2011高考英语一轮复习unit 15-unit 16

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1、2011 高考英语一轮复习 Unit 15-Unit 162011 高考英语一轮教学案大纲版Unit 1-Unit 16单元考查重点及热点Unit 1单词dritr surel diand explain regnize eeller fran ntinue lvel debt preius psitive attend earn besides ball leture sill authr utline qualit短语all n bring ba da and night pa lff at st at ut句型1 否定转移2 表示“价值;花费” 的句型Unit 16单词experient

2、 glve gas liquid advantage disadvantage appliatin engine nulear frt unneessar suessful ndut lightning thunderstr string harge eletri sh prve tear frae handerhief ntrl sharp ft fasten sense shap sin drug ativist dubt ruel vie nlusin短语a nuber f a great deal f pi ut test n bring ut tr n e up ith tae ar

3、e drea f ding build up belng t set free句型1 祈使句+and/then/r/therise+陈述句结构2t d 作表语的句型结构Unit 1理解:要点诠释单词1explain讲: vi vt 解释;说明(原因)explain 用作及物动词时,后面可跟名词,复合宾语,动词不定式和宾语从句作宾语。例:I as ased t explain t hi the eaning f the sentene我被要求向他解释那个句子的意思。H d u explain ur rude behavir?你如何为自己的粗鲁行为辩解?She explained that she

4、 uldnt e beause she as ill她解释说因为生病所以她不能了。链接提示(1) 表示“向某人解释某事”时,sb 前必须使用介词 t,即 explain t sb sth/explain stht sb。(2)explain 的名词为 explanatin。练:(1)(2010 天津模拟) u shuld understand the traffi rule b nuve had it _ ften enughAexplaining Bt explain explain Dexplained提示:本题考查句型 have sthdne。意思是: 你应该明白交通规则了,你已经让人解

5、释的够多的了。have sthdne 这个结构有两个含义:(1)主语让别人做某事;(2)主语遭受到不好的经历,解题时应将两者区分开。还应注意 have sb d,have sb ding 和 have sth ding 这几个结构。答案:D(2)(2010 云南统一检测) The aths prble reained nfusing t the b althugh _ ver and verAexplaining Bbeing explainedexplained Dhaving explained提示:该题为状语从句的省略,补全后从句为 althugh it as explained ver

6、 and ver。答案:(3)Is this the reasn _ at the eeting fr his arelessness in his r?Ahe explained Bhat he explainedh he explained Dh he explained提示:reasn 在定语从句中作宾语,故排除 D 项;hat 和 h 不能引导定语从句,故选 A,省略关系代词 that。答案:A2regnize讲: v 认出;承认;分辨出例:Thugh she hanged uh,I regnized her at first sight虽然她变化很大,我还是一眼就认出了她。The r

7、egnized hi t be a great leader他们承认他是一位伟大的领袖。He didnt regnize (=adit) that he had ade a big istae他不承认自己犯下了大错。I regnize that he is leverer than I a我承认他比我聪明。链接提示(1)be regnized as 被公认为/承认是(2)regnize sb/sthas/t be 认为某物是练:(1)e hadnt et fr 20 ears,but I _ her the ent I sa herAne Brealized regnized Det提示:本题

8、考查词义辨析。regnize“认出;分辨出”;realize“意识到”;n“认识”。上说“已经二十年没见面了”,接着说 “但是一见面还是认出她了”。故选。答案:(2)I as disissednl then did I _ that I had either frgtten r pletel ignred n bla sinArealize Bregard regnize Dadit提示:本句话的意思为“我被解雇了,只有那时我才意识到我忘记了或者完全忽视了我黑色的皮肤”。答案:A3ntinue 讲:v 继续例:The exhibitin ntinues until 2 ul展览要持续到 7 月

9、 2 日。Are u ging t ntinue ith the pret?你要继续做这个项目吗?链接提示(1)ntinue ding sth=ntinue t d sth=ntinue ith sth 继续做某事(2)ntinue 可以用作系动词,后接形容词或介词短语作表语The eather ill ntinue fine in the eeend 周末仍是晴天。练:Althugh it as alread dar,the _ t r in the fieldsAstpped Bfailed ntinued Dent n ith提示:如果选用 stpped 或 failed,就会出现逻辑错

