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1、有关法律的英语作文 4 篇有关法律的英语作 4 篇让法律在心间长驻 我们生活在法制的国度,处处需有法,处处需遵法,而作为青少年,我们要应该让法律在心间长驻。 因为重要,所以学法 我们从初中开始便开设了法制教育程,法律的重要性可见一斑。通过学法,我们对法律有了逐步的认知,法制观念也由此提高。我们懂得了在法律范围内什么事该帮,什么事禁止做。怎样行使权利,如何履行义务而假如我们是法盲,也许在触犯法律后也不知道自己的行为是违法的,由此产生的后果就必定严重了,据统计,在各类犯罪人员中,不知道什么是违法行为或不懂法的人数占总数的一半以上。所以,学习法律是我们立足于法律社会的基础,是创造美好未的重要保证。

2、因为重要,所以守法 遵守法律和宪法是我们每个公民应尽的义务。俗语有云:“没有规矩,无以成方圆。 ”法律的制定是维护社会秩序的根本途径,所以为了社会的安定,更是为了我们自身,我们必须自觉守法。而且法律所规定的内容,必定是着眼于公民的利益,因此我们没有理由反对,没有理由不遵循,更没有理由背道而驰。虽然我们有追求个性的自由,但这并不意味我们能标新立 异,无视法律的存在。与法律抗衡的结果只有一个,就是自毁前程。在我们身边,同龄人知法犯法的例子不胜枚举,而为了灿烂的明天,我们能不守法吗? 因为需要,所以用法 我们都曾做过这样的一道题目:当自身利益受到侵害时,该怎么办?回答是:用法律武器维护自己的权利。我

3、们是这样说的,但未必能完全做到。当我们真正遇到类似的事时,经常是“大事化小,小事化了”,从而放弃了行使权利。殊不知,这种息事宁人的态度是不明智的,是纵容他人的错误行为。既然我们学习了法律,就要善于运用,以法律之矛,攻违法之盾,敢于与黑暗势力作斗争,为社会尽自己的一份力。 法律是和谐之基,有了法律社会才能发展进步;法律是明之花,有了法律公民才能提高素养;法律是实践之果,有了法律国家才能长治久安。因此,让我们一起学法、守法、用法,让法律在我们心间长驻! Let the la in the hearte live in a legal untr, everhere need la, is t abi

4、de b the la, and as a uth, e shuld ae las in the heartAs iprtant, s learning ethde start fr unir high shl pened in legal eduatin, legal iprtane f rearable Thrugh the stud, e n the gnitive la, legal idea is als iprved e ne ithin the la hat the help, sething frbidden t d H t exerise the rights, h t pe

5、rfr the bligatin And if e are ignrant f the la, perhaps n the run fr the la d nt n his behavir is illegal, the nsequenes ill be serius, arding t statistis, in all inds f rie persnnel, d nt n hat is illegal r nt la aunted fr re than half f the ttal S, studing la is based n the legal basis f siet, is

6、t reate a better future is iprtant assureAs iprtant, s the laAbide b the la and the nstitutin is the bligatin f ever itizen As the saing ges: “n rules, n t heng Fanguan” La is the basi a t aintain sial rder, s in rder t sial stabilit, but als t ur n, e ust nsiusl abide b the la But the la ntent, ust

7、 fus n the interests f itizens, s e have n reasn t ppse, there is n reasn nt t fll, n re reasn t dra further apart Althugh e have the pursuit f individual freed, but this des nt ean that e an ignre the la f ne legislatin, there is And the la against the results f nl ne, is t self-destrut In the US,

8、peers n the la but brea it be t nuerus t enuerate exaples, t the brilliant trr, e an nt abide b the la?Beause f the need, s the usagee have dne suh a questin: hen their interests are infringed, h t d? The anser is: use legal eapn t safeguard their rights e said s, but an nt pletel hen e finall eet t

9、he siilar things, is ften the “big sall, sall atter f”, thus abandning the exerise f rights Hever, this niliatr attitude is nt ise, indulge thers istae behavir Sine e studied la, it shuld be gd at appling t la, spear, the atta illegal shield, dare t fight ith the fres f darness, fr the unit t d thei

10、r share f perThe la is the base f the harnius siet, the la siet t prgress and develpent; the la is the flers f ivilizatin, there are legal itizens t iprve litera; the la is the fruit f pratie, a legal untr an lng perid f stabilit Therefre, let us learn la, la-abiding, usage, ae las in ur heart!英语作 什

11、么阶段的?提供一篇高中:Being a inr, e shuld be ver happ t have suh a stud la nledge f pprtunities First, thrugh studing la, an enhane n legal nsiusness and legal nept, ning hat is legal, hat is illegal, hat is a rie, nsientiusl fulfil the bligatins presribed b la, ith legal restrains n behavir, la frbids ding

12、reslute dnt d, las, and ativel enurage d t d, legal requireents, ust d it Send, learning the la an gr up healthil Se lassates fr ne ininiia, beause se trifle and are eeball even begin Indeed beause teenage age sall urtes, shall, la f right fr rng abilit and suseptible t bad stles influene, ipulsive,

13、 espeiall hen their pride inured r their n interests and thers benefit nflits, eas t lse their senses, lead t illegal rie Therefre, in rder t prtet the health grth f teenagers, preventing and reduing rie, need fr uvenile psitive eduatin f legal sste, rret guidane Third, learning the la t prtet their

14、 legitiate rights and interests Students shall en life, and health t legal, reputatin, persnal freed b prteting rights, t reeive eduatin and inheritane rights, ith las t aintain their n rights 作为未成年人的我们都应该非常高兴能够拥有这样一次学习法律知识的机会。第一,通过学习法律,能增强自己的法制意识和法律观念,知道什么是合法的,什么是违法的,什么是犯罪的,自觉地履行法律规定的义务,用法律约束自己的行为,

15、法律禁止做的坚决不做,法律鼓励做的,积极去做,法律要求做的,必须去做。第二,学好了法律才能健康成长。有的同学因一句话而斤斤计较,因一点小事而互不相让甚至动手。确实由于青少年年龄小,阅历浅,缺乏明辨是非的能力,易受不良风气的影响,容易冲动,特别是当自尊心受到伤害或自己的利益与他人利益发生冲突时,容易失去理智,导致违法犯罪。因此,为了保护青少年健康成长,预防和减少犯罪,就需要对青少年进行正面的法制教育,正确引导。第三,学好了法律才能保护自己的合法权益。学生享有法律赋予的生命权,健康权,名誉权,人身自由受保护权,受教育权,继承权等权利,用法律维护自己的权利翻译英语作 Being a inr, e s

16、huld be ver happ t have suh a stud la nledge f pprtunities First, thrugh studing la, an enhane n legal nsiusness and legal nept, ning hat is legal, hat is illegal, hat is a rie, nsientiusl fulfil the bligatins presribed b la, ith legal restrains n behavir, la frbids ding reslute dnt d, las, and ativel enurage d t d, legal requireents, ust d it Send, learning the la an gr up healthil Se lassates fr ne ininiia, beause se trifle and are eeball even begin Inde


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