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1、1Module1 Unit1 Shes a nice teacher. (1)Teaching objectives:1. Words and phrases: nice /a bit / shy/clever /naughty 2. Sentences: This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher.3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person.Teaching importance: Using adjectives to describe person.Teaching difficulties: Usi

2、ng adjectives to describe person. Teaching aid: cards / pictures / cd-rom Teaching procedures:A: Song B: Free talk: Talk about your holiday.C: New concepts:Step one: One :利用 CAI 课件, 出示本单元主人公的头像,介绍主公,以此引出本单元新单词:nice / a bit / shy / clever / naughty 出示卡片,学习新单词。Two: Learn the new lesson.Listen to the t

3、ape .Try to read the text. Translate the sentences.Listen to the tape again, read follow the tape.Read the text, boys and girls.Step Two: Talk about the pictures.Close your books, show the pictures (parrot, Xiaoyong, Maomao, Ms Smart)Example :(1) This is Parrot. Parrot is a very naughty bird.(2) Thi

4、s is Xiaoyong. Hes a clever pupil.Step Three: Using adjectives to describe person.利用实物投影展示学生带来的照片。(Describe the person using the adjectives Homework: Introduce your classmates to your family.Example: This is Xiaoyong. Hes a clever pupil.Game: 接龙游戏Example: A: Im XiaoLan. Im a bit shy. B: XiaoLan is a

5、 bit shy. Im ZhangYong. Im very naughty. C: ZhangYong is very naughty. Im Jim, Im a nice boy. Designs: Module1 Unit1 Shes a nice teacher.This is .Shes a nice teacher.教学反思:2Module1 Unit1 Shes a nice teacher. (2)Teaching objectives:1. Words and phrases: nice /a bit / shy/clever /naughty 2. Sentences:

6、This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher.3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person.Teaching importance: Using adjectives to describe person.Teaching difficulties: Using adjectives to describe person. Teaching aid: cards / pictures / cd-rom Teaching procedures:1.Warmer T gives students some ques

7、tions to answer (Whats your name?/How are you?/How old are you?/Good morning./Good afternoon./Whats this?/Is this a desk? Etc.)2. listen and point.T: Open your Students book to Module 1, Unit 1, Activity 1, please.(The teacher holds up the textbook.)T: Point to the girl in the first picture, please.

8、 Good.Now point to the boy in the first picture. Great. (The teacher points to the panda in the first picture.)T: Is this a dog? Ss: No. T: Is it a cat? Ss: No. T: Whats this? Ss: Its a panda.T: Yes. Thats right!T: Now Im going to play the tape. I want you to listen and tell me who is nice.(The teac

9、her plays the tape as many times as necessary.)T: Who is nice in the story? S1: Ms Smart is nice.T: Yes. Well done. Now Im going to play the tape again. I want you to listen and point to the pictures. (the teacher plays the tape again.) (the teacher should write these words on the board.)Nice Shy Cl

10、ever naughty(the teacher should explain the meaning of these four words. “nice” means pleasant, “shy” means nervous and embarrassed especially when you are with people you dont know, “clever” means intelligent and “naughty” means badly behaved. Then the teacher should make statements containing thos

11、e word.)T: My mother is very nice because she is kind to everyone. I feel shy when I meet new people. That parrot can talk. Hes very clever. That naughty boy put paint on the sofa.(the teacher should choose competent students to try and make simple statements using the new words.)S1: My brother is c

12、lever. S2: My mother says, “Youre naughty.”S3: Im shy in English class. S4: our teacher is very nice. S5: Well done. That was excellent. Homework:Read the text 3 times.Blackboard DesignShes a nice teacher.This isHeShe is shy nice clever naughty3Module1 Unit2 Hes cool. (1)Teaching objectives:1. Words

13、 and phrases: cool / little / cute/ aunt/ uncle/ big.2. Sentences: This is my big brother. Hes cool. Teaching importance: Using adjectives to describe person. Family.Teaching difficulties: Using adjectives to describe person. Teaching aid: cards / pictures / cd-rom Teaching procedures:A: Song B: Fre

14、e talk: Using adjectives to describe the poem. C: New concepts:Step one: Warmer:Using the adjectives to describe your classmates.Example: This is Xiaoyong. He is a clever pupil. This is Yuanjiaqi. Shes very clever, but shes a bit shy.Step Two: Listen and point.(1) Point out the different meanings of

15、 the word “cool”. In this unit, “cool” means fashionable, and it is most commonly used to mean “quite cold”. The word “cool” has other meanings as well, but they are ones that the students are unlikely to come across in the future.(2) Listen to the tape and underline the new words. Write down these

16、adjectives on the board, and then learn these new words.Listen to the tape again. Read the text. Close your book. Use CAI shows the pictures of text. Choose some students to describe the pictures.Step Three: Listen and say, then say the poem and do the actions. Play the spoken version of the poem. And have the students. Repeat each line. Play the tape.Step four:



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