学业水平测试复习unit one滕德恒

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1、1高二学业水平测试资料 Module1 Unit 1Arthur English Research Center一、重点单词:1relaxing adj.放松的,轻松的 2 stressful adj.紧张的,充满压力的 3 suppose vt.猜想,认为 4 challenge n.&v. 挑战 5 remote adj. 遥远的 6 urgent adj.紧急的 urge vt.催促,强烈要求 7 personal adj. 个人的,私人的 8 expert n. 专家,能手 9 pressure n.压力 10 social adj.社交的 11 reduce vt.减少 12 org

2、anize vt.组织 13 support n.&vt. 支持,支撑 14 design n.&vt. 设计 15 presentation n.表演,展示16 solve vt. 解决 17 crowded adj.拥挤的 18 nearby adj./adv.附近的,在附近 19 otherwise adv.否则,另外 20 formal adj.正式的,合礼仪的 二、重点知识点:1. wake up,醒来 wake sb up 叫醒某人 2. turn on =switch on 打开 Turn off = switch off 关掉 turn over(to)=switch over

3、(to)转换 3 at the moment 此时此刻 4 do some exercise 做一些运动或锻炼 5 live/lead a happy life 过着.的生活 6 go off 离开,响 7 as soon as一就 8 It takes sb some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多少时间 9 less than 少于 more than 多于 10 get changed/bored 换衣服/很累 11 the first/second.to do sth.第.做某事的人或物 12 take up 占据(空间) ,从事(职业、工作) ,拿起(武器)13 be

4、 filled with=be full of 充满 14 bring back 带回 15 so that, so.that.如此.以致于(结果状语从句)16 be ready for 准备 17 be/fall asleep睡着,进入梦想 18 complain about/of sth to sb.向某人抱怨或投诉某事 19 suffer from 遭受.之苦 20 take place 发生 21 cant stand doing/being done 不堪仍受做或被22 prefer doing/n. to doing/n. prefer todo sth rather than d

5、o sth 喜欢而不喜欢,宁愿做而不愿做.23graduate from 从毕业 24 decide to do =make a decision to do sth.决定做某事 25 sb. spend some time/money in doing sth./on sth.某人花费时间或钱做某事 26 be good for,对有好处 be good(kind) to,对好 be good at 擅长做 27 on the farm 在农场上 28 the same.as/that 和一样 29 make sure 确保,确信 30 be free of 免于.之苦 31 Its one

6、s dream to do sth. 做某事是某人的梦想 32 be fond of , be keen on , be interested in, enjoy doing , like doing/to do/n.喜欢(做)33 over the years 数年间34 as a rusult+句子 , as a result of+词或短语 “结果” 35 come up with 提出,想出 36 play an important part/role in sth./doing sth.在某方面起重要作用 37 give sb. Some advice 给某人一些建议 38 look

7、 forward to sth,/doing sth.盼望,渴望做 39 cheer up 振作起来,高兴起来 40 make a difference 有所差别,有影响 41lose weight 减肥 42 take turns to do/doing,轮流做Additional exercises:.单句改错1.It cost me about 10 minutes to get changed. 2.Meetings and appointments take away most of my time.3.Her eyes were full with tears. 4.He suff

8、ers a cold sometimes.5.We must prevent soil from washing away. 6.If he will come or not depends on the weather.7.Kate graduated out from a medical school last year. 8.He was determining not to make the same mistakes.9.Hes a bright-kid and eagered to learn. 10.The washing-up needs being repaired at o

9、nce.短语识境complain about,be fond of,lose weight,go off,take turns,switch/turn off,take up,be filled with1.I usually the TV at about two oclock.I never watch TV all night.2.I normally wake up about 5 minutes before my alarm clock .3.Meetings and phone calls a large part of the day.4.Unfortunately,my wi

10、fe is not as the animals as I am.5. to talk about activities you like and dont like.6.Dr.Smith is an expert on ;you will become thin again.7.I seldom have time for fun with my family and my family it.8.Every minute of the day urgent matters.翻译句子1.我要花费 10 分钟的时间步行去上学。 (It takes sb.to do.) 2.我总是最后一个离开教

11、室。 (the last to do sth.)3.如果要做的工作太多我就容易厌烦。 (be/get bored) 4.我发现听音乐能令人放松。 (relaxing)5.没人能容忍自己被嘲笑。(stand) 6.他现在就读的那所大学是他父亲当年学习过的大学。 (the same.that)7.我主张你仔细地读一下这个报告。 (urge)第一节: 单项填空从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Tom, why didn t you come to the meeting yesterday? I _, but my car broke down. A. would

12、 B. had C. was going to D. did2. Good services of the city government have made _ possible for foreign trade to develop very quickly. A. it B. which C. them D. that3. Excuse me! How can I get to the nearest post office? A. Yes? B. That s OK. C. What s wrong? D. Pardon?4. In Britain today women _ 44%

13、 of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.A. build up B. make up C. stand for D. send up5. _a computer works is a question _not everyone can answer quickly. A. How; that B. That; which C. What; which D. When; that6. Beijing puts more than 700 million Yuan to incre

14、ase its green space this year, _ doubles the money provided. A. as B. while C. that D. which7. to give up smoking, he threw away his cigarettes.A. Determined; remain B. Determined; remaining C. Determining; remained D. Determining; remaining8. We do meet now and then, but not _. A. freely B. commonl

15、y C. regularly D. presently 9. Henry doesn t seem like the same person. so much in the war has made him more thoughtful. A. For him to seeB. His seeing C. Having seen D. To be seeing10. He had meant to tour the deserted temple for _ fun but he didn t find _ fun for doing that. A. /; theB. /; / C. the; the D. a; the11. He was _ tired. As soon as he lay down, he fell _.A. not a little; asleep B. not a bit; asleep C. not a little; sleepy D. not a bit; sleepy12. Time will _



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