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1、九年级上英语单词表(外研打印版)九年级上英语单词表(外研打印版)dule 1nderbandrevieanientpsitingradpraidpupileetinglisten upalleventnaturalget ut flightrepllearrisegrund beledgen the edge fpleasedbttat the btt fgr upann sidedisappeardistanehugefaesightheightliftvieattratdesriptinlatindule 2rinfluenerespetthiner ise as far as nt an

2、 renthlliteratureillins fbehaviravefreedutsidersial theetreasureleverrun aadeadfir a tiealivetal abutsuthernstateversinhistrialeditrpublisherrevieerdule3sprtingalldefeatseasnstand fragainsttughenurageedalvernightsetset upearbfirst f allrepresentadvertiseentahregularlsprtsanhurdlehurdlingsprtsanrae d

3、isussin aardfinishing linearathnturntaendbeltdule 4hargefavrpublishissuerdinaragereplaesee tprduel thrughreatettndat a tie b hand in bl at the beginning f nledge spread intrdutin rather than D-R ne da feather dr sharpen steel funtain pen ppularit ballpint pen dule -6entrphtgraphfailiar attentinpa at

4、tentin tetal upstairsguardsignaste asteful thr aa energ pllutin rele as ell reader dnstairsenvirnental sulpture reusable either hpeless experiene redue exhibitreuse unusual neessar r ut plasti tr ut repair Launh Padhina phsis are fallingfashin sandinstead f tru instead heel air nditining psitin lth

5、ret srt travel har huan d har t speed differene be ae a differene t abve all prdut drp inaterial asas bttle uniatinbil urt ildlife stre lar tilet inventr afedule 7rdile shar hand have a l at alngside detail grape ha lab utba relative sheep spirit surfing ine helipter purplesiilarsiilar tursrietrugbs

6、unshineexpressinateteperlifestleater sprtsgreanestrdule 8n the left/righttrubleshtidexpetpi uphistrieven thughsizebeautategrveentfeatureinludeRihngratulatinphtgraphpresenterenfrighteneddule 9artnnflashndraingnver thererdnhave a rd ithuteadheavennlvableaessnnsternprivateaheartnin the heart feverherea

7、dhandbagn favuritenleadvrulenpeahnnabssnsurfaenever sineBelgiana n artnistnseriesnexperienevnreatrnlateasingledule 10fitnessnahevnexerisenrunningneightneight liftinggive upunlielabupvbup intv interestv nun fdsugarntastaenunhipnbehavevpastanpersuadevtingn banvt eduatevttpialadisadvantagendietnadverti

8、sevdule 11ppulatinnrdninreasevsen vinreasinga alng ithinutenperentnappintentnthans trienflatnlanrubbishnsuburbntaxnvisinnaddvadd tfaultnplienurevdule 12adatinnshrtsn sunglassesn trusersnguestnursenhstnpassagenell-trainedexperienedadprgressnae prgressarrangevvariusarganizevtplae f interestfill inappliatinnfrnaddressnlengthnb n vtRevisin dule Bhe inaetnstatinndenaextraantatvt


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