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1、Page 1 of 11Examination on Business EnglishFor MBA Students (Fall Enrollment, 2013)School of Management, Fudan UniversityStudent Name: _Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (55%)Section A (15%)Directions: Choose the best words or phrases to complete the following sentences. Then mark the answers (a, b,

2、c or d) on your Answer Sheet.参考答案:1-5 CBCDB 6-10 DCBDC 11-15 BACDA1. _ may be defined as a process of interaction between two or more parties and creation of alternatives in a spirit of co-operation based on common interests.a. Presentation b. Communication c.Negotiation d. Administration2. The rece

3、ssion has forced a majority of Americans to _ their lifestyles and many are upset about it, according to a Washington Post poll.a. create b.alter c.end d. hug3. After this country won its independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _ to go to school.a. to

4、 be encouraged b. been encouragedc. being encouraged d. be encouraged4. Some people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains _.a. to show b. showing c. showed d. shown5. The Linux software maker Red Hat, whose sales and prof

5、it in the latest quarter _ analysts estimates, said demand for its products is reviving, especially in North America.a. exaggerated b. exceeded c.formulated d. reformed6. _ the downturn in global economy, the company would have achieved Page 2 of 11its strategic development goal by the end of this y

6、ear.a. In case of b. Despite c. Due to d. But for7. Chinas imports and exports last year grew following a sharp decline, and its returning _ for raw materials was partly responsible for a rise in commodity prices.a. application b. appreciation c. appetite d. apprehension8. Companies are looking for

7、individuals with great _ skills which include decision making, problem solving, leadership, motivation, communication and interpersonal skills, etc. a. natural b. transferable c. technological d. logical9. Now I have the pleasure of introducing to you Professor Alan Smith, who will _ you on his rece

8、nt research findings.a. converse b. tell c. salute d. address10. Nearly 10,000 people worldwide are thought to have died from the mysterious deadly virus so far, which _ the World Health Organization to declare a global pandemic.a. delayed b. deterred c. prompted d. postponed11. Foreign disinvestmen

9、t and the _ of South Africa from world capital markets in 1985 further weakened its economy. a. displacement b. exclusion c. emergence d. exposure12.Hundreds of environmental activists mingled with heads of state at the Durban conference on climate change, at which governments around the globe tried

10、 to reach agreements to reduce _ .a. emissions b. poverty c. recession d. corruption13._ the claim about this countrys economic power, it is somewhat surprising to know how relatively small its economy actually is.a. Supposed b. Imagined c. Given d. Believed14. U.S. carmaker General Motors said it e

11、xpected to close a deal to sell one of its product line to an Indian company in the second quarter of next year, in the latest in a _ of deals between Asian and Western carmakers.a. piece b. success c. fragment d. string 15. Retailers all holiday season have _ deals earlier than they have in years P

12、age 3 of 11past, and after-Christmas sales will apparently be no exception.a. closed b. pushed c. unveiled d. inhibitedSection B (20%)Directions: Read the passage and choose the best word to fill each gap. Then mark the answer (a, b, c or d) on your Answer Sheet.Bose Corporation was founded in 1964

13、by Dr. Amar G. Bose, _(16)_ professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As an MIT grad student in the 1950s, Dr. Bosewas disappointed to find that speakers with _(17)_ technical specifications failed to _(18)_ the realism of a live performance. Then the _(19)_ f

14、or better sound was on. Extensive research in the fields of speaker design and psychoacoustics, i.e. the human _(20)_ of sound, led to the groundbreaking 901 Direct/Reflecting speaker system in 1968. Its _(21)_ approach to sound quality came much closer to the essence and emotional impact of live mu

15、sic, and won immediate _(22)_.The list of major Bose innovations continues to grow. Fourteen years of research finally_(23)_ the development of acoustic waveguide speaker technology. Acoustimass speaker technology _(24)_ conventional thinking about the relationship between speaker size and sound, enabling palm-sized speakers to produce audio quality previously thought _(25)_ from speakers so small.Auditioner technology allows builders, _(26)_ and facility managers to hear precisely what a Bose system will sound _(27)_ in their building, before any equipment


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