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1、2016 年秋学期四年级英语上册期末试卷(陕西旅游版)2016-2017 学年度第一学期期末模拟检测卷(一)四年级英语I 补全单词。 (10*1=10) 1 n_ _se 2 d_t_r 3 dr_v_ _ 4 d_ h_ _se 6br_ _ f st 7r_e 8p_l_ _n 9n_ _dles 10d_pl_ng II 翻译下列短语。 (*1=) 1 起床 _ 2 吃午饭 _ 3 做游戏 _ 4 去睡觉 _ 看电视 III选出不同类的一项。 (*1= ) ( )1 A banana B farer D teaher ( )2 A pig B rer D hen ( )3 A breaf

2、ast B lunh ship Dsupper ( )4 A eat Bhien vegetable D fish ( ) A gaes B rning afternn Devening IV按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。 (10*1=10) 1d( 单三)_ 2have(单三) _ 3lass(复数) _ 4sheep(复数 ) _ d(否定缩写) _ 7 r(名词) _7 desn t(完全形式)_ 8drive( 名词 ) _ 9 (复数 ) _ _ 10ath(单三) _ V 选择。 (1*20=20) ( )1 I ant_a A be B t be is ( )2 hat _ ur

3、 ther? A be B abut d ( )3 hat _ur grandpa and granda? The_farers A are are B is is are is ( )4 hat d u d _ the far? A in B under n ( ) There _a at and t dgs in the r A be B t be is ( )6 hat s lunh? A n B in fr ( )7 T _a dg A dnt have B desnt have dnt has ( )8The _s A dnt have an B desnt have se dnt

4、has an ( )9 T_up at six in the rning A get B t get gets ( )10I g t bed _ night he A at at B at in in inVI 快乐连线。 (*2=10) 1 hat is ur father? A The have se ts in the bx 2 h is that an? B father is a teaher 3 hen d u get up? e have eat fr lunh 4 hat d u have in the bx? E I get up at six in the rning ha

5、t d u have fr lunh? F He is brtherVII 选择。 (*2=10 ) ( )1 如果想问 T 的哥哥是干什么工作的,你可以问: A hat is ur brther? B hat d ur brther? hat des ur brther? ( ) 2 想知道 Lisa 的箱子里有什么东西?你可以问: A hat des Lisa have in the bx? B hats in the bx? hat d Lisa have in the bx? ( )3 妈妈正在做晚饭,你想问妈妈晚饭吃什么,你可以问: A hats fr breafast? B hat

6、s fr lunh?hats fr supper? ( )4 你想知道 Lisa 的爷爷晚上一般几点睡觉?你可以问: A hat des ur grandpa g t bed? B hats ur grandpa? hen des ur grandpa g t bed? ( ) 妈妈想问你上午上几节,你可以问: A H an subets d u have?B hat subets d u lie? hat subets d u have? VIII 改错。 (*2=10) ( )1 She are a farer ( )2 T have a egg fr lunh ( )3 I get up

7、 in six in the rning ( )4 hen d she get up? ( ) Earl in bed and earl t rise 。把下列一般疑问句的肯否定回答,将序号填在横线上。(*2=10) A: es,she is B es,I d es,there is D es,the are E es,she des F N, She isnt G N, there isnt H N, I dnt I N, She desnt N, the aren t 1 A: Are the farers? 2 A: Is she a ? 3 A: D u have eat? 4 A:

8、Des she have eat? A; Is there a at? 轻松阅读。 (*2=10) nae is Alie There are five peple in fail grandpa and granda have a big far There are an anials n it father is a teaher He gets up at six in the rning He has eat vegetable fr lunh ther is a nurse She rs in a hspital(医院)She has sup fr supper I a a stud

9、ent I a in lass2 Grade4 I have fur lasses in the rning and three lasses in the afternn I have eggs and il fr breafast I lve fail e have a happ(幸福的) fail ( )1 There are_peple in fail A three B fur five ( )2 father is a _ A teaher B nurse student ( )3 ther has _ fr supper A eat vegetable B sup eggs and il ( )4 I a in lass _Grade A 2 4 B 3 1 4 2 ( ) I have _lasses in the afternn A three B fur five



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