任何下属公司(参见 2006 年公司法案第1159 章)1.2

5、“Confidential Information” means all information (whether marked “Confidential” or otherwise) in whatever media including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, all renderings, sketches, drawings, data, know-how, formulae, processes, designs, software programs, photographic and other

6、 material relating to the dealings between the parties, the business affairs or products of the Disclosing Party, its customers, clients and business associates disclosed by the Disclosing Party from time to time.1.2 保密信息指所有以任何媒介形式披露的信息(不管此信息是否标记为“机密”),包括但不限于披露方不时披露的所有表现形式、素描、图纸、数据、技术秘密、公式、工艺流程、设计、软

7、件程序、图片和其他与双方交易有关的物质,以及披露方的商务信息或产品及其顾客、客户及商业伙伴等信息。1.3“the Disclosing Party” means the party disclosing Confidential Information.1.3 “披露方”是指披露保密信息的一方。1.4“the Recipient” means the party receiving Confidential Information.1.4 “接收方”是指接收保密信息的一方。2. In consideration of the disclosure of the Confidential Inf

8、ormation by the Disclosing Party, the Recipient hereby undertakes that it shall (whether acting by its officers, agents, employees or otherwise howsoever);2 鉴于披露方向接收方披露保密信息,接收方(无论是否由其公司管理人员、代理、雇员还是其他任何人代表其行事)在此保证应履行以下义务:2.1 not publish or disclose or procure the publication or disclosure of the Conf

9、idential Information (or any part thereof) to any third party without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party;2.1 除非获得披露方的预先书面同意,接收方不得出版、公布或者导致任何或部分保密信息的出版或公布给任何第三方。2.2 not disclose the Confidential Information (or any part thereof) to any of its employees other than those who need to know

10、 such information for the exclusive purpose of enabling the Recipient to carry out its business with the Disclosing Party;2.2 除了那些为使接收方能顺利开展其与披露方之间的业务而必须获知保密信息的员工之外,不得向其他员工披露保密信息。2.3 keep secure and confidential all the Confidential Information and shall not copy any part thereof (or convert it into

11、 an alternative format) without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party; and2.3 确保所有保密信息的安全和机密性;未获得披露方的书面同意时,不得复制任何部分保密信息或是把保密信息转换成其他可替代格式。2.4 only use the Confidential Information for the purposes of its business with the Disclosing Party.2.4 保密信息只允许用于与披露方之间的业务。2.5 The Recipient undertake

12、s to inform its Affiliates, employees, agents, directors and advisors who receive Confidential Information of the confidential nature of such information and to direct them to treat it as Confidential for the purposes described above. The Recipient shall be responsible for any breach of this Agreeme

13、nt by any of its Affiliates, employees, agents, directors and advisors, or any other third party who receives the Confidential Information with the Disclosing Partys consent.2.5 接收方应告知所有接收此信息的人员包括其附属公司、雇员、代理、经理、顾问有关此信息的机密 属性,要求他们按保密信息对待,以便达到上述保密目的。在获得披露方同意情况下,信息披露给其附属公司、雇员、代理、经理、顾问或是任何其他第三方,第三方对此协议的

14、违反接收方应负责任。3. The Disclosing Party shall be entitled at any time to require the Recipient to return all documentation and materials (in whatever form) containing any part of the Confidential Information including all documentation and materials created by or on behalf of the Recipient.3披露方有权在任何时间要求接收

15、方退还包含有任何部分保密信息的所有文件和材料(以任何形式),其中包括接收方或代表接收方在保密信息基础上创造的所有文件和材料。4. Without prejudice to the generality of clauses 2.1 and 2.2, if the Disclosing Party approves the disclosure of any part of the Confidential Information by the Recipient to third parties, the Recipient shall first ensure that such third

16、 party enters into written undertakings with the Recipient in a form substantially the same as those appearing in this Agreement, save that such third parties shall have no further right to authorise disclosure to another party and that the provision of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall apply to that agreement.4.在不影响第 2.1 和 2.2 款约定的情



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