学英语(learning english)

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学英语(learning english)_第1页
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《学英语(learning english)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《学英语(learning english)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学英语(Learning English)it ges ithut saing that english plas an iprtant rle in ur dern siet english is an internatinal language herever u g, u an hear english spen b an peplefr this pint f vie, it is true that english is iprtant t ur dail life learning english is lie learning t si r learning t pla ball

2、 ur priar truble is that e have taled the stud f language fr the rng end e are lie the an h thins he an learn t si nl b reading bs abut siing in atualit, e learn b ding the graatial rules are valuable as e plunge int the language and need se assistane in the sae a, advaned instrutins abut siing are

3、helpful as e learn sething fr atual experiene in the ater but reading bs never aes a sier and learning rules never aes a pratial linguist the regular predure in learning english invlves listening first, t be flled b speaing then es reading, and finall the riting f the language the a u learn english

4、is uh the sae as the a u learned ur n languagefirst f all u ust listen and then repeat and repeat until u an use the language easil in ther rds, u have t build up language habits in english ust as u build up english habits in ur n language t su up, e ust bear in ind that nbd an learn t si fr u nbd an learn t pla ball fr u nbd an learn english fr u its up t u u ust learn fr urself and u ill learn if u reall ant t and are illing t pratie


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