10、误;g n ith 后不能接动词不定式。故选。答案:短语1all n讲:该短语的义项有“拜访;看望(某人)”。all n 后接人作宾语,指进行短暂的拜访。例:Please all n e next tie u are in Ne r下次纽约时请我家玩。He had e half a dzen ties t all n his sister他曾过五六次看望他的姐姐。链接拓展(1)all at 参观、拜访某地后接地点名词,表示到某人的家或其他场所去拜访某人。(2)all fr 要求;需要;去接某人;去拿某物(3)all up 打电话;使想起;使回忆起(4)all in 召集;请;要求退回;收回()

11、all ff 决定取消;下令停止(6)all ba 叫回;再度访问;回电话练:(1)(2010 北京模拟) Its the present situatin in pr areas that _ uh higher spending n eduatin and trainingAansers fr Bprvides fralls fr Dplans fr提示:本题是一个强调句式,强调主语 the present situatin in pr areas。句意为:贫困地区的当前形势要求更高的教育和培训经费。anser fr“负责;保证”; prvide fr“预防;提供;规定 ”;plan fr

12、“为制订计划”; all fr“要求;需要” 。只有 all fr 符合句意。动词短语是历年模拟的重点,平时应多注意知识的积累。答案:(2) hat tie uld u lie e t _ this evening fr the nert?I thin 6:30 ill be Api up u Ball u frall n u Dall fr u提示:A 项结构错误,因为 up 是副词,要放在代词宾语 u 之后;all fr 中的 fr 是介词,应放在宾语 u 前,因此,B 项也是结构错误;项与句意不符。故选 D。all fr sb 的意思是“接某人” 。答案:D2pa ff讲:该短语的义项有

13、“还清(债务等) ;付清;合算;上算 ”。例:Ive n paid ff all debts我现在已经全部付清债务了。He hped he uld have an pprtunit t pa the ff他希望有机会把他们偿还掉。The dubted hether all this r uld pa ff他们怀疑这样干是否合算。链接拓展(1)pa ba 偿还He paid e ba the 100 dllars he ed e他把欠我的那 100 美元还给我了。(2)pa fr 付款;受到报应Did u pa hi 100 dllars fr that ld ar?你付给他 100 美元买他那

14、辆旧自行车了吗?ull have t pa fr ur rie你将为你的罪行受到惩罚。练:Sine there as a rapid inrease in his business,his effrts _Apaid in Bpaid ff paid ba Dpaid fr提示:短语 pa ff 在此的意思为 “带好结果;成功”。答案:B句型1 否定转移讲:注意观察下面教材原句:I dn t thin I n u我想我不认识你。英语中有些动词如 thin,believe,expet,feel,iagine,suppse 等后面若跟否定意义的宾语从句,否定词要移到主句谓语动词的前面,这一现象被称

15、为否定转移。注意其反意疑问句部分,当主句的主语是第一人称时,后面的反意疑问句根据从句而定;若为其他人称,则随主句而定。例:I dnt believe he ill e我相信他不会。I dn t suppse anne ill believe hi我想没有人会相信他的话。He desnt thin it ill rain,des he?他认为天不会下雨,是吗?链接提示当宾语从句中出现下列结构时,否定词不可移到主句中:(1) 当从句中用 ant help ding sth 时;I suppse everne ant help laughing at ur idea我想大家会禁不住为你的想法发笑。(2) 当从句中用 ntuntil 时;I believe he nt e until late in the evening我相信他晚上很晚才会。(3) 当从句中有 neednt d sth 时;I thin u needt d it again我想你不必再做了。(4) 当从句中有 nt d sthet 时。I suppse the havent e ba et我猜他们还没回。练:I dnt expet u an finish the r in three das,_?Adnt I Bd I an u Dant u提示:本题考查


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