牛津译林版高二英语unit 2 fit for life单元复习学案

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1、牛津译林版高二英语 Unit 2Fit for life 单元复习学案牛津译林版高二英语 Unit 2Fit fr life 单元复习学案词汇导练1ar is a real_ (可能性)unless the tals sueed2His unle is an exellent _ (内科医生) 3There are an _ (畅销的)English bs in that bstre4 This ediine helps relieve ur ld_( 症状)His _ (每年的)ine is nsiderable6esterda e visited a useu f_(当代的)art7The

2、 ater shuld be p_befre drining8Hatred is a dangerusl p_etin9It as a r_t n that the hildren ere safe10She heard the phne ringing hen she i_ the e int the l11This river has a _(lng)f 100 ileters12u an hange the_(arrange)as u ish1pssibilit/prbabilit2phsiian 3bestselling4sptsannual6nteprar7purified8perf

3、ul9relief10inserted11length12arrangeent短语汇集1_打开2_ 大量地3_ 接通(电话)4_ 对做出决定_ 参观,四处看看;环顾6_ 推迟,推延7_ 出现,到场,到达8_ 填写(表格、空格等)9_ 划分开,分割(成部分);分裂,分离,分手10_ 少数的,少量的11_ 记下,记录12_ 放出;发出1pen up2in large quantities3put thrugh4deide nl arund6put ff 7turn up8fill in9split up10a handful f11tae dn12let ut语句试译1(回归本 P19)Hever

4、,_ _ _ _ rld ar _ t ther sientists, ,anaged t use ne heial tehniques t purif it然而,直到第二次世界大战,另外两位科学家,才设法使用新的化学方法将其提纯。2(回归本 P18)_ _ _aspirin saved an peples lives b reduing fever and helping stp pain,but there are als ther things_aspirin an help ith阿司匹林不仅因退烧止痛而挽救了许多人的生命,它还有其他用途。3(回归本 P19)S,althugh Fle

5、ing disvered peniillin,_ _ver a deade_sene else turned peniillin int the great drug f the 20th entur因此,虽然弗莱明发现了青霉素,但直到十多年之后才有人将它变成了二十世纪了不起的药品。4(回归本 P18)This is ne f_ _ediines in the rld_ _ _as a standardized tablet这是世界上首批被作为标准化药片而出售的药品之一。(回归本 P18)If u pen up an ediine upbard in the rld,there is a hi

6、gh prbabilit_u ill find aspirin and peniillin倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜,都很可能会找到阿司匹林和青霉素。1it as nt until;that 2Nt nl has;that 3it as;befre4the first; ever t be sldthat核心知识1ntevt注意;提到;记住,记下(常与dn 连用);n笔记;草稿;注释;便条;纸币;钞票(回归本 P19)He nted that uld had grn n a speial transparent ell that had bateria n it他注意到带有细菌的一种特殊的透

7、明的果冻上长起了霉。1归纳拓展例句探I uld feel a lt f paper ntes and I pulled the ut我感觉里面有很多钱,便把它们拿了出。He handed e a nte他递给我一张便条。(牛津 P1361)The useu ntains nthing f great nte这家博物馆没有什么很有价值的东西。(朗 P1396)A plie spesan nted that iller had n previus riinal rerd一位警方发言人指出,米勒没有犯罪前科。1完成句子(1)请注意这张账单必须在 10 天之内付清。Please _ _ this bi

8、ll ust be paid ithin 10 das答案:nte that(2)学生记下了老师的话。The pupils_hat the teaher said答案:nted(3)学生们正忙着记笔记。The students are bus_ _in lass答案:taing ntes(4)这位客人是位著名的歌唱家。The guest is a singer_ _答案:f nte() 把她的电话号码记下,以防忘记。_ _her telephne nuber in ase u frget答案:Nte dn2naevt命名,给取名;任命(回归本 P19)He naed the heial fun

9、d in the uldpeniillinand tried t ae it pure t be a ediine,but as unable t d that他把在霉中发现的化学物质命名为“青霉素” ,并且试图将其提纯为一种药物,但未能如愿。归纳拓展例句探The naed the hild hn他们给孩子取名叫约翰。(朗 P139)e naed the bab Sarah,after her grandther 我们用祖母的名字为宝宝取名萨拉。(牛津 P1327)I nl n her b nae我只是听说过她的名字。The ar is registered in nae这辆车是用我的名字登记

10、的。2用 nae 短语填空:(1)e_La Li_hairan f the eeting答案:naed;as(2)Zhu Shuren rte a lt f rs_ _ _ _Lu Xun答案:under the nae f(3)Tnn desnt have ne penn_ _ _答案:t his nae(4)The e iddle shl is_ _Hua Lugeng答案:naed after3ndern惊奇(不可数);奇迹(事)(可数);奇才(可数)v想知道;对感到奇怪;疑惑(回归本 P19) ,and peniillin rapidl beae the perful nder dru

11、g hih saved illins f lives,青霉素迅速成了挽救数百万生命的强效“奇迹药” 。归纳拓展(1)It is a nder that 难得;奇怪的是,It is sall/little nder/N nder that 难怪;不足为奇;并不奇怪in nder 惊奇地(2)nderif/hetherlause 想知道nderhlause/t d 不知道nder at/abut 对感到惊讶 /疑惑(3)nderful ad 极好的;奇异的【温馨提示】(1)“I nder if从句”用征求对方的许可或提出请求,从句中用过去时更为婉转、客气。(2)nder 用作名词,意为“惊奇;惊异

12、”时为不可数名词;意为“ 奇迹;奇观;奇事;奇才”时为可数名词。例句探Sadl althugh the Aber R as ne f the great nders f the rld,it is n issing遗憾的是,这座曾令无数人叹为观止的琥珀屋,如今不翼而飞。Her hild as issingN nder she as upset她孩子不见了,难怪她心神不宁。(牛津 P231)I as ndering hether ud lie t e t a part?不知您能否参加聚会?(朗 P2360)u have t nder abut a gu h an spend all that n

13、e n i bs一个人能在漫画书上花那么多钱,真让人难以置信。3完成句子(1)你知道世界七大奇观吗?D u n_ _ _ _ _ _?答案:the Seven nders f the rld(2)我对他的粗鲁感到奇怪。I_ _his rudeness答案:nder at(3)难怪他不饿,他一整天都在吃糖果。_ _he is nt hungr;he has been eating seets all da答案:N nder(4)我想知道你是否愿意帮我一个忙。I_ _u uld d e a favr答案:nder hether4pleasurenU 愉快,高兴;满足;乐事,乐趣;娱乐,消遣(回归本 P2)Than u ver uh fr ur help pleasure非常感谢你的帮忙。别客气。归纳拓展例句探N pleasure ithut pain苦中有乐。Has she gne t Lndn n business r fr pleasure?她去伦敦是因公出差呢还是玩去了?(朗 P160)He sees t tae pleasure in prving ther peple rng 他似乎对证明别人是错的乐此不疲


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