2012高一英语 unit1 school life学案(牛津译林版必修1)

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1、2012 高一英语 Unit1 School Life 学案(牛津译林版必修1)2012 高一英语 Unit1 Shl Life 学案(牛津译林版必修 1)一 单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1 Nbd ns hen the pret ill be pleted Sene has t i_ the bss f the prgress f the r2 All students are r_ t attend shl assebl n nda rnings3 - hat is T bus ding tnight?- He is aing p_ fr trrs exa

2、inatin4 There is n student that desnt ants t a_ high gradesAs a ung b, he had t e_ a living beause his fail as ver pr6 hen e eet, e first s_ pes that e lve, and then read the ut lud7 He i_ hiself t us His nae as hn Sith8 He as s generus that he d_ a lt f ne t the flded area9 British peple eat lts f

3、d_ after their ain eal10 In hina, David Hles d_ an interest in teahing English t hinese students11 Next nth David ill ae a s_ abut his experienes in hina12 Please pa re a_ t spelling next tie13 I _ ( 后悔) nt finishing her esterda14 D u _(赞成) f hat I have dne?1 ur teaher _(展开) a ap n the table16 I sug

4、gest he leave _(立即)17 The _( 平均的) age in ur lass is 1718 a ing has earned _(尊敬)fr all the rld二词形转换1、ahieve vt _ (n) 6 preparatin n _ (v)2、Geran n _ (pl) 7 require vt _ (n)3、iediatel adv _ (ad) 8 sar ad _ (v)4、develp vt _ (n) 9 nature n _ (ad)、infr vt _ (n) 10 please v _ (n)三 补全佳句1_(到英国的高中上学)fr ne ea

5、r as a ver enable and experiened fr e2 我认为保护环境的最佳方法是多种树。(the best a t d)I thin _3 周末去公园野餐听起像是个不错的主意。(sund lie)_ in the par at the eeend _4 暑假他大部分时间都用上网了。(spend ding)He_ st f his suer hlida_I fund the her aa nt as heav as_(我过去的作业量) inld shl6 经历了这不同方式的生活我很幸运。(be lu t d) I _ this different a f life7 一完

6、成学业,他就开始在中国旅行。 (每空一词)1) _ _ his studies, he began traveling in hina2) _ _ _ _ _ his studies, he began traveling in hina3) _ _ _ his studies, he began traveling in hina4) Hardl _ _ _ his studies _he began traveling in hina) _ _ _ _ _ his studies than he began traveling in hina8 很遗憾地告诉你们我们的图书馆要关 3 天。(

7、regret)e _ _ _ _ that ur librar ill be lsed fr three das9 我们的俱乐部远远不只是音乐。(re than)ur lub _ _ _ _ ust usi 10 每天早上老师公布答案。(read ut)Ever rning the teaher _ _ _ _四 句型转换1 As sn as he finished his studies,he started travelling in hina_ _his studies , he started travelling in hina2 Shl is a gd plae and e an

8、prepare urselves ell fr the future there Shl is a gd plae _ e an prepare urselves ell fr the future3 At ties u ust read beteen the lines t n hat the text reall eans_ u ust read beteen the lines t get the _ _ f a text4 Hever, shuld pa attentin t ur studies during this iprtant tie f ur livesHever, e s

9、huld _ n ur studies during this iprtant tie f ur livesThe ver reent b,the title f hih is hinese Dnasties,as ritten b a faus prfessrThe ver reent b, _title is hinese Dnasties, as ritten b a faus prfessr6 It as a little sar at first,but everne as s nie and friendl that I sn didnt rrIt as a little sar

10、at first,but everne as s nie and friendl that I sn stpped_7 It as nt until I read ur artile that I realized shls in the U are different fr shls in hinaI didnt _ _ different fr in the U are fr shls in hina_ I read ur artile8After he graduated fr universit, he ent t stud hinese at Beiing Language and

11、ulture UnversitAfter _fr universit, he ent t stud hinese at Beiing Language and ulture Unversit9 hen the students tae exas e have a speial prgrae that tells students the things that the shuld r shuldnt d fr_ exa tie e have a speial prgrae that tells students _ the shuldr shuldnt d fr10 I fund I didn

12、t have t d uh her as hat I used t get in ld shl, butit as a bit hallenging fr e at first beause all the her as in EnglishI fund the her as nt as heav as _ in ld shl, but it as a bit hallenging fr e in the _ beause all the her as in English五单元话题作1 写作训练:某中学生英语刊物举办学校生活征活动,请根据下面几幅图画的内容,写一篇 10 词左右的短应征,适当发表自己的观点。 _2 美背诵 你校正在开展“创建和谐校园 ”活动,请根据下表内容,以 “A eaningful Ativit”为题写一篇短,向“hina Dail”投稿,介绍有关情况,并谈谈你的观点及打算。主题向陋习告别,创建和谐校园目的 1 根除乱抛乱仍、随地乱吐、留长发、吸烟喝酒等现象;2 号召学生遵守学校纪律,于同学互帮互学;3 提倡穿校服、讲礼貌、主动与老师打招呼内容举办图片展,进行教室、宿舍美化评比等A eaningful Ativitur shl has n started an ativit ith the subet“Get Ri



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