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1、培养听说读写技能的先决条件是说写【之五】张铁城 2016、10、6 发送新加坡最佳中学的最佳中三 1 班即初一学生的作文是词汇级别最标准的一篇文章中国学生要重视写的训练必然会提高说的能力这是我们熟悉的英语教学大师亚历山大的主张“Speaking and writing are the most important of these skills, since to some extent, they presuppose the other two.”译文 :“说与写在这几种能力中,是最重要的,因为在某种程度上,这两种能力是另外两种能力的先决条件。 ”【见:亚历山大(L.G.Alexander

2、)在新概念英语第二册(全英语版 p.viii) 】遗憾的是 :我们北京高考的书面表达分数一直不高。2009 年北京英语高考书面表达满分 35 分,但是平均分数只有 17.5 分,相当于 100 分的 50 分。第五章新加坡中学作文准备向真正的英语原著过渡 比赛成绩公布通知 原文 及四篇 一等奖获奖作文共计 2,874 个英语单词。第三篇获奖作文2008 年新加坡南华中学作文比赛 一等奖 中三 1 班 Terence Chua Jie 1st Prize - Secondary Three CategoryLi Yanzhe (301 )词汇级别 统计全文共计 937 个英语单词,其中:一级词汇

3、 661 个,占 70.54%; 二级词汇 64 个,占 6.83%; 三级词汇 50 个,占 5.33%;级词汇 71 个,占 7.57%;无级别词汇 91 个,占 9.71%;一级、二级、三级词汇总计:775 个,占 80.57%。1st Prize - Secondary Three CategoryLi Yanzhe (301)“What will my life be like?”I wondered.As a newborn silkworm resting in my cozy()cosy1 BrE cozy AmE /kuzi US kouzi/ adj a place tha

4、t is cosy is small, comfortable, and warm The living room was warm and cosy . cocoon kku:nn. 茧, my mind was filled with curiosity(). Wonder() was the theme of my life. I enjoyed asking all sorts of questions about life, and equally enjoyed giving each of the questions my own answer based on my imagi

5、nation. “Will the outside world be freezing()and harsh()for me?” Curled()in a warm corner of my solitary tending to spend a lot of time alone: space, I suddenly felt insecure.“Will I encounter enemies and be hurt by them in that world?”Heavily struck by the appalling() idea, I started to squirm sk:m

6、 蠕动, 辗转不安involuntarily invlntrili ad. 不知不觉地 , 无意识地.“Will I successfully find a comfortable shelter( ) and some food to live on in that world?”I glanced at the soothing silk()around me, unable to control the escalating eskleit v. 逐步扩大, 逐步升高, 逐步增强suspicion()which had long been fermentingf:ment 发酵, 动乱.

7、That world suddenly seemed very distant and scary()to me. An uncanny nkni a.不可思议的pang a sudden feeling of pain, sadness etc of invincible invinsbla. 不能征服的, 无敌的fear gripped( )me and threatened to overwhelm()me . “That world,”I murmured(), feeling vulnerable.“That scary()world of danger and loneliness

8、 - I do not want!”My fear flared()and melted() into petulant /petlnt/ adj behaving in an unreasonably impatient and angry way, like a child anger smoldering literary if someone smoulders or if their feelings smoulder, they have strong feelings that they do not fully express violently().Under the ons

9、laught a large violent attack by an army of such fear, my interest in an adventurous journey of discovery waned. Gradually, I began to repel drive (sb/sth) back or away; this outside world. The call of adventure()trailed()off as I feverishly 拼命迫不及待地狂热地 spun more silk()and built a thicker and thicker

10、 wall barricading me from the world, until the world disappeared in my mind.I sank into a seemingly()eternal it:nl a. 永恒的, 永远的, 不灭的state of serenity / srenti / noun uncount a feeling of being calm or peacefulin my limited space, yet my heart pounded() violently()against my chest, as if fear was dete

11、rmined to deprive()me of the original privilege of peace that I had enjoyed. The fear melted()into fatigue()which penetrated() every nerve of my body. Feeling drowsy / drazi / adjective feeling that you want to sleep: and listless listlis a. 倦怠的, 无精打采的, I dozed off.I dreamt of the mysterious()world

12、which scared()me before; I dreamt of life and death; I dreamt of my future, my love and my hatred(). The dream seemed endless(). My brain was on the verge 边缘of exploding().The dream did have an end, which was when the unbearable stifling 窒息 air around me wakened me. No sooner did I open my sleepy()

13、eyes than I sensed()something wrong around me.The unbroken darkness engulfed 吞没 me completely, blinded() me and upset me. Although I waited for ages, the brightness remained hidden. Not until I bumped into the wall of my chrysalis /krislis/ 蛹, 茧, 形成阶段 did I realize that my cocoon 茧 kku:nhad hardened

14、()and was no longer cozy(). My previous ignorant ignrnt a.(of)不知道的;无知的,愚昧的action of wrapping myself turned out to be a fatuous /ftus/ very silly or stupidand harmful()way of venting 发泄 my frustration()- I had confined myself within an airtight 密封的 silk()-made chamber which even light could not pass

15、through.Time flew without stopping while I grew weaker and weaker as if under an insidious insidis 隐伏的,curse 诅咒 . Just as I was viciously 恶狠狠地deprived()of my physical strength, I miraculously retrieved/rtriv/ v formal to find something and bring it backrecover my mental sobriety 清醒.“I must escape from this living hell. It is life-threatening!”The idea of death made me shudder() d 战栗, 发抖, and the fear started to brew 酝酿 again. It was not the same fear which had made me flinch 畏缩 earlier. Rather, it was a kind of fear which moulded()my willpower into working in overdrive 特别努力. nt


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