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1、个人开放式问题:What was the top one or two major actions that you took in the past 12 months in order to develop yourself? How did you identify the area(s) for improvement? What feedback did you receive? Please give specific example. (up to 3000 characters) Please give your answer in English. 2.小组开放式问题:为我们

2、所处的环境和社区做出积极的贡献,对玛氏公司运营业务的方式(包括我们的产品、品牌、生产等等)至关重要。我们认同这一理念,即我们实现可持续发展的能力与我们的长期经济发展紧密相关。同样,我们希望加入玛氏的人才认同可持续发展理念,并承担起让所有与我们有关的人与事务共享利益的责任,这其中包括我们的同事,消费者,合作伙伴,我们所处的社区,以及最为重要的我们的地球。 (有关玛氏公司文化的更多信息,可在玛氏中国校园招聘官方网站 www.MarsChinaGMT.com 上获得)请提交一份项目方案,用于改善你们身边的环境,或提高你们所处社区的生活质量。项目的内容和方向自选,具体要求见下:此项目方案应只解决一个问

3、题;请勿提供多个方案,或尝试解决多个问题; 项目预算必须在控制在人民币 5000 元以内,并且不允许有任何其他来源和形式的额外资金及物质支持;除三名小组成员外,任何其他参与此项目的人员的劳动成本必须考虑在内; 项目从启动到完成,用时必须在一个月以内(此项目应能在 2009 年 8 月底至 10 月底期间实施) ; 此项目在策划和实施过程中均不应有对任何企业、产品、商标的宣传和使用(包括玛氏公司及其旗下所有产品、商标在内) 方案应包含以下内容: 项目背景(包括对要解决的问题的清楚描述) 项目的目标(包括但不限于成功标准、影响范围、影响效果、可复制/ 推广性等) 行动计划和时间表 项目成员(假设主

4、要成员为三名申请人)的各自责任 项目风险和解决方案 项目预算的使用计划我们的评审标准是:1. 对问题的解决方案具有创新性2. 项目方案的结构和内容清晰3. 项目本身具备可操作性4. 项目利用资源(人力、费用、时间等)的效率5. 符合题目对费用和时间的限制注:中英文皆可,总字数不超过 5000 字符对于团队开放式问题回答优秀的小组,将有机会参加玛氏沙龙暑期特别版活动,并最终取得人民币 5000 元的资金支持,用于实施其项目。活动详情请见校园招聘官方网站(www.MarsChinaGMT.com)玛氏沙龙专区。看看别人怎么回答玛氏 Open Questions Please give an exa

5、mple of a time when you developed a new or different solution to a problem. Why did you think the problem needed a new solution? How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is working? Please give your answer in English. At the very first beginning of my Spoken Engl

6、ish Training Lectures, I was criticized by some of my audients that my lecture was lack of some sense of humorous and interaction, and I came to realize that there must be something should be done to make my speeches attractive. When I taught the English Pronunciation and Intonation Part, Not only I

7、 had to master the accurate American and British English Pronunciation, but also had to imitate lots of bad examples of pronunciation, such as Japanese English , India English and Henan Provincial English. Every time when I speak these kinds of bad English before the audients, all of them burst in t

8、o laughs immediately, and meanwhile easily understood the reason why they can not speak good English. In order to improve interaction during my lectures, I always invited the audients to play with me to recite the lines of famous movies, to sing the carols on Christmas Eve, to share the spirit of th

9、e holly Bible, during these times, more and more students came to my lectures and highly praised me. Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. How did you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal? Please give your answer in Engli

10、sh When I was a sophomore, I wanted to challenge myself to apply to be a Spoken English Teacher in New Oriental School, but before acquiring the occupation , I had to pass many rounds of test teaching procedures. In order to gain more experiences of teaching to let the adjudicators approve of me, I

11、did lots of preparations. I seized every opportunity to participate many authorized English Contests and Model United Nations and got many satisfied achievements, I learned a lot during these competitions, I improved my ability of English and Communication , built up strong confidence and encouragem

12、ent, additionally, I came to know many excellent friends to share different outlooks with each other. In my school, I set up English Training Club and Model UN Association and gave a called English Training lecture to all the English learners to share my experiences of English with them once a week.

13、 Out of my imagination, my speech was highly praised by lots of students and this training course lasted through a year and half. During this time, I indeed gained a qualified teaching style and method. Finally I was succeed to get an offer from the New Oriental School. Sometimes it is difficult to

14、keep the commitments we make to others. Tell me about a situation where this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision? Please give your answer in English On my birthday this year, I planed with my roommates to celebrate together in th

15、e evening, but before that, I had a public speech to make on the same day, so I asked my roommates to wait for my back to blow the birthday candles . I did not know the class to which I gave the speech had already known my birthday and bought me a big birthday cake, in the end of my speech, they bro

16、ught the cake in front of me and wanted me to celebrate with all the classmates together. Its very hard for me to refuse to a whole class, so I stayed, but I knew my roommates kept waiting for me. I finished the celebration with those students as soon as possible, but was still late for the appointment with my roommates. When I came back to see the disappointed faces of my roommates, I felt extre



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