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1、张岳阅读笔记四、五(9 月 12 日)一、阅读中常见的错误选项种类1、 新概念(无关的选项)2、 与原文矛盾的,相反的3、 表达绝对的项(含有单词 only,all,every,any,must,etc.)4、 比原文内容增加,或不全见阅读资料 P71 第 44 题 选 B,AC 与原文无关,B 项不全Preserve order/peace 保安全Minority people/language 少数族裔(语言)In that=because (但是,in that 不能回答 why)Facilitate 使便利 facilities 设施07 年真题原文 第一篇 讲解Linguist 语言

2、学家 linguistics 语言学 Prior to= beforePriorityMajor=majorityMinor=minoritySuperior=superiority 优越 a delighted feeling of Inferior=inferiority 劣等Survivor survive the accident/crashI find it very difficult to focus on my studies, a key factor for me to get ahead.Various 各种各样的Diverse 多种多样的Distinct 截然不同的 a

3、chieve distinction 取得杰出的成就distinctive 与众不同的it remains to be seen 拭目以待gigantic=titanic 巨大的sign=signify 意味doom 厄运 we are doomed.倒霉了,没出路了sphere 球体,领域this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.西半球要做自己家园的主人。Line between trust and stupidity is very thin/fine.=There is a thin line betwee

4、n trust and stupidity.Resilient = like a spring that can bounce backP89 基础篇 passage1 讲解Global warming 温室效应Green house gases emission 温室气体排放industrialisation 工业化Pollution 污染Environment 环境 environmentalist 环保主义者I William Jefferson Clinton do solemnly swear.庄严发誓Fairly good 挺好的= above averageFear 害怕Fare

5、 作动词 =doInterviews are a poor method and fare little better than graphology.Observe= watch =see= look at + sb. do/doingbe +to do 表将来relieve pain/hungerrelieve sb. of a post 撤职restrict =limitrestrain =preventbe ignorant ofultimate goal/objective/destinationP72 真题讲解态度题小词积极的Positive supportiveFavorable

6、AppreciativeSuccessful消极的NegativeCriticalScornful 鄙视Inefficient中立的NeutralImpartialUmbiased不会成为答案的IndifferentBiasedPrejudiced(参考 P21 态度题)Approve 批准Approve of 赞同P90 passage2 讲解Casually 随便地,临时地Casual wear/talk 休闲装,闲话What is your father?= What does he do (for living/occupation)?Take a poll 做个调查Be concer

7、ned about =be worried about 关心表示拒绝 refuse/ reject/ turn down/ declineSurrender 投降 交出,放弃P22 推理概括总结题论点 Viewpoint由 Example、Data、Quote 支持论断要抓住 keywords例题 1 答案在 but 前Feature 特点、特征,作动词“以为特征”例题 2 选 A 例题 3 选 A虚拟语气一般 If you park your car right here, a policeman will soon find it.虚拟 If M.J. was/were alive, he

8、 would go on the world tour.与现在相反 从句 if 过去时 did主句 过去将来时例:If I knew German, I would read this book in the original.If I had enough money to burn, I would travel around the word.与过去相反从句 if 过去完成时主句 would have downIf I had discovered a gold mine,I would have bought a lager house.If I had studied hard,I

9、would be happier now.Wish 后面从句用 did 表示愿望 I wish you could go.I wish that it were Friday.表假设的:Without your help, we would not be successful.I could not have done all this without you.I could have done that if I cared to.例题 4 选 D例题 5 选 AEquate A with B 把 A 与 B 等同例题 6 选 DDisclose 公开P19 词义题例题 1 选 D例题 2

10、选 A例题 3 选 CDistribute (切碎再)发送Contribute 作贡献Attribute A to B 归因于,B 因 A 果例题 4 选 B例题 5 选 matter=count 重要例题 6 选 AP79 第 52 题 选 C(有争议)P76 第 41 题AnnouncementsFactEvidence +that 表事实AdviceTruth语法现象 VingVing 在句首,表时间或原因例 Having finished his home assignment, he ran out.Having a deadline, he had to draw on other dictionaries by previous authors.在中间表结果或伴随状态Odd 古怪的= peculiar第二段第一句翻译:今年全世界范围内将有超过 40 万家公司在越来越多的购物网站上交换约 100 亿的产品和服务。



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