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1、2016-2017 七年级英语上册期末试卷(带答案听力)20162017 学年度第一学期期末学情分析七年级英语试卷(满分 120 分 考试时间 100 分钟)一、听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)A)听对话回答问题,将正确选项填涂在答题卡相应位置。( 读两遍) 1 hat des the girl ften d at eeends?A B2 hat ill a bu fr her ther?A B 3 hat des Bb lie t have fr breafast? A B 4 H des illie g t the useu?A B hen as Lisa brn?A

2、 n anuar 1stB n April 1st n tber 1st6 H an sllables des the rd u hear inlude?A ne sllable B T sllables Three sllables7 h des the girl NT lend the b a pen?A Beause she is using (使用) the penB Beause she desnt ant t help the bBeause she nl has a penil8 h is the letter fr?A Its fr Aeria B Its fr illie I

3、ts fr Li Lei9 h are the t speaers(说话者)?A A farer and a rerB A brther and a sister A teaher and a student10 H lng des A pratise vlleball ever da? A An h urB Half an hur ne and a half hursB )听对话和短回答问题, 将正确选项填涂在答题卡相应位置。(读两遍)听第 1 段材料,回答第 11-12 小题。11 hat are Sands favurite vegetables?A TatesB Ptates arrt

4、s12 H ften des Sand eat the?A Fur ties a ee B Five ties a ee Ever da听第 2 段材料, 完成信息表第 13-1 小题。A Happ Sundaeet 13 Tae a bus there and spend 14 buing the tietsIn the sprts enterPla badintn fr t hursIn the parPla gaesIn FHave lunhIn the Reading lubG there at 1 13 A in the sprts entreB at the shl gate in

5、 the par14 A 10 uanB 16 uan 20 uan1 A 3:30 p B 3:00 p 2:30 p 听第 3 段材料,回答第 16-20 小题。16 The girl ants t be a designer beause she lies A fashinB design dels17 hih f the flling is NT her design?A eansB A at Bts18 hat is the seater ade f?A ttnB l Leather19 hat lur are the trusers?A PinB hite Bla20 hat t

6、things have the sae (相同的) lur?A The at and the seaterB The at and the trusers The bts and the seater二、单项选择(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)从 A、B、 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 , 填涂在答题卡相应位置。 21 D u have ar? es But I lend t David A an; ne B a; it a; ne D an; it22 L! There are s an peple b the Gexian LaeNbd lies t st

7、a at he a sunn rningA n B in at D t23 hat d u plan t d at night? I ant t firers ith friendsA tae ffB set ff fall ffD ut ff24 H abut the i b? Its $3 I ant tae it The prie is t fr us studentsA highB heap expensiveD uh2 hih f the flling rds has the sae sund as the “s” in the rd “ups”?Let e see Thats A

8、angesB pupins disliesD dels26 _ is the ttal nuber f ur sre? Ninet-furA H B H an hat D H uh27 re peple ride publi (公共的) bies, the streets ill nt be rded (拥挤)A S B If ButD And 28 It s gd fr ur ees t the green hills after ring fr a lng tieA l ut f B l ut at l ut fr D l fr at29 H uh des an iPhne 7 ? re

9、than ,000 uan I dnt thin it is a gd idea t spend s uh n a phneA buB spend st D tae30 H the ung peple l at the part! The are daning A happil; happilB happ; happ happil; happD happ; happil 31H is ur friend? He is and hes at shl nA gd B ill bad D ell32 rs Green is uh t fat beause she eats seet fdA t an

10、B uh t an tD t uh33 hat d u thin f red glves, A? A Ver ell B Its gd There nie D I lie it ver uh34 The aet brn trusers ver ell, and it e ellA ath; fits B fits; athes athes; fits D fit; athes3 There lts f bread and se ranges fr breafast in the fridge A has B have are D is36 hih f the flling underlined

11、 (划线) parts has the sae sund as ?A hristas B taste anther D haburger 37 uld u lie se hien fr dinner? es, pleaseA rder B t rder rdering D rders38 T is ften late fr shl and he desnt d his her He is a b, I thinA tired B sl bus D laz39 d u visit ur grandparents?Three r fur ties a ear Usuall at id-Autun

12、festival and Spring FestivalA H lngB H uh H ften D H an 40 RT-Superaret at 9 a and it fr 10 hurs ever eeendA pens; pens B pens; is pen is pen; pens D pen; is pen三、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。I a an apple I a ind f seet fruit I gr in an plaes f the rld

13、, but I ant gr ell in ver ht plaes 41 ver ld plaesI a nt lie usins pears and bananas I a runder than a pear and bananas are 42 than e I a deliius, 43 peple in the rld lie t eat e The an usuall eat e 44 ashing(洗 ) e The an als e t 4 all inds f fd, seties the put e in ans(罐头) t send e t ther plaes f t

14、he rld Alst everne an have ne t bu e46 I st ver little I an als help peple get 47 There is a saing in English: An apple a da eeps the dtr aa Dnt u thin that I ver great? I have an vitains (维生素) inside, the are48 fr u I reall ish t ae u happ and health, s dnt frget t eat e as ften as pssible (尽可能经常地)

15、 But I als need ur lve, if u ant t ae e taste better, u ust 49 e ell Than u fr ur lve Ill tr t gr ell and 0 seeter Then u ill lie t eat e a lt re41 A but B r and D s42 A shrter B lder fatter D lnger43 A sB and but D r44 A fr B befre afterD ith4 A let B have tae D ae46 A beause B s but D and47 A happ B health frtable D sart48 A gd B bad read D different49 A l fr B l after l lie D l at0 A sund B feel bee (变得) D l四、阅读理解(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面内容, 然后从所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。(A)(Ne rds: sale 售价;list prie 标牌价;nav 深蓝色;live 橄榄色)1 If hn ants t bu a pair f basetball shrts a


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