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1、试管婴儿(IVF)PMH=past medical history 病史, pure motor hemiparesisyun 运动性轻偏瘫FSH=follical stimulating hormone 促卵泡激素,卵细胞刺激素E2=estradiol 雌二醇AFC=antral follical count 腔卵泡数量SA=sample approval 样本oligo(having few, having little)-Astheno(weak, soft)-teratospermia 少-弱- 畸精症microdoes 微小剂量 flare 项目HSG= hysterosalping

2、ogram 子宫输卵管(碘油)造影HCG 人体绒(毛 )膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotrop(h)in)GONAL-F 果纳芬激素IUI= intrauterine insemination(人工授精)ICSI= intracytoplasmic sperm ingection 单精子卵细胞浆内注射(即一种试管婴儿方式),分以下几类: rescure ICSI 内单精子注射, half ICSI 单精子显微注射, remedial ICSI补救性注射GnRH-a/Gn 控制性促排卵控制性促排卵(controlled ovarian stimulation,COSE

3、2 (estradiol) - 雌二醇Controlled Ovarian Stimulation & IUI 刺激卵巢及宫内授精easing hormone agonistGonadotropin,GnRHa Gn)控制性促排卵促性腺素釋放素 Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 促效劑 agonist +排卵針gonadotrophins (GT)肌醇 Mi(Myo-inositol )recto-vaginal 直肠阴道的anteverted 前倾的myometrium 子宫肌层cervix 子宫颈hysterosonometry ( a proc

4、ess of transvaginal ultrasound or HSM) 阴道超声/子宫超声检测endometrium 子宫内膜arterial 动脉的 velocity 速度;迅速;速率adnexa 附件ovarian 卵巢 stromal 基质;子座 velocity 速率LUTEAL 黄体的;黄体素的Gonadotrpin 促性腺激素cyst 包囊;囊肿testosterone-like substances (TLS) 睾酮样物质serology 血清学UTERUS 子宫fallopian tubes - 输卵管free spill of contrast bilaterally

5、兩側輸卵管通暢(因為顯影劑會進入腹腔)diminished ovarian reserve. 卵巢储备功能下降LH 路福瑞(Luveris),是一種基因工程合成的由雪蘭諾公司製造的,維持動情激素的激素,研究發 現,成熟卵子的比率,如果有用基因工程合成路福瑞,與沒有使用基因工程合成路福瑞成熟卵子的比率是 80%比 71%,卵子受精的比率是 83%比 71%;好胚 胎的比率有用路福瑞的 17%,沒有用路福瑞的是 3%;胚胎的著床濾是有用路福瑞的35%,沒有用路福瑞的是 5%。腦下垂體桔抗劑(GnRH-at)欣得泰這類的藥物,引起動情激素的下降Microdose flare protocol 微劑量

6、試管嬰兒的方案oocytes - 卵母细胞布舍瑞林 suprefact =buserelin 激素及有关药物/脑垂体激素及其有关药物motile cnt 精虫活动力?辅助生殖技术(ART)OCC (OOCYTE CUMULUS 卵丘 COMPLEXES) 卵子被卵丘細胞包圍成輻射狀,看起來像一朵向日葵當 occ 在顯微鏡下被找到時,我們依據成熟度將它們分成:Germinal vesicle,Immature,Preovulatory,Very mature,Luteinized,Atretic 等不同等級, 於此同時,病人丈夫取出的精液也經過處理(Semen Preparation),洗去不要

7、的攝護腺液及其他雜質,同時令精子活化,作為授精之用。OCC (Oocyte follicul compound)自體(AutologousMII(第二次减数分裂中期 )卵母细胞注射药 Menopur,主要是看可否帮助提升卵的数量和质素 ,有助胚胎著床, 催熟卵泡长大若超过 60 min 仍未液化,则称为津夜迟缓液化症(semen delayed liquefacfion)tenaculum tnkjlm tnkjulm. 1. 名词 外科 (手术中用的)把持钩,挟钩,支持体. 2. 名词 持钩. 3. 名词 支持带, 握弹器.occult blood test 隐血试验agglutinatio

8、n - 烧结ALH, amplitude of lateral head displacement;amplitude of the lateral displacement of the sperm head (ALH)viscocity 粘度人工受精分为配偶(AlH)与非配偶(AlD)http:/ BCF STR ELOlinearity (LIN) velocity of average path (VAP)curvilinear velocity (VCL), straight line velocity (VSL), average path velocity . quality,

9、SQA IIC混合人 精子 STRSTR 一次性 精子 计数玻片http:/ STR=VSL / VAP,因此,在 VAP 如果变化不大,但是 VSL值变小,那么 STR 值也会减小的;VCL 是轨迹速度,是精子头部沿着实际运动的轨迹路径速度。这些不能还需要参考相关值,因此您注意观察看 ABCD 级精子的值,您的检查结果均提示有弱精症的存在,Sperm Quality Analyzer (SQA) IIC, an upgrade version, is an inexpensive device and provides a quantitative estimation of sperm m

10、otility, whereas the use of computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA) provides high precision and provision of quantitative data on sperm kinetics. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if the SQA IIC variables correlated with the CASA estimates. Semen quality analysis of 71 fresh semen samples wa

11、s performed using SQA IIC and CASA. Total sperm concentration, percentage of progressively motile sperm, percentage of normal morphology, motile sperm concentration, sperm motility index (SMI) and functional sperm count (FSC) determinations were performed using SQA IIC. Sperm concentration, sperm mo

12、tility, and sperm motion variables including amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH), beat cross frequency (BCF), curvilinear velocity (VCL), straight line velocity (VSL), average path velocity (VAP), linearity (LIN=VSL/VCL), and straightness (STR=VSL/VAP) were evaluated simultaneously on the s

13、ame semen samples using CASA. The sperm characteristics were compared between SQA IIC and CASA. There were significant correlations of sperm concentration (r=0.634, p 0.0001), sperm motility (r=0.697, p 0.0001), and motile sperm concentration (r=0.757, p 0.0001) between the two devices. Both SMI and

14、 FSC significantly correlated with eight CASA estimates, including sperm concentration, sperm motility, motile sperm concentration, ALH, VCL, VSL, VAP, and Rapid. SQA IIC is simple and easy to use. Moreover, the SQA IIC variables well correlated with the CASA estimates. As a screening test for semen

15、 quality, SQA IIC is considered as useful in the management of male infertility.二、何謂低下反應受術者(low responder) 在較大型之統計數據中,低下反應者約佔 918,大部分之個案均導致終止治療(cancellation )或合併低成功率。 依據過去所發表之文獻與規範,目前實在很難對於低下反應者訂出一完整且統一之定義,不過根據這些文獻之發表仍可以整理出一共通之條件列舉如下: 施打 hCG 當天,超音波測定小於三個成熟卵泡(dominant follicle)。 前次試管嬰兒治療取卵之數目3 個。 施打

16、hCG 當天,血中動情激素( estradiol)高峰值500 pg/ml。 血中 Day 3 濾泡激素(FSH)值15 mIU/ml。 ? 如何去預測低下反應(lower responder) 為了避免對於 lower responder 進行一不適當之排卵控制規劃,如何去預測或及早診斷出 lower responder 非常重要。以下列舉幾個較實用之方式嘗試去診斷低下反應受術者(lower responder)。 Day 3 FSH level15 MIU/ml 或 LH3 mIU/ml 或 E2 80 pg/ml,均代表一較差之 ovarian reserve 情形。 利用超音波(2D 或 3D)來測量初期卵泡與總卵泡數,擬當


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