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1、XX 交 通 大 学 试 卷2009 2010 学年 第 2 学期教研室主任(签字)学院院长(系主任)(签字)专 业班 级学 号姓 名课程 机械工程专业英语 课程性质(必修限选任选) 考试方式(闭卷开卷)一、选择题(在每题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,总计 15 分)1. If all points in a linkage move in parallel planes the system undergoes planar motion and the linkage may be described as a .A. planar motion B

2、. planar linkage C. joints D. slide 2. Though frame material and design should handle damping, are sometimes built into frame sections to handle specific problems.A .beams B. holes C. dampers D. screw3. The maximum allowable deflection of a shaft _ determined by critical speed, gear, or bearing requ

3、irements. A. often B. must C. was D. is usually 4. We will have to _ to better and better solutions as we generate more information. A. repeat many times B. iterating C. iterate D. try ways 5. If a product configuration is _ specified and then examined to determine whether the performance requiremen

4、ts are met.A. finally B. tentatively C. temporary D. have been6. Manufacturing can be defined as the _ of raw materials into useful products through the use of the easiest and lest-expensive methods.A. transformation B. processing C. process D. transforming7. The planer and knee types of milling mac

5、hine is _ because of its flexibility. A. used most commonly B. most popular C. the most commonly used D. most powerful8. As a result, the system will vibrate at the frequency of the _ force regardless of the initial conditions or natural frequency of the system. A. action B. excitation C. out D. act

6、9. Before two components are assembled together, the relationship between the dimensions of the mating surfaces_.A. must be giving out B. should printed clearlyC. must be specified D. should be clearly noted 10. The main practical advantage of lower pairs is their better ability to trap lubricant be

7、tween their _ surfaces. A. enveloping B. mating C. outer D. outside11. The word_ itself usually refers to the deterioration of metals and ceramics, while similar phenomena in plastics generally called _. A. recrystallization. corrosion B. recrystallizationdegradation 装订线题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总 分得 分C.

8、degradationcorrosion D. corrosion degradation12. Most frames _ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concrete.A. are made from B. are made up ofC. was produced by D. was consist of13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed to avoid operation at speeds.A . low B

9、 .overload C. critical D. hollow14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requires a .A. pattern B. model C. mold D. patent15. The term is used to describe joints with surface contact, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.A. high pair B. low pair C. surface pair D. rotary pair 二、

10、完型填空(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,总计 15 分)The term shaft usually refers to a relatively long member of round cross section that rotates and transmits power. One or more members such as gears, sprockets, pulleys, and cams are usually (16) to the shaft by means of pins, keys, splines, snap

11、rings, and other devices. These latter members are among the “associated parts” considered in this text, as are couplings and universal joint, which serve to (17) the shaft to the source of power or load.A shaft can have a noround cross section, ant it need not necessarily rotate. It can be stationa

12、ry and serve to (18) a rotating member, such as the short shafts that support the nondriving wheels of an automobile. The shafts supporting(19) gears can be either rotating or stationary depending on (20) the gear is attached to the shaft or supported by it through bearings.It is apparent that shaft

13、s can be subjected to various combinations of axial, bending, and(21) loads, and that these loads may be static or fluctuating. Typically, a rotating shaft transmitting power is (22) to a constant torque (producing a mean torsional stress) together with a completely reversed bending load (producing

14、an alternating bending stress).In addition to satisfying (23) requirements, shafts must be designed so that deflections are within acceptable limits. Excessive (24) shafts deflection can hamper gear performance and cause (25) noise. The associated angular deflection can be very destructive to no-sel

15、f- aligning bearings(either plain or rolling). (26) deflection can affect the accuracy of a cam or gear driven mechanism. Furthermore, the greater the flexibility -either lateral or torsional-the lower the corresponding (27) speed.考生注意: 考试时间 120 分钟 试卷总分 100 分 共 5 页 第 1 页专 业班 级学 号姓 名Sometimes members like gears and cams are made (28) with shaft, but more often such members (which also include pulleys


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