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1、八年级英语上册导学案 (鲁教版五四制)Unit 1 Have u ever been t an auseent par?复习导学案Hi, bs and girls! 你能说说本单元你学到了什么吗?本学案可是展现你本单元学习成果的地方哟,怎么样,有勇气亮相吗?开始之前,我们先梳理一些语言知识:复习目标1 话题展现本单元我们学谈论过去的经历、谈论有关英语学习及谈论你曾经去过的地方,主要句型有:1)Have u ever been t an aquariu?es, Ive been t an aquariu/N, Ive never been t an aquariu/e neither2) Hav

2、e u ever argued ith ur parents?3)Have u ever been t an English-speaing untr?hen did u start studing English?H lng have u been studing English?2 重点词汇neither, seen, island, espeiall, disver, fil, nderful, quarter, ppulatin, fear, brave, exellent, Indian, dar, fx, have a great tie, n bard3 有用句型1 Have u

3、 ever been t an aquariu?你曾经去过水族馆吗?现在完成时:表示过去发生的动作,并对现在有影响。常与alread, et, ever, never, befre 等时间状语连用。现在完成时表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态,长与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。构成:have/has+动词过去分词have been t 和 have gne t 的区别:have been t 指“ 到过某地” ,说话时此人不在那里,已经回,侧重指经历。have gne t 指“已经去了某地”,说话时此人在那里或可能在路上,反正不在这里。2 u an see Disne haraters ali

4、ng arund Disneland all the tie 你可以看到迪斯尼人物一直绕迪斯尼乐园在走动。see sb ding sth 看见某人在做某事 I sa ther athing TV hen I gt he3 I ll thin abut being an English teaher rather than a tur guide我将考虑当英语老师而不是当导游thin abut ding sth 考虑做某事 I thining abut ging shppingrather than 胜于,而不是,意思同 instead f Se peple as their failies a

5、nd friends t give ne t harit rather than bu the gifts/instead f buing the gifts4 It s a gd plae t pratie ur English 它是一个练习英语的好地方 t pratie ur English 动词不定式做定语修饰 a gd plae复习导航复习任务一:应掌握的词汇1 neither ( 二者)都不 He has t ars but neither f the is ne2 island 岛,岛屿 Taian is an island3 fil=vie 电影4 quarter 四分之一,一刻

6、钟 three quarters 四分之三ppulatin 指人口总数,作主语时谓语动词用单数 have a large ppulatin 人口众多 have a sall ppulatin 人口稀少, 提问人口用 hat6 ae v aae ad ae up 醒,唤醒复习任务二:应掌握的词组1 have a great tie 玩得愉快 2 hear f 听说 3 in fat 事实上 4 arund the rld 全世界 be theed ith 以 为主题 6 see sb ding sth 看见某人在做某事 7 n bard 在船上 8 end up 结束 9 thin abut d

7、ing sth 考虑做某事 10 rather than 胜于,而不是 11 in Sutheast Asia 在东南亚12 a nderful plae t tae a hlida 一个度假的好地方13n the ne hand, n the ther hand 一方面,另一方面14have prbles ding sth 做某事有困难1 ae up 醒,唤醒 16 all ear rund 一年到头17 be lse t 离近 18 be far fr 离远复习任务三 应掌握的句子1 Have u ever been t an aquariu?es, Ive been t an aquar

8、iu/N, Ive never been t an aquariu/e neither2 Have u ever argued ith ur parents?3 Have u ever been t an English-speaing untr?hen did u start studing English? H lng have u been studing English?4 I deided that the best a t d this as t bee a flight attendantI disvered that the st iprtant requireent as t

9、 spea English ellI ll thin abut being an English teaher rather than a tur guide6 I need t iprve listening sills7 It s a gd plae t pratie ur English8u nt have an prble finding rie,ndles, r duplings9 It ight see strange t g t a z hen its dar10 u an hse t g henever u lie-spring, suer, autun, r inter巩固提

10、高一用下列动词的适当形式填空:understand deide rent iprve sh1 English riting is gd, but I need t _ listening sills2 I dnt _ uld u explain that again, please?3 Thats a speial inea It nl _ freign fils4 Have u _ hat u ant t d after shl?u an _ biles at the auseent par答案:1 iprve 2 understand 3 shs 4 deided rent 二根据句意和首

11、字母提示完成下列单词1 hina has the largest p_ in the rld2 drea is t travel a_th rld3 At the Night Safari, u an ath these anials in a re natural e_than a nral z4Taian is ne f the largest i_in hinaT has t bies but n_f the is ne答案:1 ppulatin 2arund 3envirnent 4 islands neither三选择1 He has _ been t Shanghai, has h

12、e?A alread B never ever D still2 -D u lie tea r ffee?-_ I lie ilANne B Bth Neither D Either3 I dnt lie this Please sh e _A ther B the thers anther D the ther4 r Bla isnt here He _ the librarA has been t B has gne t ent t D ges tI sa her _ a str-b in the r at 7:00 last nightA read B t read reads Drea

13、ding6 She _ t Beiing an ties Trr shell g t Beiing againA have been B has gne has been D have gne7The untr is s _ the equatrAlsed t B lsed fr lse t D lse fr答案:BBD四、 阅读理解 Ahen r David retired(退休), he bught a sall huse in a village near the sea He lied it and hped t live a quiet life in it But t his gr

14、eat surprise, an turists ae t see his huse in suer hlidas, fr it as the st interesting building in the village Fr rning t night there ere turists utside the huse The ept ling int the rs thrugh the inds and an f the even ent int r Davids garden This as t uh fr r David He deided t drive the visitrs aa

15、 S he put a ntie n the ind The ntie said: “If u ant t satisf ur urisit(好奇心), ae in and l rund Prie(价格): tent dllars” r David as sure that the visitrs uld stp ing, but he as rng re and re visitrs ae and r David had t spend ever da shing the arund his huse “I ae here t retire, nt t r as a guide(导游) ” he said angril In the end, he sld the huse and ved aa根据短内容,从下列各题所给的 A、B、 、D 四个选项中选择正确答案。1、r Davids huse as_ that an turists ae t see itAs sall Bs quiet s interesting Dsuh interesting2、r David put a n


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