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1、4本科毕业论文茶具设计燕 山 大 学2012 年 6月 3I燕山大学毕业论文任务书学院:艺术与设计学院 系级教学单位:工业设计 学号 080111020007学生姓名 胡永姣专 业班 级08工业设计(一)班题目名称 茶具设计题目性 质1.理工类:工程设计( ) ;工程技术实验研究型( ) ;理论研究型( ) ;计算机软件型( ) ;综合型( )2.管理类( ) ;3.外语类( ) ;4.艺术类( )题目类型 1.毕业设计( ) 2.论文( )题目题目来源 科研课题( ) 生产实际( )自选题目( ) 主要内容本课题站在现代感的角度,从造型上,使用功能上,材质上,色彩上,对现有的茶具进行了全面的

2、分析,总结了一套新的产品设计方案。主要表达的是一款造型别致,色彩、色泽协调,文雅高贵,时尚简洁,文化与时尚共存的现代简约风茶具。基本要求做出概念草图三套、画出三视效果图、软件建模、模型制作一份、展板 4块、设计手册 5份、PPT答辩材料一份、论文一份。参考资料中国茶具设计 人民美术出版社. 2010.茶文化与茶具 四川科学技术出版社,2004.齐斯马克思主义美学基础 M.北京:中国文联出版社,1985产品形态契合设计研究 张雯 南京理工大学周次 第 1 4 周 第 5 8 周 第 9 12 周 第 13 16 周 第 17 18 周应完成的内容市场调研,前期内容的收集开题报告,任务书,参考文献

3、的整理草图的整理与设计的大致方案方案的确定与计算机图形的完成模型制作与论文4指导教师:职称:年 月 日系级教学单位审批:年 月 日3III摘要如今,随着生活节奏的加快、工作压力的增强,人与人之间的交流时间也变得越来越少,饮茶可以使人获得片刻安详、和平、轻松、愉悦的享受。城市里相应地出现了各种各样的茶楼,成为人们消遣、休闲、聚会的好去处,茶文化带动了陶瓷茶具设计的空前兴旺,市场出现了各式各样的陶瓷茶具。现代陶艺的兴起,带动了陶瓷茶具设计审美领域的革新。陶瓷茶具的设计已经成为现代生活中新的元素,文人茶具的出现也是这个时代最显著的特色。文人们将饮茶活动与陶瓷茶具设计结合起来,融入自己的生活,反映了在


5、生活中必不可少的用品之,本文章论述了以精神为导向的情感化茶具所承载的内涵与外延。关键词茶具;茶文化;浮躁;回归自然;精神导向6AbstractNow, with the accelerated pace of life, work pressure increased, the exchanges between people and time is becoming less and less, tea can make people get a quiet, peaceful, relaxed, cheerful enjoyment. In the city the correspondi

6、ng emergence of various restaurants, entertainment, leisure, the party became a good place, tea culture has driven the unprecedented prosperity of ceramic tea set design, the market appeared every kind of ceramic tea sets. The rise of modern ceramic art, led the ceramic tea set design aesthetic inno

7、vations. Ceramic tea set design has become a new element in the modern life, bookman tea also appeared the most striking feature. The people will be tea and tea ceramic design combine, into their lives, reflected in the impetuous, Lee world scholar s desire to return to nature. In short, in the aest

8、hetic diversity today, tea is also responsive to the needs of the times and thus showing a colorful landscape in Chinese ceramic tea development, we can understand the cultural background, from ancient to modern times, people on the ceramic tea set selection and use, not only with the way of tea dri

9、nking, but also with the local tea custom close relationship, ceramic tea development, also reflected people to tea, tea, tea culture knowledge and understanding. Tea is a kind of physical activity, but is in the spiritual and artistic activities, therefore, Chinese tea custom facilitated the evolut

10、ion of ceramic tea development. Tea culture is the development of ceramic tea improving process, but also the progress of human civilization process. Tea means a clean and clear, is an attitude of life, is also a kind of unique artistic conception; is a simple mind, is also a kind of refined feeling

11、s. Tea is the modern human life essential supplies, the present article discusses the spiritual orientation of emotion the connotation and extension of tea.KeywordsTea; tea culture; impetuous; returning to nature; spiritual guidance 5I目 录摘要 .IAbstract.II绪论 .1一、茶具与茶文化 .3(一)茶具的兴起与功能 .3(二)茶文化的精神内涵 .3二、茶具设计(一)茶具设计发展趋势.4(二)崇尚自然,返璞归真.5(三)自然之味,意境之美.5结论 .6参考文献 .7致谢 .8附录一 1 开题报告 .5附录二 2 文献综述 .680绪论 品茶之美,美在意境。当人们在繁忙的工作之余,沏上一杯香茶,去感受茶自然的香、鲜、甜、醇,观杯中亦浓亦淡的汤色,若眉若花的叶芽。赏手中或精巧别


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