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1、新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 5 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box. stigma animated decidedly etiquette linguistic entrusted eloquent availability undermine intellectual 1. The poet gave an incredibly eloquent speech and brought many peopl

2、e to tears. Your answer Correct answer eloquent eloquent 2. Whats the proper etiquette required for eating dinner with a prince? Your answer Correct answer etiquette etiquette 3. My daughter shows a(n) intellectual curiosity not usual for someone so young. Your answer Correct answer intellectual int

3、ellectual 4. I like the debate team at school because we always have such animated conversations. Your answer Correct answer animated animated 5. Whats your availability to go fishing next weekend? Your answer Correct answer availability availability 6. Her brother was entrusted with their fathers f

4、ortune after he passed away. Your answer Correct answer entrusted entrusted 7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n) stigma connected to her skin color. Your answer Correct answer stigma stigma 8. Dont question my decisions and undermine my authority in fron

5、t of the other employees! Your answer Correct answer undermine undermine 9. Its obvious that Kevin has amazing linguistic abilities since hes fluent in six languages! Your answer Correct answer linguistic linguistic 10. The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) decidedly unfair competitio

6、n. Your answer Correct answer decidedly decidedly Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Even if I dont win the award, its still an honor to be a(n) _. a. applicant b. champion c. nominee d. spectator 12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I cant imagine having _ children

7、at once. a. multiply b. double c. individual d. multiple 13. Im one of two vice-presidents, and my _ at the other office will be your main point of contact. a. counterpart b. supervisor c. subordinate d. employee 14. Always be kind is the _ rule I expect my employees to live by. a. principle b. prin

8、cipal c. standard d. irrelevant 15. His time in office was marked by _ affairs and controversy. a. highbrow b. unemotional c. scandalous d. unintended 16. I became a partner in the law firm, _ increasing my salary considerably. a. thereby b. hereby c. standby d. passerby 17. Choosing not to hire som

9、eone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _. a. discriminate b. discrimination c. discriminatory d. discriminator 18. Tony gets _ if he drinks too much, and hes liable to hurt someone. a. peaceful b. hostile c. ambivalent d. apathetic 19. What was the suspects _ to kill Gene? a. motiv

10、ate b. motivator c. motivation d. motive 20. After all these years, I still _ that it wasnt my fault. a. portend b. attend c. contend d. pretend Section C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21. She entrusted me with managing the entire staff this week. Your answer Corr

11、ect answer with with 22. They managed to catch the opposing player off guard and score a goal. Your answer Correct answer off off 23. Tony has been described as both a lover and a hater. Your answer Correct answer as as 24. Other than the occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine. Your answer Co

12、rrect answer than than 25. I think it goes without saying that I want to go to college. Your answer Correct answer without without 26. Diane wrote an article to the effect that men and women were equal in all respects. Your answer Correct answer that that 27. Lets rake over the suspects answers and

13、see if we can find some clues. Your answer Correct answer over over 28. Please fill out these forms and have a seat; someone will be with you shortly. Your answer Correct answer out out 29. Remember to take yard work into account when you figure how much free time you have this weekend. Your answer

14、Correct answer into into 30. Its not a good idea to make sarcastic comments about your previous boss during a job interview. Your answer Correct answer about about Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Its very interesting that so many world cultures are (31) pat

15、riarchal , or based on the superiority of the father or husband. Why do you think this is so? There are a(n) (32)myriad of explanations, but many of them can be traced back to the basic (33)masculine stereotypes: strength, power, and dominance. Throughout history and around the world, men have overp

16、owered women due to their physical qualities. Yet how can we explain the handful of cultures that are actually (34) matriarchal , or based on the superiority of the mother or wife? No one can (35) presume to know the precise reason for why they developed differently, but it is interesting to theorize. One particularly (36)revealing fact is that most of these cultures have a strong agricultural tradi



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