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1、仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案 32 (教师呈现一些写有国家、语言、民族的卡片,和学生一起谈论三者的对应关系,引出生词和被动语态。然后,请学生将此三类卡片一一对应地贴到黑板上的相应栏目中。)T:S1, hih d u lie better, hinese r English?S1:I lie hinese better T:S d I hinese and English are bth languages hinese is spen b the st peple thrughut the rld hile English is the st ppular language thrughut t

2、he rld(板书,要求学生掌握 language;理解 thrughut。)languagethrughut=all verT:There are an untries in the rld Different languages are spen b peple in different untries N here are se ards abut the untries, the languages and the peple an u sti the n the blabard in the rret rder?S2:I an have a tr PepleLanguageuntrh

3、ineseEnglish/EnglishanAerianapaneseFrenh/FrenhanhineseEnglishEnglishapaneseFrenhhinaEnglandUSAapanFrane(可请 3-4 名学生分工完成。)3 (1) (通过上面这个表格,进行对话练习,引出被动语态。)T:L at the blabard and anser questins hih language d hinese peple spea?S3: The spea hinese T:Gd! It eans “hinese is spen b hinese” And hih language d

4、 Australians spea?S4: The spea English T:ure right English is spen b Australians(进行上述对话时,板书以下结构,并讲解它们的意思和区别。)(2)(要求学生根据表格,仿照以上对话练习被动语态。)S:hih language d Aerians spea?S6:The spea EnglishS7: English is spen b Aerians T:Gd bs This lass ere ging t learn Setin A, Tpi 1, Unit 3Step 2 Presentatin 第二步 呈现(时间

5、:10 分钟)教师展示图片,创造情景对话,呈现新词汇和被动语态,完成1a,1b。1 (教师出示一幅 ie use 和 Dnald Du 的卡通图片,导入新,学习生词。)T:N, l at this artn h are the?Ss:ie use and Dnald Du T:D u lie the?Ss:es e lie the ver uh T:The are ver ppular The are ened b illins f peple fr all ver the rld I thin u uld lie t see re artn haraters(板书并要求学生理解。)artnh

6、araterThe are ened b illins f peple fr all ver the rld 2 (要求学生听录音,并回答下列问题。熟悉 1a 内容,培养听力技能。)(出示小黑板。)(1)here ill ang unfeng and his parents visit?(2)hih language is idel spen thrughut the rld?(边听边观察,若学生有许多不懂之处,再放一遍录音,然后核对答案。)3 (让学生速读 1a,完成 1b,提醒学生重点理解被动语态的用法,并找出重点、难点。培养学生快速阅读能力。)T:N please read the di

7、alg rapidl, and find ut the e pints and the diffiulties u ust have t inutes, then lets slve the tgether (两分钟后,学生互相讨论,教师解答疑难点。)S1: hat des “Guess hat!” ean?S2: It eans “Guess hat it is / the are ?”(板书并进行补充讲解。)Guess hat!ant ait t d sthhave a gd hane t d sthT: N please fill in the blans in 1b arding t

8、1a(核对答案。并让学生集体通读一遍。)Step 3 nslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间:7 分钟)巩固 1a,完成 2,继续呈现新词汇,培养学生的听、说能力。1 (分组朗读 1a。然后分角色表演。对表演好的组给予表扬。)T:Please read 1a in grups, then at it ut in rles2 (根据 1a,要求学生改写并复述。)T:Dn t l at ur English b h an retell the dialg? S1, an u have a tr? I sure u an S1:es Than u! ang unfeng and his parent

9、s ill g t Disneland3 (听录音,继续呈现部分新词汇,练习学生的听力,完成 2。)T:D u n h reated ie use? It is alt Disne It is said that he used t sit in the fail garage and dre pitures ne da he sa a use e int the garage and pla At last he dre a use and he as pleased ith it(板书并要求学生理解 garage;掌握 be pleased ith。)garagebe pleased it

10、hT:Fr n n, please listen arefull and ar eah sentene ith (T) fr True r (F) fr False Are u read fr it?(板书并要求学生掌握。)fr n n(核对答案。)Step 4 Pratie 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟)通过师生互动,学生练习,教师小结的方式,进一步加深对被动语态的了解,归纳出主动语态与被动语态互变的规律。1 (师生互动:由听力部分的 ie use 话题引入、归纳被动语态的结构。)T:e all n ie use is lied b an peple and English is idel

11、 spen thrughut the rld(教师重复并强调画线部分,然后板书被动语态的结构。) be (a, is, are)+pp2 (教师再举几个例子,并要求学生跟读,进一步加深对被动语态的了解。)T: N, here are ther sentenes Please read after e, and pa attentin t the struture “be+pp”(板书 ) The bab is led after ell b his therThese ars are prdued b the rers3 (学生口头完成 3a,核对答案,然后齐读。)T: Lets pratie

12、 3a4 (1)(教师引导学生认真观察 3b 的句子变化,使学生更深刻理解被动语态。)T: !Bs and girls, lets ae sentenes using the passive vie Ill give u se exaples first, then u ae sentenes b urselves arding t the sentene patterns D u understand?Ss:es T:u n, peple gr tea in ur area e an als sa lie this:(板书句子并领读。)Peple gr tea in ur areaTea i

13、s grn b peple in ur areaT:D u plant trees? an peple plant trees in their gardens e an als sa:(板书句子并领读。) an peple plant treesTrees are planted b an pepleT:N, lets d se exerises ? L at the sall blabard(2)(由学习被动语态到运用被动语态。)(出示小黑板。)Ative viePassive vie1 uh rubbish pllutes the river 2 Peple lve Disneland

14、3 an hildren lie ie use 4 The Aerians spea English 1 The river is plluted b uh rubbish 2 3 4 Ative viePassive vie1 Peple gr rie in the suth 2 3 4 1 Rie is grn in the suth b peple 2 Dgs are ept at he b peple3 Flers are planted in his garden b T4 ahines are ade in the fatr b rers(教师请 6 位学生在黑板上把表格填充完整,

15、并要求其余的学生独立完成,之后相互核对答案,最后教师讲解。)(学生齐读以上句子,教师鼓励学生运用被动语态造句。)Step Pret 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10 分钟)教师出示过去分词,要求学生尽量用被动语态对表演内容进行表述,并描述一天的生活。进一步巩固被动语态的用法。1( 学生复习动词的过去分词 bren, hsen, ut, dne, eaten, drun, aught, bitten, fund, rn, sent, spen, tld 等等。鼓励他们把这些动词与 Tpi list(如下所示)的某一题目结合起进行编剧表演活动。要求活动中尽量出现表达被动意义的动作或情节,最后小组推

16、举一位同学,尽量多的用被动语态句子对表演内容进行讲述。)Tpi list(1)Lst and Fund(suggested rds: lse, find)(2)An aident(suggested rds: hit, send)(3)ath a thief(suggested rds: steal, ath)(4)Hunting(suggested rds: sht, sare)(一组的主要事:Lst and Fund学生表演:学生 A 丢了手表,学生 B 和帮他寻找并且找到,最后其中的一位同学对故事进行描述:)ath is lst I ant find it But I a helped b hen ing and Li ei It is fund at the rner f the plagrund b Li ei ath is sent t e n (二组的事主题:An


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