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1、2017 年中考英语解析版试卷阅读理解之安全问题精选汇编安全问题D (2017浙江宁波) THREE ENTURIES F HQAXES(骗局;恶作剧)!A THINING AHINEIn 1769, lng befre puters ere invented, a an fr Hungar(匈牙利)built a nderful ahine that uld pla hess ver ell It delighted(使高兴)peple all ver Eurpe and beat nearl everne it plaed, inluding faus figures lie Frenh

2、leader Naplen Bnaparte, and sientist and inventr Benain Franlin Fr deades, an peple believed that it as trul a thining ahine There ere peple h said it as a hax, but uld nt prve it r explain h it red Abut 8 ears later, the seret as finall revealed There as a an hiding inside the ahine all the tieh as

3、 bviusl ver gd at plaing hess!Z ESAPE(逃脱)n Nveber 9, 1874, Ne r nespaper, The Herald, ran a shing str n its frnt page It said that all the anials in the entral Par Z had esaped and ere running arund the it It said the plie ere ring t save peple, but 27 peple had alread been illed, and 200 peple hurt

4、 It arned everne t sta at he t avid the danger an peple in Ne r ere terrified, and did as the paper said If nl the had read the final rds f the artile, hih said: “Nt ne rd f it is true Nt a single at desribed has taen plae,” It as all ust a hax The str as ade up b Thas nner, an editr at The Herald,

5、h anted t dra attentin t the pr nditin f ages in the z RSIE THE RUNNERThe first an t rss the finish line f the 1980 Bstn arathn(马拉松)as 23-ear-ld Rsie Ruiz Hever, as she libed the stairs t reeive her prize, peple started t bee suspiius(怀疑的) She didnt see t be tired at all Furtherre, nne f the ther ru

6、nners reebered seeing her, and her piture never appeared in phts r TV bradasts f the rae Later, several peple said that the had seen her in the rae nl at the end It turned ut she had run nl half a ile (abut 80 eters) and taen the train fr the rest f the rae! Her prize as taen aa, f urse 42 The under

7、lined rd “it” in Paragraph 1 refers t(指)_A the hax B the nes the thining ahine D the puter43 hih f the flling is entined in the passage?A The thining ahine used a puter t in gaes B 200 peple ere illed b z anials in 1874Rsie Ruiz asn t tired at the finish line D Rsie Ruiz didnt appear in TV bradasts

8、f the rae44 hat is true abut all the haxes in the passage?A The ade peple sared B The fled a lt f pepleThe ade peple suspiius D The delighted peple 4 The title f the passage shs us that the riter thins that haxes_ A are nt ne B are easil avidedare alas ruel D are usuall unbelievable题材:安全问题 【主旨大意】 本是

9、一篇记叙。讲述的是发生在三个不同世纪中的三个骗局,分别是 18 世纪有人“发明” 了一个下象棋的机器高手,后证明是有人藏在机器中;19 世纪美国纽约的一家报纸报道说,一家动物园里的所有动物都从园里逃了出,在大街上踩死踩伤很多人,提醒市民注意安全。最后被告知这是一起恶作剧;第三则是 20 世纪马拉松国际长跑比赛的“冠军” 获得者是弄虚作假得的荣誉,最后被取消成绩。42 【解析】 推理判断题。根据原第一段中的“a an fr Hungar built a nderful ahine that uld pla hess ver ell”可知,有个匈牙利人对外吹嘘自己发明了一个下象棋高手的“机器” ,

10、这让欧洲各地的人们非常高兴。故推断画线代词 it 指的是“ 会思考的机器 ”。故选。43 D 【解析】推理判断题。通读原可知, “会思考的机器”其实是利用藏在机器里面的一个擅长下象棋的人博取胜利的,而不是电脑;在 1874 年的“动物大逃亡 ”的骗局中,被动物踩死的人数是 27 人,不是 200 人;Rsie Ruiz 是在登上领奖台接受颁奖时,看起好像一点都不疲惫,而不是在冲刺终点线的时候;只有选项 D 说法“Rsie Ruiz没有出现在比赛电视直播的画面里”在原提到过。故选 D。44 B【解析】推理判断题。通读原可知,这三个骗局起初都蒙骗了许多人,故选项 B 说法是真实的。故选 B。4 A

11、【解析】推断理解题。的标题为 “三个世纪骗局”,介绍这三个曾欺骗蒙蔽过许多人的跨世纪的骗局,因为作者认为骗局并不是新生事物。故选 A。(2017浙江嘉兴舟 ) Have u ever been in a nflit(冲突)? D u n h t slve it? nflit reslutin is a peaeful a f tring t slve a nflit Bth sides in the nflit explain hat the thin happened t ause it The persn h listens t bth sides is alled the ediatr(

12、调解人)After bth sides tell hat the thin happened t ause the nflit, the disuss as t slve it The tr t e up ith a “reslutin” that bth sides agree t The annt be angr during the uniatin Everne shuld use gd listening and attending sills hile taling If vies get t lud r it appears that sene is angr, the ediat

13、r ill spea up and have the treat eah ther ith respet After different suggestins are shared in h t ediate the nflit, it is tie frdisussing the best slutin( 解决办法)Here is an exaple f h nflit reslutin rs step b step in a shl plagrund setting:Sene sas a student pushed hi n the ftball fieldThe persn h as

14、aused as the “pusher” sas it as atuall an aidentThe persn h as pushed gets the ediatrThe ediatr taes the t persns t a quieter plae, aa fr thers t talThe ediatr als the dn and lets the n he understands their feelingsEah persn desribes hat happenedThe ediatr repeats hat he heard, s it is lear t everne

15、The ediatr ass fr ideas t slve the prbleThe t persns ffer their n slutinsThe t persns have a disussin and e t an agreeentThe ediatr aes sure the persns fll the slutinThe ediatr ffers praise fr slving the prblenflit reslutin an be used in an envirnents It enurages peple t tell hat reall happened, t s

16、hare their feelings, and t r tgether peaefull t slve the prble It ffers peple rable steps t reah an agreeent ith the help f a ediatr38 Arding t the passage, if t students have had a fight, the had better_A all the plieB get a ediatras parents fr ideasD desribe the fight t teahers39 In nflit reslutin, the ediatrs b is t_A desribe hat reall happened t bth sidesB help bth sides reah an agreeent in a



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