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1、1Chapter 11、 noiseIn communication, anything that interferes with the delivery of a message.2、 gatekeepersIndividuals who decide whether a given message will be distributed by a mass medium.3、 what are the eight elements in the communication process?At a general level ,communication events involves

2、the following :a source,a process of encoding, a message ,a channel ,a process of decoding,a receiver,the potential for feedback ,the chance of noise.1 The communication process is initiated by the A) message B) receiver C) source D) channel 2 The interpretation of physical message into a form that

3、has eventual meaning for a receiver is calledA) coding B) recoding C) decoding D) encoding 3 Receivers can be A) a group B) a single person C) an institution D) all of the above 4 An increase in noise _ message fidelity. bA) increases B) decreases C) does not effect D) expands 5 In machine-assisted

4、interpersonal communication: A) Source and receiver can be separated by time and space 2B) Messages can have permanence C) Messages can be amplified or transmitted over large distancesD) All of the above 6 Mass communication refers to the process by which a complex organization with the aid of one o

5、r more machines produces and transmits public messages that are directed at large, scattered audiences that are aA) heterogeneous B) homogenous C) related D) specific7 Message termination is easiest in A) interpersonal communication B) mass communication C) machine assisted interpersonal communicati

6、on D) none of the above 8 Mass communication organizations A) have multiple gatekeepers B) require little money to operate C) exist irregardless of profit D) are non-competitive 9 The following is an example of a media vehicle: A) newspapers and magazines B) radio stations C) TV networks D) all of t

7、he above 10 Disintermediation eliminates the A) source B) middleman C) customer D) seller 11 In a communication setting, encoding may take place only once. A) true B) false 312 Feedback refers to responses of the receiver that shape subsequent messages of the source. A) true B) false 13 Interpersona

8、l communication can occur between two people without being in each others physical presence. A) true B) false14 The receiver in the machine-assisted setting can be a single person only. A) true B) false 15 The term mass media refers to the messages carried to the public by vehicles such as TV, radio

9、 and magazines. A) true B) false Answer CCDBD ABADB BABBBChapter 21 paradigmA model used for analysis.2 dysfunctionsConsequences that are undesirable from the point of view of the welfare of society.3 ideologyParticular set of beliefs or ideas.4 hegemonyDominance of one entity over another.5 Compare

10、 and contrast the functional approach and the critical /cultural approach .how does each view the audience ?how does 4each view the media?View the audience:in functional approach ,it thinks that audiences take an active role in their interaction with various media .That is ,the needs of each individ

11、ual provide motivation that channels that individuals media use.In critical approach ,it thinks the audience ,however ,is not passive .The dominant values may have been encoded in complex and subtle ways ,but viewers can supply their own meanings to the content.View the media:in functional approach

12、,the mass media compete with other sources of satisfaction .Relaxtion ,for example ,can also be achieved by taking a nap or having a couple of drinks,and social utility needs can be satisfied by joining a club or playing touch football .In critical approach,the media worked to maintain those dominan

13、t values by presenting versions of reality on TV and films that represented this situation as normal and natural ,as the way things should be.1 An advantage of the functional approach to studying mass communication is that it A) provides a perspective to examine mass communication 5B) generates conc

14、epts that are helpful in understanding media behavior C) makes us aware of the diversity of gratifications provided by the media D) all of the above 2 Harmful or negative consequences of the functions of mass media are called A) repercussions B) ramifications C) dysfunctions D) displacement 3 Which

15、of the following is an important factor in determining which news medium people find most believable? A) convenience B) comfort C) credibility D) format 4 The reasoning behind the idea that if the audience believes you really matter, you will be the focus of media attention, and if you are the focus

16、 of media attention, then you really matter is known as A) dysfunction B) status conferral C) surveillance D) all of the above 5 The most popular form of interpretation is probably a(n) A) review B) commercial C) editorial cartoon D) editorial 6 Telephons, E-Bay, and chat rooms are examples of A) dysfunction B) linkage C) interpretation D) surveillance 7 Comics, puzzles, horoscopes, games, advi


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