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1、小升初英语面试 (精选多篇)第一篇:小升初英语面试完全内容面试完全内容excuse me, can i take the seat? thank you!could i start now? okay!good afternoon, teachers! its my great honor to introduce myself to you. my name is li jin dong. i am from class one, grade six of yuan gang primary school. im doing well in my study, i am good at en

2、glish and i have got many prizes. i usually practice my english after school. and i like reading english story. now, my english is good, but there are so many pupils study english better than me. so i have to learn english harder than before. there are 4 people in my family. my father is a driver, h

3、e is handsome and hardworking. my mother is pretty, and she is a housewife. we have a happily life. and i enjoy it. i really like english and i hope that one day i can talk with an englishman. i have heard your school is very good and i like english very much. i hope i can improve my english at this

4、 school. and thats why i choose for your school. this is a little about me. and i believe i will do well in my future. thanks for your listening.问题预计一:project1. how do you think of healthy? important, we should: fruits, exercise, i am healthy now. 2. how do you think about environment? important too

5、. we shouldnt: throw, cut trees. i often clean the house and plant trees. 3. how do you think of study? funny and interesting, useful, feel happy when we study, good at it 4. do you think vegetable is very important? yes, can keep us healthy, eat so many meats, we should eat vegetable more. i like v

6、egetables, my mum likes them too. 5. do you know something about christmas? decorate houses, christmas tree, like christmas. 6. do your know something about western food? delicious. i want to eat them again.二:favorite1. whats your favorite subject? what? useful, funny, interesting. so i like it. 2.

7、whats your favorite food? what? good for us, can let us keep healthy. 3. whats your favorite hobby? handwriting, father likes it, teach me, i think interesting. not good at handwriting. 4. what are your favorite animals? panda, it only live in china, cute, so i like it. 5. there are so many novels i

8、n the world, which is your favorite? 6. whats your favorite music? light music. forget problems. make me happy. listen every day. 7. whats your favorite sports star? jordan. practice so hard. do a lot for his team. so i like him.第二篇:小升初英语面试小升初英语面试分为三部分一、读一篇文章,并根据文章回答以下问题my name is lily. this is my h

9、ouse. there are five rooms in my house. this is my father and mothers room. there are three pictures on the wall. there is a desk near the window. there are two chairs behind the desk. on the left of the room, there is a toilet. on the right, its my room. there are four pictures and a poster on the

10、wall.questions:1. what s your name?2. how many pictures are there in your father and mothers room?3. what s near the window?4. how many pictures are there in your room?5. what s the room on the left?建议:1.朗读文章时,要注意语音语调,注意断句。2.在读文章的时候,就要去理解文章的意思,这样才能在老师提问题的时候及时作出回答。3.回答问题的时候,是根据文章回答。比如,第 1 题,whats you

11、r name?,要注意回答 my name is lily.4.回答问题的时候,请尽可能地用完整句子回答。如果不能保证正确,就用简短回答。二、自由问答1. what s the weather like today?2. what colour do you like best?3. what s your family name?4. how old are you?5. where do you come from?建议:1.此部分需要注意的是,不要只问答词。老师辛苦辛苦地问了一句话,你一个词就打发了,感觉不太好,给人不礼貌的感觉。用句子回答。比如第一句,whats the weather

12、 like today? 最好的回答是,todayissunny.2.如果能自由发挥是很好的。比如第二个问题,where do you come from? 你可以在回答 i come from chengdu, sichuan. 之后,在加上一句,its a beautiful city. 当然要在保证回答正确的基础上发挥。简洁的一两句就很好。三、话题whats your favourite animal? and why?建议:1.请至少说 5 句话。2.请注意句子的完整正确。3.此部分发挥的余地比较大。要尽可能地多说。4.注意你回答的问题要能展开。比如,你回答,my favourite

13、animalis tiger.然后你就没的说了。如果你回答 dog, 你还可以说,because i keep a dog in my house , its name is 等等。第三篇:小升初英语面试技巧【英孚教育青少儿英语成都学校】提到面试,似乎有许多人认为那好像离我们还比较远呢,不是最后才要面试么,现在大家还 在忙着搜罗各种“敲门砖”呢,只要在考试前一天准备准备就可以了,好像也没有什么可以 确定能考的呀!其实不然。小升初面试的准备越早越好,而且重要的是要每天坚持。那么面试的考察包括哪些方面呢,根据我们的经验,要从以下几个方面做准备:1。英语语 言能力 2。人际交往能力 3。个人气质和修

14、养 4。心理素质锻炼。其实从训练的要紧度来说,这四项要颠倒过来才对。从以往在面试中脱颖而出的学生那里,我们不难看出,这些孩子无疑在心理素质方面是非常过硬的,面对陌生的人和环境不胆怯,不慌张,思维清晰,条理清楚,给考官留下很深刻的 印象。我们都有这样的体会,无论大人还是孩子只要是紧张就会大脑一片空白,什么也想不 起来了。要具备良好的心理素质,就要从平时练习,如在课堂上积极发言(这是非常好的在众人面前 锻炼的机会),主动与老师交流,多与同学讨论问题,多参加学校组织的集体活动,才艺表演,演讲等都是不错的锻炼。告诉大家锻炼心理素质最好的方法就是增强自信,我有个窍门,就是在家里大声地朗诵(先 中文,再英

15、文),当你感觉自己的语言非常动听,声音也非常洪亮的时候,你的自信心会极大地增强,你就不那么紧张,自然就会有更好的发挥。.还有要多照镜子,在镜子里仔细端详修整自己的形象,因为在面试中给考官留下深刻印象的除了流利的英语应答,还有我们端庄的举止和外貌!记住,这些都只能从平时一点一点地积 累练习,千万不可临阵磨枪哟!英孚教育青少儿英语成都学校:顺城校区 沙湾校区 桐梓林校区 优品道校区第四篇:小升初英语面试如何练好口语小升初英语面试如何练好口语 在一些学校,比如济南外国语学校会有小升初英语面试,一般安排在英语笔试的后面。那么如何做好英语面试呢?首先,重要的一点就是,把英语口语练好。看看下面的英语口语练

16、习方法吧。英语口语练习方法:练就“假嗓子” 功夫。说明:说英语时,声音浑厚,富有磁性,听起来像外国人操作:每天跑步 10 分钟,一边跑步一边有节奏地喊 1234,坚持10 天见效果哦。英语口语练习方法: 增强舌头的柔韧度。说明:改掉一个一个单词说英语的习惯,流利说出顺畅英语。操作:把 pike it up,check it out 读成一个单词,一口气说出最多次数。英语口语练习方法:自信朗读每个英文单词:内容:看见单词,能即刻默写出它的音标;看到音标,能(来源好范 文网)猜出单词操作:每天挑选 30 个长单词,先誊写音标,然后默写单词音标。英语口语练习方法:清晰地说标准英语。说明:双元音饱满,长音足够长,读准咬舌音、唇齿音,吐字清晰操作:每天读一段必须带有音标的文章,速度越慢越好,发音务必准确。英语口语练习方法:模仿训练。内容:模仿经典英文,美化英语语调,模仿外国人说英语操作:模仿美国总统经典演讲;模仿英美电影经典台词(功夫熊猫) 。英语口语练习方法:学习趣味英


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