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1、2015 年秋四年级英语上册期中联考试卷(人教版)201 年秋小学四年级期中联合考试英语试卷(时间:60 分钟,总分:100 分)题号一二三四五六七总分得分听力部分(2 分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。 ( 分) ( ) 1 A lae B ae tae ( ) 2 A train B turn superaret( ) 3 A r B little hill( ) 4 A near B there here( ) A bat B bie egg二听音给下列图片排顺序。 (用数字排序) (分)二、听音,排顺序。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,选出你听到的句子。 (分)( )1

2、、A Hes fling a ite B Shes riding a bie( )2、A hat are the ding ? B hat is he ding ?( )3、A Turn right B Turn left( )4、A an u run fast? B an u up high?( ) 、A H uh is it? B an I help u?四、听音,给句子选出正确的应答语。 (10 分)( )1A es, I d B es, I have( )2A ure ele B Than u s uh( )3A She is reading B He is athing TV( )4

3、A The are drining ffee B The are in the par( )A es, u an B N, than u笔试部分(7 分)一、读单词,选出不同类的单词。 (10 分) ( )1A uie B tat sa il( )2A listening B daning see( )3Aright B left sing( )4Arun B up fler( ) Ainea B street superaret二、英汉连一连。 (分)1、at the statin A 紧靠的旁边2、next t B 在车站3、tae pitures 下国际象棋4、pla hess D 西红

4、柿鸡蛋面、ndles ith tat and egg E 照相三、选词填空。 (分)athing get n listening uping in 1 The girls are t usi 2The little b is n the bed3He is TV 4Lets the busan I e _? 四、连词成句。 (1 分)1、b Shes a reading ( )2 behind the tree I ( )3 se D u ant rie (?)4 aing u Are duplings (?) at Its the statin ()五根据情景,选择正确的答案。 (12 分)

5、( ) 1、 你与同学赛跑,你赢了,你应说: A: I hungr B I the inner( ) 2、 你问朋友是否想吃梨,你应问: A: hat d u ant? B D u ant se pears?( ) 3、 你想告诉小明你正在看书,你应说: A: I athing a b B I reading a b( ) 4、 你想把东西给别人,你应说: A: Here u are B Hare e are( ) 、 朋友问你是否想吃水饺,你想吃,你应说: A: es, Please B N, than u( ) 6、 你去商场购物,售货员会对你说: A: an I help u? B an

6、 I help e?六读一读 选一选,将正确答案序号填在横线上。 (20 分)1 u run fast, A? A Are B an Is2 an u a ae? A aes B ae is aing3 here are u n? - I ur leftA t B n in4 I live N 2 Par StreetA in B abut at L at these A piture B pitures a piture6 A lies fast fd A hinese B hina se7 H is it? - Seven uanA uh B an an8This is friend A

7、_ is reading a b A She B He It 9T _ plaing ftball A is B are a 10_ is ur shl ? -G straight n A here B hat hse七阅读短判断正(T)误(F) 。 (8 分)Tda is Saturda I g t the par ith friend Lingling There are an peple in the par Se hildren are plaing gaes Three girls are sipping T bs are ring a bat ne little b is drining il near a ar L at the big tree! There are t birds in the tree A girl is uping under the tree T ld en are plaing hess 1Se hildren are plaing ftball ( )2Six girls are sipping ( )3There are t birds in the tree ( )T ld en are plaing hess ( )


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