房屋中英合同leasing contract

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《房屋中英合同leasing contract》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《房屋中英合同leasing contract(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第 1 页 共 14 页租 约TENANCY AGREEMENT出租方(甲方): Land Lord(Part A): 通讯地址: Mail Address: 帐户: Account Name: 银行名称: Bank Name: 帐号: 电子邮件地址: E-mail Address:承租方(乙方): Tenant(Part B): 居住人: 通讯地址: Mail Address: 电子邮件地址: E-mail Address: 电话: Phone No: 传真: Fax No.: 代理方(丙方): Agent( Part C): 通讯地址: 第 2 页 共 14 页Mail Address:

2、China电子邮件地址: E-mail Address: 电话: Phone No.: 传真: Fax No.: 出租方 (以下简称甲方)与承租方 (以下简称乙方)于_年 月 日,双方一致就以下各项条款达成协议。This agreement is made on the day of , _ between the landlord (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and the tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B) whereby it is hereby mutually agreed by and

3、 between the said parties hereto as follows:第1条 租赁标的:Tenancy:1.1 甲方同意将 室 及其设备在清洁及良好状态下租给乙方。Party A hereby agrees to lease Road. and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein in cleaned and tenantable conditions to Party B.第2条 租期:Term of Tenancy:2.1 有效租赁期为 1 年,自_2011 年 11 月 18 日起至_ 2012 _年 11月 17

4、日止。The above property is hereby leased for a term of _one year_, commencing on_18th November,2011_ and expiring on _17th November 2012. 2.2 本合同固定租赁期为 1年,固定租赁期满后,乙方有权提出续租,但须提前二个月书面通知甲方。The fixed lease term is one year. After the fixed lease term, party B shall have the right to renew this contract up

5、on giving prior written notice to party A of its intention two months before expiration of the contract.2.3.1 在租期开始前,甲方同意乙方在租期开始 3 日前将家具搬入该房屋,并且乙方无需为此支付额外费用。如果甲方在租期开始日没有向承租人第 3 页 共 14 页交付符合使用状态的房屋,甲方应向乙方支付每日违约金,相当于月租金的三十分之一,该违约金将由甲方向乙方按日支付直至房屋交付至承租人为止,或由乙方直接从租金中扣除, 乙方无须支付从合同规定的起租日期至实际交房日期间的租金。Party

6、A agrees that Party B may move all its furniture into the property 3 days prior to the commencement of the lease term at no additional cost of Party B. In the event that Party A does not deliver Premises to Party B in the required state on the Commencement Date, then Party A shall pay to Party B a d

7、aily penalty amounting to 1/30 of the monthly Rent, and which penalty shall be payable by Party A to Party B each day until the Premises are delivered to Party B,or deducted from the rental directly,Party B shall not pay the rental for the period from the commencement date to the date when Party B a

8、ctually possesses the property. 2.4 租期届满,甲方有权收回出租房屋及全部家具、电器(包括附件 2 所列之所有家具、设备),乙方亦应如期交还;逾期交还,乙方需按日支付双倍日租金(月租金的三十分之一).乙方如要求续租,则享有优先续租权,但须在本租约期满前_2_个月向甲方提出书面申请,租金双方另行协商。On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property(including all the furniture, fittings and equipment l

9、isted in Appendix II)in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with _two_ months advance written notice to Party A. The revised rental shall be negotiated between the two part

10、ies.2.5 租赁期间,若甲方或甲方的继承人出售该房屋时,乙方自愿无条件放弃优先购买房屋的权利. 如甲方或甲方的继承人转让本租赁物业产权给第三方(“受让人”),甲方必须在产权转让生效前三个月通知乙方,并使该受让人与乙方达成协议,受让人承诺以房东身份继续根据本租赁合同的条件和条款履行本租赁合同,特别是根据本租赁合同规定,履行将保证金交还房客的责任。如乙方因受让人拒绝与乙方签订上述协议或违反本合同而蒙受任何费用和损失,甲方应给予全部补偿。During the lease term, if party A or his/her heir sells this house, party B is w

11、illing to waive the preferential right to purchase this house without any condition. In the event that during the lease term, Party A transfers the ownership title of the Premises to a third Party (the Transferee), party A must notify the party B three months in advance of the transfer before the ow

12、nership transfer takes effect and cause the transferee to enter into an 第 4 页 共 14 页agreement with the Party B that the transferee shall continue to perform this Tenancy Agreement as the Landlord under same terms and conditions hereof, and in particular, be obliged to repay the Security Deposit to t

13、he Party B in accordance with the provision herein. Party A shall indemnify Party B against any damages and costs resulting from the refusal by the Transferee to enter into the aforesaid agreement with Party B or any actions by the Transferee in violation of this Tenancy Agreement. 第3条 租金:Rent:3.1 租

14、金每月为人民币 30,000 元 大写叁万元 整, 包括正式完税发票,物业管理费,宽带无线网络安装费和使用费(包括无线路由器),电话安装费,伦敦广场的家庭会所卡,卫星电视(英语频道)的开通和使用费以及附件二中所列事项和家具清单。The rent is RMB 30,000 per month, including tax rental invoice, management fee,Telephone installation fee, Internet broadband installation fee and using fee(with wireless router) , famil

15、y clubhouse membership card in London Plaza,satellite TV (English channels),other stuff and the inventory list in the Appendix II.3.2 乙方支付甲方每月的租金,应在收到甲方出具的当月租赁发票后 15 个工作日内汇至甲方指定的银行帐号(按附件 1 汇款指示),支付租金日期以乙方汇出日期为准。Party B shall pay each months rent within 15 working days after receive rental invoice from the landlord by remitting the amount of such rent to a bank account designated by Party A (as referred to in Appendix I). The date of remittances shall be the date of payment. 3.3 首月租金乙方应于租约签定且收到甲方提供的租赁发票


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