2016九年级英语下module 3检测题(外研版含答案听力mp3)

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2016九年级英语下module 3检测题(外研版含答案听力mp3)_第1页
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1、2016 九年级英语下 Module 3 检测题(外研版含答案听力MP3)dule 3 Life n and then 检测题(时间: 60 分钟;满分:100 分)一、听力部分(满分 20 分)A 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。( 每小题1 分,满分分)1 A fineB five fur2 A upB us ne3 A neB t three4 A enn lives in hinaB I live in anada nae is enn A father has lng arsB fathers fingers are lngfathers legs are lngB

2、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题 1 分,满分分)6 A hiteB ell Blue7 A It happened in a lthing shpB It happened in a hspitalIt happened at shl8 A r Bla is freeB r Bla is ut r Bla is bus9 A ednesdaB Tuesda nda10 A Beause he didnt ant t g t the partB Beause he had se ther things t dBeause he as ill and uldnt g t th

3、e part听对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(每小题 2 分,满分10 分)11 here is the an?A Shes in a she shpB Shes in a t shp Shes in a bshp12 hats she ling fr?A Shes ling fr a bearB Shes ling fr a t arShes ling fr a t bear13 H uh is the gra tedd bear?A 200 uanB 100 uan 80 uan14 h desnt the an bu the first tedd bear?A It s t sa

4、llB She desnt lie the lr Its t big1 H uh des the an pa fr the tedd bear in the end?A 80 uanB 200 uan 100 uan二、笔试部分(满分 80 分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子(每小题 0 分,满分分)16 The hinese harater Ditatin ntest reinds us that hinese haraters pla an iprtant _(角色) in passing n hinese language and ulture17 He used t be ver

5、pr, but n he is ver 18 In _(空余的) tie, I lie reading nvels19 _(教育) is reall iprtant in ur lives, s e shuld r hard at shl20 A teaher is ften pared t a 21 The pr b as brn _(聋的), and he an hear nthing22 Dnt stand utside in the The teperature is ver l23 The dut f a p t deliver letters and parels24 The s

6、ath televisin these das beause the have a lt f r t d2 His ees shed n _(害怕)根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题 1 分,满分分)26 我们擅长预防疾病。ere _ _ _ illness27 我正在想问题。I _ _ a prble28 他们已经结婚 20 年了。The _ _ _ fr tent ears29 我们不再年轻了。e are _ _ ung30 他找到了学习英语的新方法。He _ _ a ne a f _ English句型转换(每小题 1 分,满分分)31 He is gd at phsis, and he an

7、 r ut the prble (改为同义句)He _ _ in phsis, and he an r ut the prble32 She is ver ind and alas helps e t learn English (改为同义句)She is ver ind and alas _ _ _ English33 The bx is s heav that I ant arr it (合并成一个简单句 )The bx is _ heav _ e _ arr34 sister is as thin as e (改为否定句)sister _ _ _ _ e3 T is ver strng

8、He an lift the heav bx (改为同义句 )T is _ _ _ _ the heav bx 单项填空(每小题 1 分,满分 1 分)36 prble right n is _ I shuld as fr anther puterA ifB hether hihD hat37 Have u _ ur tiet, sir?N, I still _ itA fund; findingB led fr; ling frfund; ling frD led fr; finding38 I _ g t the vies The tiets are t expensive fr eA a

9、lasB ften se tiesD seld39 Unle ang gave all his savings t the Pret Hpe _ he as nt rihA beauseB as if thughD r40 _ ging hiing this eeend?Srr I prefer staing at he t ging utA hatB H H abutD h41 Health is ver iprtant t us e shuld eat re vegetables and fruit instead f _ rih fdA t uhB uh t t anD an t42 S

10、he ls _ beause she has a _ vaatinA relaxed; relaxedB relaxed; relaxing relaxing; relaxingD relaxing; relaxed43 u, uld I have a puter lie this?ertainl, e an bu _ ne, but as gd as this The prie f this ind is a little higherA a heapB a heaper a sallD a saller44 The _ fr ver ten earsA are arringB have b

11、een arried ill arrD arr4 an u hear e?N, I ant uld u please spea _?A learl enughB lear enugh enugh learD enugh learl46 His father ften helps hi _ his athsA fB t nD ith47 puters an r _ than en and ae _ istaesA sler; lessB faster; feer faster; lessD faster; re48 aunt _ drive her ar t the fatr, but n sh

12、e _ ging there b busA used t; used tB is used t; is used tused t; is used tD is used t; used t49 hat d u lie _, tea, ffee r il?Tea, f urseA betterB gd ellD best0 _ exerise u tae, _ u ill feelA uh; healthB The re; the healthier re; healthierD The re; healthier完形填空(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Eah ne f us is supps

13、ed t save the envirnentHundreds f ears ag, life as 1 than 2 tda Peple didnt use dern ahines, and there 3 dern ahines, 4 Life tda ne prbles ne f the biggest is pllutin ater pllutin has 6 ur rivers and laes dirt It ills ur fish and affets ur drining ater Nise pllutin aes us7 luder and 8 Air pllutin is

14、 the st serius ind f pllutin It affets 9 living thing in the rldars, planes and fatries all pllute ur air ever da Seties the pllutin is s 60 that it is lie a quilt ver a it This ind f quilt is alled sg(烟雾)1 A re hardB re harder uh harderD uh re harder2 A theB the ere it asD it is3 A as ntB ere n ere

15、D as4 A eitherB t alsD neitherA bringB have have gtD has brught6 A adeB let taenD hanged7 A saB tal tellD spe8 A feel happ re quilB get angr uh easierbee angr re easilD feel sad re sll9 A stB all neD ever60 A thinB bad hardD light阅读理解(每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)Ahat ill u d hen u have sething diffiult t d? I used t as t


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