外研版初三英语上册module 10 unit 3教案

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《外研版初三英语上册module 10 unit 3教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版初三英语上册module 10 unit 3教案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版初三英语上册 Module 10 Unit 3 教案外研版初三上册 dule 10 Unit 3 教案Perid 3: riting dule Tas Teahing ntent: riting dule Tas Teahing Ais and Deands:1 riting sill: T rite a shrt passage alled “Feed e better” Iprve the students riting abilit (难点)2 T learn abut health building in different untries, eg Spar (重点)3 T pl

2、ete a tas invlving aing a surve3 Attitudes: En a health lifeLearning strategiesTp-dn and Interative apprah and d se exerisesTeahing Aids: ulti-edia (Tape rerder, vide, HP, handut)Teahing Predures:Part I: RevisinTas: Help students t revise hat as learnt in last duleDiretins:(1) Revise the rds and phr

3、ases(2)Let the Ss retell the text Part II: ritingTas: rite a shrt passage alled “Feed e better”DiretinsStep ne: ae ntes abut health eating Use the table in Ativit 3 t help u Step t: Use the ntes in Ativit 7 and rite full sentenesStep three: all ba the ansers fr the hle lass, having individuals read

4、their sentenes Part III: Arund the rldTas: Learn sething abut health building in different untries, eg SparDiretinsStep ne: As the Ss t l at the different pitures abut health building in different untries, eg Spar Tell the Ss se nledge abut theStep t: Read the text and anser an questins the Ss haveP

5、art IV: dule TasTas: Finding as f eeping fitDiretins:Step ne: Ativit 9 n page 87 As the Ss t fill in this questinnaires abut ur health habitsStep t: Disuss things u an d t be healthierStep three: ae a list f 10 things everne an d t be health Read ur list t the lass - d the agree?Step fur :Tr t d the

6、 things n the list fr ne ee Then eet again and see h ell u did!Part V: ReallingReall hat e have learned tdaPart VI: A testD Ex6 n page 149 and hand in iediatelPart VII: Her: D the Self-assessent n page 149 Perid 4 Language in use Teahing ntent: Language in use e vabular: , advertise, at firste strut

7、ures: The restritive attributive lause ith hse (难点)Teahing Ais and Deands:1 T suarise and nslidate the restritive attributive lause ith hse 2 T pratise the rds and expressins (重点) 3Affetin and attitudes: En a health lifeLearning strategies: Fral instrutin and tas-based apprah and interative pratieTe

8、ahing Aids: ulti-edia (vide, HP, handut)Teahing Predures:Part I RevisinHelp students t revise hat is learnt in 3 perids f this dulePart II Language pratieTas1: T suarize and nslidate the restritive attributive lause ith hseDiretins(1)Run thrugh the exaples ith the Ss and ae sure that the are failiar

9、 ith the use f the restritive attributive lause ith hse(2) As the Ss t repeat the sentenes in the bx(3) As“an u ae ther siilar exaples?”(4)Fus the Ss attentin n the as in hih the are usedTas2: 1plete the instrutins fr the gae, using h r hseDiretins:(1) D Ativit1 n page 84 individuall (2) As the Ss t

10、 he ith a partner(3) As the Ss t read ut the sentenes (4) Suarize: the use f the restritive attributive lause ith hseTas 3: in the sentenes ith hseDiretins:(1) As the Ss t d Ativit 2 n page 84 individuall e an als d Ativit 3 at this tie(2)irulate and nitr their prdutin xb1(3) all the ansers ba fr se

11、 studentsTas 4: r in pairs Disuss the questins rite ansers ith the rds in the bxDiretins:(1) As the Ss t plete Ativit 4 and Ativit (2) all the ansers ba fr se studentsTas 4: plete the passage using the rret fr f the rds and expressins in the bxDiretins:(1) As the Ss t plete the passage using the rre

12、t fr f the rds and expressins in the bx in Ativit 8 (2) all the ansers ba fr se studentsTas : Pratise listeningDiretins:(1) As the Ss t listen t the nversatin and d Ativit 6 n page 8 and Ativit 7 n page 86 individuall (2)Listen again and he ith their partners(3) all the ansers ba fr the lassPart III: A testTal abut h t eep healthPart IV: Her: Finish all the exerises in the B



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