quiz book5 新编大学英语5

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1、1一般都有答案,有的是在题目后的括号里,有的是红字,有的是下划线。Quiz 11. Directions:Fill in each of the blanks with the proper form of the word given. Change the form if necessary1. accusea. No one believed her wild_ against her husband. (accusations)b. The government stands_ of eroding freedom of speech.(accused)c. Her blue eyes

2、 took on an unblinking,_ stare.(accusatory)d. d. Has this dog been fed today? she asked_.(accusingly)2. suspecta. They became_ of his behavior and contacted the police. (suspicious)b. I have a_ of doubt about whether I should accept his invitation or not.(suspicion)c. Frears was rushed to the hospit

3、al with a_- heart attack.(suspected)d. No one knows what caused the outbreak of food poisoning, but shellfish are the main.(suspects)3. imaginea. In her painting, she has used every color_.(imaginable)b. b. We must consider our real options, not _ ones. (imaginary)c. c. So many boring new buildings

4、reveal a complete lack of_ on the part of their architects.(imagination)d. d. They should adopt a more_ approach and investigate alternative uses for their property. (imaginative)4. selecta. The company is_- when hiring workers; they want the best people.(selective)b. We are keen to see if Robley st

5、ill has the international qualities to justify for the national team.(selection)c. Voters are candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.(selecting)d. The author omits nothing, but a thoughtful would have suited his purpose better.(selectiveness)5Possessa. She is about her mo

6、ney and wont even share it with her husband.(possessive)b. Im pleased to say that I am now the proud of a driving license.(possessor)c. We should go up and take of the land.(possession)d. She asked me if I had a ball gown that she could borrow, but Im afraid I dont such a thing.(possess)6. judgea. T

7、he of the experts is that the vase is authentic, not a fake.(judgment)b. They the system on how quick it could respond to their queries.(judged)c. We tried not to seem critical or while giving advice that would protect him from 2ridicule.(judgmental)d. by the opinion polls, he seems to be succeeding

8、.(judging)7. considera. He is always of others; he is kind and sympathetic (considerate)b. Careful should be given to issues of health and safety.(consideration)c. He treats everybody equally and .(considerately)d. We would hope to be able to give a response to the unions proposals by the end of the

9、 year.(considered)8. couragea. The police officer showed great by jumping into the cold lake to save a drowning boy. (courage)b. Music and lighting are used to shoppers to buy more.(encourage)c. I hope people will be enough to speak out against this injustice.(courageous)d. It was that he recognized

10、 the dangers facing the companies.(encouraging)2. . Directions:Complete the sentences with the words or phrases given in the box. Change the form if necessary.corpse decree flashlight imprison irritatingterrified precaution install administer etectwillful moonless thrust undo unpay 1) He beamed the

11、ahead and picked his way around the huge bale of rusted wire.(flashlight)2). Security cameras have been in the city centre.(installed)3). Its so how Ellen always tries to finish peoples sentences for them.(irritating)4). I stepped outside into the night and waited for another cry.(moonless)5). The c

12、ompany allows its employees to take leave for various reasons.(unpaid)6). He was at the thought of being stranded in the woods.(terrified)7). Thieves are digging up in order to steal jewellery and gold teeth.(corpses)8). The system is so sensitive that it can changes in temperature as small as 0.003

13、 degrees.(detect)9). Thousands of civilians were arrested, and killed.(imprisoned)10). He lived a very life, and the fear of chaos had always haunted him from childhood.11) It is not the job of the police to justice; that falls to the courts. (administer)12) In 1637 the Emperor issued a ordering all

14、 foreigners to leave the country.(decree)13) The district officer wanted to know if suitable had been taken to avoid the elephants.(precautions)14) He some money into my hand and told me to drive him to the airport.(thrust)15). She_ the ribbon and let her hair fall over her shoulders.(undid)3. Direc

15、tions:Choose the best answer from the four choices to complete the following sentences.1). They could fight _ against a common enemy. (C)3a. face to face b. hand in hand c. shoulder to shoulder d. arm in arm2) Wed been seeing each other for a year when he suggested that we should _ together.(B)a. move along



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