中考英语复习学案(7b unit6)

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1、中考英语复习学案(7B Unit6)中考英语复习学案(7B Unit6)一、重点短语及句型: 1 十二只老鼠 telve ie 2 玩有趣的把戏 d nderful tris3 追赶 hase / run after 4 直到永远 until the end 一天一次 ne a da6 眼睛睁得大大的 ith ees pen ide 7 整天 the hle da 8 鱼缸 fish tan 9 安静 be quiet 10 做某事的正确方法 the right a t d 11 在太阳下 in the sun 12 在底部 at the btt f 13 我自己的房间 n r 14 看起一样

2、 l the sae 1 四条金鱼 fur gldfish 16 一只叫埃迪的狗 a dg alled / naed Eddie 17 在边缘 n the edge18 在中间 in the iddle 19 喂他吃东西 feed sb sth 20 盘弄球 pla ith balls 21 按门铃 ring the drbell 22 敲门 n at / n the dr 23 带它散步 al it 24 保持温暖 eep ar 2 一周三次 three ties a ee 26 看起有点不同 l a little different 27 用拴住 be n a lead 28 游游去 si

3、 arund 二、语法点:祈使句:以动词原形开头,无人称,其否定在句首加“Dnt ” 如:Dnt pen the dr Shuld “应当”是 shall 的过去式形式,在此处可表示 “职责,责任” 等同于“ught t d ”ust “一定, 必须”语气强烈 同于“ have t d ”牛刀小试 中考连接1_ ( nt ae) an nise in the lassr 2I have a pet at _ ( all ) ii 3hen sene _(ring) the bell , Eddie _(bar)4u shuld al ur dg _ (t) a ee It s hard fr

4、T _() fr hiself 6These shes need _ (repair) 7I ant t eep the pet _ (health) 8ust I g he n ? (根据要求回答) es , _ / N, _ 9u shuld al ur dg ne a da _ ?10I an l after sister ell (同意句) I an _ sister 初三英语组复习资料(7B Unit6 配套练习)一 用所给词的适当形式填空1 I ften teah parrts _ (说话) 2 She never _(担心) beause she an l after herse

5、lf ell 3 It s i_ t ae a lt f _ (噪音) in the publi plaes 4 Sh ! Sene is _ (敲) at the dr I bught a ne _ and I ill _ dg everda (刷子)6 It s _(必要的) t read English ever da 7 A fantail gldfish _(重) abut fur gras 8 grandpa ften f_ (give fd t) his pet tree ties a da 9 Please _( 带) e ur phts 10 h is _ ( lever)

6、girl in ur lass ?11 D u n fish sleep ith ees _ (lse) 12 It s a gd idea _ (see) a fil tnight 13 _(I) n gldfish lies t eat peas 14 Ill teah _(the) English and the teah _(I) hinese 1 Please _ (sit) here and _ (ait) 16 It s iprtant _(nt give) the t uh fd 17 Be quiet ! ure t _ (nise) 18 esterda I athed t

7、he _ (pla) ftball hen I passed there 19 The lvel dg lies _(run after) a ball in the garden 二 单项选择( ) 1I ant t brr a b _anials A ith B in f D abut( ) 2 _ vlleball here, _ u a brea the indsA Pla ; r B Dnt pla ; r Pla ; s D Dnt pla ; s( ) 3 Anials dnt lie _ agesA live in B live living in D living( ) 4

8、I hungr, _ e lunhA tae B Bring Sh D Help( ) u _ _ feed u dg at tableA ught B ught nt t ught t nt D dnt ught t( ) 7 _ big fish the are!A hat B H hat a D H a( ) 8 I _ g t bed _ father ae baA nt, until B didnt, until ill, until D /, hen( ) 9 He lies singing, _ he desnt sing ellA and B but s D r( )10-Di

9、d u as anne _ the gldfish ? - es , I had the gld fish _ A fee d ; fed B t feed ; fed fed ; fed D t feed ; t feed ( )11 -This is a “ N sing ” sign ant u see it ? - Srr , I _ it A uld see B nt see didnt see D dnt see ( )12 u dn t need _ ats beause the are ver laz A al B t al aling D aled( )13 an ant l

10、ive ithut air _ ater A and B ith r D in( )14 _ usi it is ! A H beautiful B hat beautiful hat a beautiful D H beautiful a三 句子改写1That dg lies running after ats (写出同意句) The dg _ _ ats 2L after ur pet ell (写出同意句 )_ _ _ _ _ ur pet 3u shuld listen t ur teaher (写出同意句)u _ _ _ _ ur teaher 4e staed at he beau

11、se the eather as bad (写出同意句 )e staed at he _ _ _ _ _ The t bags dnt l different (写出同意句)The t bags_ _ _ 6 The ld lad ften als her dg in the evening (写出同意句)The ld lad ften _ her dg _ _ _ in the evening 7 The ld huse is grandfathers (写出同意句)The ld huse _ _ grandfather 8 A at eighs abut 2 g _ _ _ a at _

12、?9 This rd is shrter than the thers (写出同意句)This rd is _ f all 四 句子翻译1、去年他不会划船 。Last ear he _ _ a bat 2、听!有人在敲门。 Listen ! Sene is _ _ the dr 3、如果你想保持健康,确保自己每天都做些运动。_ _ u tae _ ever da if u ant t _ _ 4、它不是麻烦。It _ an _ 、狗是我们的朋友。我们不应该怕他们。A dg is ur friend e shuldnt _ _ _ the 6 不能吓唬猫。_ _ ats 7 你不应当把你的宠物独

13、自留在家太久。u _ _ ur pet at he _ fr _ _ 8 你应当更礼貌。u _ _ be _ plite 五 完形填空hn left the United States in 1969 t r in Afria Afria as ht hen hn 1 t the United States in 1979, he said t hiself, “ Its uh 2 here than it as befre I left I ging t 3 an eletri heater(电热器) Besides, everthing is uh re 4 ”hn ent t a stre the next da t bu an eletri heater The salesan hi three r fur 6 inds and then said, “ And this is ur best eletri heater It 7 a lt, but it 8 half f ur eletriit(



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