m4u3 复习材料(教师版)

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1、宿豫中学高一英语导学案 M4U3 复习材料 2016.06 班级-_姓名_1M4U3 复习材料Teaching aims: grasp the words, the phrases, sentences and how to use some key words.Teaching steps:单词检测:1mankind n人类 2.terror n惊恐,恐惧 3sunlight n阳光,日光 4sightseeing n观光,游览 5.amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧 6.worn adj.破旧的;疲惫的7upwards adv.向上,向高处 8.accuse vt.控诉,控告;谴责9winn

2、ing adj.制胜的,获胜的 10.hire vt.聘用,雇用;租用,租借11float vi.(水中)漂浮,漂流; (空中)飘移 12.happiness n幸福,快乐13fade vi.逐渐消失;(使)变淡;走下坡路,衰落 14.importance n重要性15master n主宰;主人;大师;vt .精通,掌握;控制 16.injure vt.伤害,损害 injury n 伤害,损害;负伤17exit n出口;离去,退场;vi.&vt.出去,离去,退场18passive adj.被动的;消极的active adj.主动的;积极的19disadvantage n缺点;不利因素,障碍ad

3、vantage n优点;有利因素,优势20constant adj.连续发生的,不断的;恒定的21function vi.起作用,正常运转;n.作用,功能;职能functional adj.功能的;实用的22chief adj.最重要的,首要的,主要的;n.( 公司或机构的)首领23reality n现实,事实realize/realise vt.实现;意识到realistic adj.现实的;可实现的;逼真的24secure adj.安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的; vt.获得;使安全security n平安,安全;安全措施25confident adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的 conf

4、idently adv.自信地;确信地confidence n信心;信任26impression n印象,感想impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记impressive adj .给人深刻印象的;感人的27electric adj.电的,电动的electrical adj.电的,用电的electronic adj .电子的electricity n电;电流;电学28social adj.社交的,交际的;社会的society n社会 socialism n社会主义socialist adj.社会主义的socialize v交友,社交词组识记:1. 随着科技的快速发展 2.成就感 3.一到达顶峰

5、 4.增添,加强 5.发出/分发/公布/用尽/筋疲力尽 6.连接到 7.提出 8.在的帮助下 9. 去-旅游 10. 赚钱11.实际上 12.使历史栩栩如生13.实施 /贯彻/执行 14.从长远来说 15.关于,至于 16.值得进一步发展 17.紧紧抓住 18.最后但同样重要的 19. 在-中起重要的作用 20. online business21. make a profit 22. 输入单词23. 搜集信息 _ 24. surf the Internet25.靠树坐着 26.in terrorAnswers:1. with the rapid development of science

6、and technology 2. a sense of achievements3. upon reaching the top 4, add to 5,give out 6,be connected to 7,put forward 8, with the aid/help of 9, take a trip to - 10.make money 11,in reality 12, bring history alive13, carry out 14.in the long term 15, as to 16. deserve to be developed/developing fur

7、ther 17 hold on to.18 last but not least.19. play an important role /part in- 20. 网上业务,网上交易 21.盈利 22. input words 23. gather information 24.网上冲浪,浏览因特网 25. sit against a tree 26.处于恐惧中,恐惧地 重点句式:1In my opinion,it is about time we had new computers.(p53)在我看来,是我们应该有新的电脑的时候了。2Not only will he or she feel

8、every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma,but the user will also experience the cold,smells,sights and sounds of the surrounding environment.使用者不仅能感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一步的艰辛,还能体验到周围环境的寒冷、气味、景观和声音3.He or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top.一到山顶,他/她就会享受到一种愉悦感和成就

9、感。4.This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical,compared with the way most urban planning is done today.长远来说,与现在大多数城市规划方式相比,这种城市规划方式更经济、更实用。5At first,I thought that the Eloi had forced the Morlocks to do all of the work so that the Eloi could play.宿豫中学高一英语导学案 M4U3 复习材料

10、 2016.06 班级-_姓名_2起初,我认为是 Eloi 人强迫 Morlocks 人做所有的工作以便于他们能玩耍。6.They now found themselves in a volcano in Italytheir adventure was over,but a new one was about to begin.这时他们才发现他们已经到了意大利的一座火山上他们的冒险之旅结束了,但是新的旅程又要开始了。7. This is where you sit , and with these two white handles, you can travel into the futu

11、re and past.这是你做的地方,并且握着这两个白色的把手,你能到未来或过去旅行。句子仿写:1Its time that the local government took/should take measures to protect the environment.是当地政府采取措施保护环境的时候了。2Not only does he speak English well,but he can write articles in English.他不仅英语说得好,而且能用英语写文章。3. Hardly had he gone out of the room when it raine

12、d heavily. 他一出房间就下起大雨。4Compared with Modern English,Old English is harder to learn.和当代英语相比,古代英语学起来更困难。5Today ,we will begin where we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.为了不遗漏要点,今天我们从昨天停下来的地方开始。6. We were about to leave when you telephoned. 我们正要动身,你打来了电话。7.This is where I disagree. 这是

13、我不同意之处。用所给词的适当形式填空11His friendliness and kindness gave us a strong impression.In other words,we were all impressed by his friendliness and kindness.(impress)12Jack injured his leg when he was playing basketball yesterday.The doctor said that his injury was very serious.(injure)13He is quite confiden

14、t that he will pass the exam. He works very hard and we all have confidence in him.(confident)14To fit in society well,we should obtain some social skills and learn to socialize with people from different backgrounds.(social)15He has made constant progress in his study as he can constantly polish up his learning skills and seek advice from others.(constant).短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空be connected to;bring.alive ;carry



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