2013八年级英语上册module 7 unit 3教案(新外研版)

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1、2013 八年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 3 教案(新外研版)dule 7 A faus strUnit 3 Language in use一、学习目标:A 单词和短语:fall ,fll, hle, rabbit, ssh, grund, tea part, tie, ne r tie, suddenl, pin, pet, field, thin abut, deep, hile, land, dr B 交际用语:1 Ssh!2 Srr!3 hat s the b?It s abut 4 h as it running?Alie as sitting ith her siste

2、r b the river 6 It as sitting in a tree and as siling at everne7 The ere having a tea part in the garden8 She as plaing a strange gae!9 here as it ging?10 T see if u reeber the str! 11The heshire at as sitting n the grass N, it asnt It as sitting in a tree12 The hite rabbit as ling at its ath es, it

3、 as 13 hat ere u ding at a esterda? I as getting up 二 教学目标1 Funtin : Telling a str2Struture: Past ntinuus3 Sills: 1) Listening and understanding the plt develpent f Alies Adventures in nderland Understanding the ar haraters and events2) Partiipating in a rle-pla ith the teahers guidane3) Reading and

4、 understanding the sequene f events in Alies Adventures in nderland 4) riting a shrt passage abut hat happened after Alie fell dn the rabbit hle4 Arund the rld : StriesTas: riting a shrt str abut ur n experiene三、重点及难点: Graar: Past ntinuus 四、教学设计:Unit 3 Language in useTeahing delRevisin and appliatin

5、 Teahing ethdFral and interative pratie Teahing ais1 Funtin: Telling a str2 Struture: Past ntinuus3 Arund the rld: Stries4 Tas: riting a shrt str abut ur n experieneTeahing aidsTape rerder , HP , handutsTeahing StepsStep 1 Revisin1 Revie the sentenes (as /ere + ding) that e have studied in Unit 1 22

6、 Sh se pitures t tal abut the pituresStep 2 Language pratie1 Read thrugh the exaple sentenes in the bx ith the hle lass1) Alie as sitting ith her sister b the river 2) It as sitting in a tree and siling at everne 3) The ere having a tea part in the garden 4) here as it ging?2 Sh se pitures t tal abu

7、t the pitures3 r in pairs4 Graar: Past ntinuusStep 3 Underline the rret rds1 As the students t read thrugh the sentenes in Ativit 1 1) Suddenl, all the lights in huse ere ging ff / ent ff There as heav rain utside2) I alled u up at seven l last night, but nbd ansered it Reall? I srr, but I as teahin

8、g / taught a pian lessn at shl3) I as seeing / sa u and T in the librar ust n h, e shed / ere shing several visitrs arund the shl2 Underline the rret rds 3 As the students t he ith a partner4 he the ansers:es: 1 ere having 2 ent ff 3 as teahing 4 sa, ere shingStep 4 riting 1 As the students t rite s

9、entenes abut hat u ere ding1) At abut seven l last night, _2) This rning, n a t shl, _3) This tie last ear, _4) Last Saturda, fr abut 1 p t 4 p, _2 r in pairsStep Pla a gae 1 As the students t read thrugh the nversatin in Ativit 3A: At eight l last night I as athing TV H abut u, B?B: At eight l last

10、 night I as sleeping H abut u, ?: At eight l last night I as having dinner H abut u, D?D: 2 r in grups f fur Pla a hain gae3 rite dn hat eah eber f ur grup as ding at eight l last nightSun Li as athing TV at eight l last night1) _2) _3) _4) _Step 6 plete the sentenes 1 As the students t read thrugh

11、the rds in the bx in Ativit have nthing t d ne r tie run after thin abut hat fr2 As the students t read thrugh the sentenes in Ativit 1) The dg is _ the at in the garden2) _ is this ahine _?3) He _ and as ver bred4) She is _ h t finish the str ) I rte t hi _, but he didnt anser3 plete the sentenes i

12、th the rret fr f the expressins in the bx4 As the students t he ith a partnerhe the ansers: es: 1 running after 2 hat fr 3 had nthing t d 4 thining abut ne r tieStep 7 plete the passage1 As the students t read thrugh the rds in the bx in Ativit 6 nversatins hle pin pet river strange2 As the students

13、 t read thrugh the passage in Ativit 6 Alie as sitting ith her sister b the (1) _ and her sister as reading a b Her sisters b had n pitures r (2) _ in it Then a hite rabbit ith (3) _ ees ran b her There as (4) _ abut that But then the rabbit t a ath ut f its () _ and led at it Alie flled it and fell

14、 dn a (6) _ Alie had a lt f adventures in nderland3 plete the passage ith the rds in the bx4 As the students t he ith a partnerhe the ansers: es: 1 river 2 nversatins 3 pin 4 strange pet 6 hleStep 8 Listening pratie1 As the students t read thrugh the questins in Ativit 7 individuall Paragraph 11) ne da, I as ith _e ere having a _ in a field and I as sething _2) There as a _ at ith a pin nse sitting in a tree3) It led lie it as eating the _ in the tree Paragraph 24) hile I as ling at it, the at gt ut f the tree, uped dn t the _, and aled arss the _ and



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