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1、1中国矿业大学毕业设计任务书毕业设计题目:二柱式大采高掩护式液压支架设计毕业设计专题题目:毕业设计主要内容和要求:一、设计参数工作阻力 支护高度 2396KN250m支护宽度 支护强度 1750m1.8MPa二、设计要求1.根据设计参数确定支架架型及其结构参数;2.完成四连杆机构的优化设计;3.完成构件的结构设计、受力分析、强度验算;4.完成支架的总装配图及主要零件工作图;5.编写完成整机设计计算说明书。摘 要本课题的内容是掩护式液压支架的总体设计。液压支架作为回采工作面的一种支护设备,液压支架在工作过程中能否取得良好的支护效果,取决于支架的架型,结构和相关参数。首先,通过计算机软件 Visu

2、al Basic 来进行四连杆机构优化设计编程来确定支架的四连杆机构各杆系的长度;然后,通过三维软件 Pro/ENGINEER 来进行实体建模;其次,以力学模型为依据,分析了液压支架的顶梁、掩护梁上载荷的作用机理,得到了较为合理的支架载荷的计算公式;再次,结合本次设计的支架,从平面上对支架主要结构件进行受力分析;最后对支架主要结构件进行强度校核。在完成本设计的过程中,利用理论分析的同时,也采用了许多实际经验,做到理论与实践相结合。2关键词:掩护式支架;四连杆;优化设计;强度ABSTRACTThe paper mainly foused on the problem which is desig

3、n out a type of shield support.The hydraulic support described is a part of the mining industry equipment in the mine, used for protection of working environment in the gallery. It works well or bad at work basing on its support mode, frame and some parameters. In the first step, the optimal values

4、of some parameters of the leading four-bar mechanism are determined by using Visual Basic. Secondly, the model is founded with the three-dimensional software, Pro/ENGINEE. Then on the base of mechanic model of support-surrounding, the mechanism and loads on the support is decided. The next work, wit

5、h the condition of the design, the main mechanics of hydraulic support is analyzed and calculated by plane. Finally, the under frame, top beam cave shield, wrists and hydraulic column are analyzed by calculation. And draw out all the process drawings.During the course of doing the paper, author not

6、only analyses something theoretical, but also adopted a lot of actual experiences. Combining theory and practice. Therefore, the paper possesses theory and practical value, so it measures up the requiring of the nation to the undergraduate.3Key words: shield hydraulic support; four-bar links; optima

7、l design; strength目 录1 绪 论 .11.1 液压支架的发展概况 .11.2 液压支架的分类 .21.2.1 支撑式液压支架 .21.2.2 掩护式液压支架 .31.2.3 支撑掩护式液压支架 .31.3 液压支架的组成及工作原理 .31.3.1 液压支架的组成 .31.3.2 液压支架的工作原理 .41.4 液压支架的研究与发展趋势 .62 液压支架结构设计 .92.1 液压支架的基本要求 .92.2 确定液压支架结构参数 .92.2.1 确定结构参数的原则 .92.2.2 主要参数 .102.2.3 支架的伸缩比 .102.2.4 支架间距 .102.2.5 梁端距 .112.2.6 顶粱长度 .112.2.7 顶粱宽度 .122.2.8 底座形式的选择 .132.2.9 底座的长度 .152.2.10 护帮形式的选择 .152.2.11 侧护板的长度 .162.2.12 顶板覆盖率 .172.2.13 立柱布置 .1742.3 四连杆机构的设计 .182.3.1 四连杆机构设计要求 .182.3.1 四连杆机构设计 .182.3.2 四连杆机构的优化 .243 液压支架强度设计 .293.1 液压支架的受力分析简化 .293.2 支架基本参数 .293.2.1 支护面积 .


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