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1、在近几年的教师招聘考试英语笔试中,教育教学类的作文扮演着不容忽视的角色。据统计,近几年统考省份中作文里出现有关教育教学类的作文统计如下:时间 省份 学段 题目1 2010 江西 小学 如何激发小学生学习英语的兴趣2 2010 江西 初中 如何提高学生学习英语的自信3 2010 江西 高中 在教学中如何贯彻以学生为主体的教学思路4 2011 江西 小学 如何培养小学生的阅读兴趣5 2011 江西 初中 书信体:给出学习口语的建议6 2012 江西 高中 假设自己指导高三学习,如何提高复习质量7 2014 安徽 小学 The importance of life-long learning to

2、a teacher8 2014 安徽 中学 有人天生适合当老师,有人天生不适合,谈谈你的看法。上述 8 篇作文,可以大致分为 3 类:1. 和新课标理念紧密相关类(如题 1、2、3、4);2. 英语教学类的意见(如题 5、6);3.对社会上教育现象类的看法。对于该类作文,考生需要在了解新课标相关理念的基础上,结合英语的学科特色,熟悉英语知识、英语技能的教学基本原则。题 1-6 属于 “how to”型的作文,需要考生结合教学法知识、课标理念谈谈方法,给出具体的建议和实施方法。7-8 要求考生在分析观点时能有自己较为客观、全面的认识。针对教育教学类的作文,高频词汇在备考过程中必不可少,本文将教育

3、教学类高频词按照常见动名词、课标基本理念以及教育教学类名人名言三类进行高频词梳理,希望能够更好地帮助考生准备考试。高频词整理:培养:cultivate (v.); foster(v.); nurture(v.)促进学生身心发展:promote the students physical, mental (or intellectual) and emotional development心理健康:psychological soundness (or well-being/welfare)学习能力(先天)aptitude(n.); talent (n.)学习能力(后天)ability (n.)

4、; skill(n.)学校教育:schooling (n.)家庭教育:upbringing (n.)给学生以动力:give the students motivation to do sth.; motivate the students to do sth.青少年:adolescents(n.); youngsters (n.); youths (n.)传授知识:impart (or inculcate) knowledge灌输高尚的道德观:instill high oral values (value 复数)给学生以灵感:give the students though (or inspi

5、ration)家长的教育方式:parenting (n.); upbringing (n.)教学法:teaching methodology; pedagogical methodology适应:adapt to sth.; adjust oneself to sth.; become accustomed to sth.适应能力:adaptability (n.)学生对老师所教知识的掌握:students grasp (or command) of what has been taught就业技能:employable (or marketable) skills填鸭式教法教学生:force

6、-feed the students学生不应该只是被动接受知识的容器:students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas死记硬背:learn things by rote为了记忆而记忆:memorize for memorizations own sake责任感:a sense of obligation记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律: memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws应用:apply (v.)盲从:follow sth. blindly

7、; follow sth. Indiscriminately限制创造力的发展:extinguish (stifle/constrain) creativity打击学生的积极性:dampen (or sap) the students enthusiasm frustrate the students产生不必要的压力:beget (or create) undue pressure塑造某人的性格:Mold ones character把学生分开教育:segregate students来自其他同学的压力:peer pressure逆境:adverse circumstances; adversi

8、ty (n.)团队精神:team spirit独立思考:think independently在理解的基础上学习:learn things through understanding鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题:encourage the students to think critically学生的反馈:students feedback; students input学生评价老师的教学:student appraise/evaluate their teachers performance各门课程总称:curriculum (n.)具体一门课的内容:syllabus (n.)课外活动:ext

9、ra-curricular activities; after-school activities学校是社会的缩影:a school is society in miniature不遵守纪律(名词): indiscipline; misbehavior; mischief违反纪律的学生:disruptive students; unruly students理论知识:theoretical knowledge通才:generalist(n.)专才:specialist(n.)全面发展的:well-rounded; versatile为社会健康发展做贡献:contribute to societ

10、al well-being (or welfare)人文学科:humanities社会学科:social sciences艺术:arts文科总称:liberal studies; arts理科:sciences工科:engineering小(中、大)学教育:primary-level (or secondary-level/tertiary-level) education职业教育:vocational education (training)课程标准相关理念英文版整理:Designing principles for the National English Curriculuma.Aim

11、for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.面向全体学生,注重素质教育The English curriculum aims education for all students and stresses quality-oriented education. The new standards particularly show concerns over students affective needs as well as other learning needs in order to sti

12、mulate their interests in learning, help them experience the sense of success, and gain self-confidence in learning. Its overall objective is to develop students comprehensive abilities in using the language and to improve their cultural quality, to develop their practical skills, as well as to cult

13、ivate their creative spirit.b.Promote learner-centeredness, and respect individual differences.突出学生主体,尊重个体差异。Students overall development is the motivation and goal of the English curriculum. Therefore, its objective, the teaching process, the assessment procedures as well as the development of teac

14、hing resources should all reflect the principle of learner-centered approach. Classroom teaching should become a process during which students are guided by the teachers in constructing knowledge, developing skills, being active in thinking, demonstrating personal characters, developing intelligence

15、 and broadening their views and visions. Teaching should take full consideration of students individual differences in learning process and their learning styles and teaching should be flexible in using teaching methods, resources and ways of assessment so as to make teaching beneficial to all kinds

16、 of students.c.Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability.整体设计目标,体现灵活开放。The overall aim of the curriculum or nine-year compulsory education is to develop students comprehensive abilities in language use. Such abilities are grounded in the development of language skills, language knowledge, affects, cultural awareness and learning strategies. The English curriculum for nine-year compulsory education together with


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