高二英语必修五 unit2 reading通案

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1、高二英语必修五 Unit2 Reading 通案 编号 2 班级 小组 姓名1 Unit2 The United Kingdom 阅读通案编制人:张红梅 李丽芳 刘玉增 杨振娟 审核人:_ 包组领导:_【学习目标】1通过阅读文章,利用跳读法和查读法理解文章大意,获取主要信息。2. 学习掌握重点单词、短语,并通过合作探究分析理解长难句。3进一步学习有关霍乱病的知识。【要点难点】 通过分析理解长难句,进一步巩固高级句型的综合运用。【使用说明与学法指导】 自学:20 分钟课前自学,严格按照要求充分预习课文。要求:5 分钟迅速默读文章一遍, 把握文章主旨大意,并划分段落。10 分钟再读课文,深入透彻理

2、解课文,并完成选择题,对重难点进行勾画与标注。正课:1) 5 分钟浏览、思考、理解相关知识,标记出疑难。2) 8 分钟组内简单讨论并把不会的提出质疑,12 分钟展示点评总结。【课前预习】 (20 分钟完成)【预习指导】Task1. read the text quickly and complete the main idea of it.The text explains how the UK was _formed geographically and historically and why _London_ became the greatest historical treasure

3、 of England.Task2. Read the text carefully divide the text into three parts and write down the main idea of each partpart 1.( 1-3)how the UK was formedPart 2.(4) The geographic division of EnglandPart 3.(5-6) The culture importance of LondonSkim and find out some detail information.1. The Union Jack

4、 flag units the flags of three countries in the UK, which country is left out? Why?Wales, it is usually considered to be part of England2. Which group of invaders didnt influence London?The Vikings . It influenced the place-names of the North of England.Task 3. underline the following phrase and sen

5、tences1. 由 组成 consist of 2. 把分成几部分 divideinto 3.阐明问题 clarify the question 4.提到,说起 refer to 4. 成为国王 become king of . 5. 不愿意做 be unwilling to do 6. 摆脱,脱离 break away from 7. 与联合起来 be linked to be joined to join with 8. 某人值得表扬的是 to ones credit 9. 为了方便 for convenience 10. 遗憾的是 it is a pity that 11. 11 世纪

6、 60 年代 in the 1060s 12.睁大眼睛,留心观察 keep your eyes open 13. 使你的英国之旅 不虚此行又有意义 make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile. 14. 组成 make up 15。把.隔开 separate A from B 15. 删除,落掉 leave out 16。弄懂,理解 work out 17。 使做某事难 make it difficult to do sth. 方法指导:Task1 快速默读文章,学会找文章的主旨大意,以便更好地理解文章。A.B.层完

7、成Task1.2.3.C 层完成Task2.3.标注文章重点短语和句型,请将你除此以外的疑难点写到后面空白处。Task 4.【课内探究】先一对一讨论, 然后组内合作讨论 ,分析长难句。1. 1. So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.分析:此句是由 and 连接的并列句,第一个分句中 划线的不定式做_结果状语_;

8、第二个分句中划线部分是 _分词作后置定语_,修饰_flag_.不定式作状语主要有三类:一是原因状语,如 Im glad to know I passed the exam.二是目的状语,如 He stayed up late yesterday to finish his work. 三是结果状语,常构成 so as to /such as to 句式,如 He worked so carefully as not to make a simple mistake. 另外,用 Only 修饰,表意料之外的结果,如 He tried to answer, only to fail.思考: doi

9、ng 和 to do 做结果状语有何区别?2. Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.分析:happily 放句首,修饰全句,做评注性 状语,类似词有:generally (speaking), fortunately, obviously, naturally 等。如:Strictly (speaking), what you said is not right.表呼语,头衔的名称做表语,同位语,补足

10、语用零冠词。如:Obama has been elected president of the USA.Wen jiabao, minister of China, is loved by Chinese people.3. If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders.可转换为:Look around ., and you will find evidence of all the invaders.Looking around, you will find ev

11、idence of all the invaders.Task 1.每日听写【当堂检测,重点词汇】1. This medical team consists of/ is made up of (由。 。组成) 5 doctors and 12 nurses. That is, 5 doctors and 12 nurses make up (组成)this medical team.His job consists of taking care of the old. (包括)用适当的介词填空 The United Nations Organization consists of over

12、160 nations.Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.请把自己不懂的单词,词汇和句子写在此处。要求:各层次同学激情讨论,享受快乐学习的过程。方法指导:深入理解文章,学会抓住关键词找到相关的句子,结合题干进行分析。精彩展示。其他同学疯狂背诵单词,或是学案上的重点短语和句型。高二英语必修五 Unit2 Reading 通案 编号 2 班级 小组 姓名2 His action does not consist with his words.2.divide separateThe world is divided

13、 into(被分成) five continents.England is separated from (被隔开)France by the Channel.The apple was divided into two halves/ in half. (被分成两半)Next week, we will have a separate travel.(各自的,独自的)He divides his energies between politics and business.Jack divided the rest of the cash among their partners.Six d

14、ivided by three is two. 6 除以 3 等于 23. clarify vt.使(某事物)清楚,澄清 阐明 clarification n。1) I will clarify my position/stand at a proper time. 阐明立场 2) I hope what I say will clarify the misunderstanding. 澄清误会 3) Can you clarify the question? 澄清问题温馨提示:-fy 构成动词词缀,意思是 使, 如 satisfy, terrify, beautify, simplify,

15、purify4. convenience n.便利;方便 convenient adj. inconvenient Come and see me whenever _C_(201001江苏南京检测)A. you are convenient B. you will be convenientC. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to youIll come to pay a visit to you if it is convenient to you .( 如果你方便的话)5. influence affect effect1)What exactly is the influence of the TV on children (电视对儿童的影响 )?(2)Dont let others influence your decision. (影响你的决定 )3)Shandong Province is worst affected by the drough



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