初一英语上册module 1 unit 2教学设计

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《初一英语上册module 1 unit 2教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初一英语上册module 1 unit 2教学设计(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初一英语上册 Module 1 Unit 2 教学设计初一英语上册 dule 1 Unit 2 教学设计G71U2 教学设计一 、型:Speaing and reading二 、教学内容分析:本单元是第一模块的第二部分可以起到衔接上一单元的作用,通过问答练习既复习上一节所学内容,又可以为接下的阅读提供信息支持。三 、教学目标1、Useful expressins in intrduing persns2、T get in fratin fr the reading aterial abut persnal infratin 四、知识与能力:1、T be able t intrdue nesel

2、f r ther2、Asing fr and reeiving persnal infratin五、情感态度与价值观T build up students nfidene and interest in English- learning 六、教学过程 1、aring-up/Lead in 活动目的 Revie and nslidate the vabular students have learned befre。教师活动 1)Read thrugh these questins and ansers ae sure the students understand the 2)Pratise

3、 the ith the hle lass hrall and individuall 3)Pair the students t as and anser 4)Put the students in ne pairs ,have the d a ingling ativit, asing the persn nearest the hen u lap ur hands 学生活动 1)r in pairs abut their nae untr age r ther re 2)At ut the nversatin in fnt in pairs2、Reading extensivel /In

4、 put活动目的 Train students t get speifi infratin thrugh reading 教师活动 1)As students t read and anser individuall2) As the t he ith a partner 3)all ba the ansers fr the hle lass ,asing the students t read the stateents and then sa “true”r “false”学生活动 1)Read and anser individuall, then he ith a partner 2)

5、he the ansers in lass and share the learning strateg 3)rret the false sentenes 3、Reading intensivel/Pratie 活动目的 1) Use the rds the have ust learned in real life 2)Teah students riting sills 教师活动 1)As the students t read the passage in ativit 2 again and t fill in the table ith rret infratin 2) he th

6、e ansers ith hle lass ,then ith individual students 3) As students t desribe Daing Lingling andang hui b theselves,then as se students t the frnt t tal abut the 学生活动 1) Read the passage arefull again and d ativit 3plete the table2) he the ansers ith a partner ,then ith the hle lass 3)Tr t sa sething

7、 abut Daing,Lingling ,and ang huiFirst,prepare b theselves thentr t tal abut the t the frnt 4、riting /ut put活动目的 1)Train Ss riting sills 2)Revie the nledge learned 教师活动 1)As a fe student t tr t sa sething abut iang li ,then rite dn the sentenes abut iangli 2)First ,as Ss t rite abut theselves ,then

8、as Ss t tr riting sething abut their lassates r friends 学生活动 1) Tr t sa sething abut iang li ,then rite dn the sentenes abut iangli 2) First , rite abut theselves ,then tr riting sething abut their lassates r friends 七、作业布置 1、D exerise 11 in dule 1 in rb 2、rite sething abut a persn u lie best八、教学反思

9、抓住学生刚刚升入初中好奇心强这一特点,本节我围绕“介绍人物”这一话题创设了一个贴近学生生活实际的教学情境。双人问答,小组活动,师生互动活跃了堂气氛;加深了师生间的和谐; 激发了学生的学习兴趣。通过本的学习,学生能够用所学词汇句型进行简单的交流对话,也能做简单的自我介绍或介绍身边的朋友亲人,让他们体会到成功的乐趣,进而增强学习的信心和兴趣。 目标检测题一英汉互译1 读书 2sit dn_ 3 起立_ 4 自_rite n the blabard 6given nae 7 姓 8 ears ld 9 a ne student 10 二年级一班_二 用适当的人称代词填空1 is aunt I fte

10、n visit 2hina is adevelping untr_lies in the east f asia3Prfessr ang sets_a gd exaple e ust learn fr_4hat s rng ith T?_is three ileters aaH far is the thunder(雷声) ?_is three ileters aa6I n a blue bie The red ne desnt belng t_7These ne huses are s nie_are ver expensive8_sa that thse ld huse ill be re

11、built9Lingling is a girl_studies in a priar shl10ie is lassate_is gd at phsis三单项选择1hat_ur nae?Ais Bare a2I_ i GreenAis Bare a3H_u?I_fine,than uAare,is Ba,are are,a4hat is this? hat is=_Ahat are BIts hatshat is this? _AIt BIts its6H are u?I_,than uAgd Bnie fine7Nie_eet u Nie_eet u,_At,t,t Bt,t,t t,t,

12、t8I in_ANuber Fur Blass ne hith r 9ele t Beiing_A Bes Than u10Than u_AThats rightBThan uure ele四阅读理解ie is a bHe is a gd studentHes in lass2,Grade1H ld is he? I n He is eleven H ld is his friend? I dnt ln I thin hes furteen His naeIs Bill r Sa h,its BillThats rightI a nt rngies dad is 42 Hes a teaher

13、 Bills u is 39Shes a teaher,t There atShl tda1 ies friend is_AI BBill Sa2ie is_ A11 B12 143ie is in_AGrade 1 Bgrade 2 Grade 34Bill;s u is_tdaAat he Bhere at shlIs Bills ther a teaher?AI dnt n Bes,she is N,she isnt附答案:xb1一 1 read bs 2 坐下 3stand up 4be/e fr 写在黑板上 6 名字 7fail nae 8 几岁 10lass1 Grade2二 1S

14、he;her 2It 3us;hi 4He It 6e 7The 8It 9She 10He三 1A 2 3 4 B 6 7A 8B 9 10四 1B 2A 3A 4 B单元达标题一 、翻译下列词组1、自_ 2、一年级三班_3、十二岁 _ 4、 、坐下_、起立 _ 6、好朋友_7、多大 _ 8、在我班_9、他的名字 _ 10、我的英语老师_二 、单项选择( )1、Shanghai is a big_Auntr B tn it Dvillage( ) 2 eiei is _lass tAn Batin Dfr( )3 Daing is _He is fr BeiingAEnglish BAeri

15、anhinese Dapanese( )4Ann ith her parents_in hinaAa Bisare Dbe( )a is_Ae fr England Bfr Englisha English b D English三、用所给词的适当形式填空1Daing _(be nt ) in lass t2-_Lingling and Daing ur lassates ?-N,the _(be nt)3He is in _(Daing) lass4a is fr _(Aerian)There are an big _(it) in hina四、汉译英1 我在一年级五班。_2 大明不是英国人。_3 你自北京吗?_



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