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1、考研英语二阅读分题型练习题型一:猜词意Ms. Carr reacted with the normal feelings of shock and sadness. She called her parents and stocked up on organic food, determined to become a full-time healing addict. Then she picked up the phone and called everyone in her address book, asking if they knew other young women with

2、cancer. The result was her own personal cancer posse: a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine editor, a cartoonist and a MTV celebrity, to name a few. This club of cancer babes offered support, advice and fashion tips, among other things.1. The phrase cancer posse (Line 4, para.3 )

3、probably refers to _A. a cancer research organizationB. a group of people who suffer from cancerC. people who have recovered from cancerD. people who cope with cancerThe rub is, if the vast majority of people increasingly agree that climate change is a global emergency, theres far less agreement on

4、how to fix it. Industry offers its pans, which too often would fix little. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to native wish lists that could weaken Americans growth. But lets assume that those interested parties and others will always bent the table and will always demand that t

5、heir voices be heard and that their needs be addressed. What would an aggressive, ambitious, effective plan look like-one that would leave the U.S. both environmentally safe and economically sound?2. Judging from the context, the word rub(Line 1, Para.3)probably means_.A. frictionB. contradictionC.

6、conflictD. ProblemThen there is the question of state support. Many Americans disapprove of the “socialized medicine” of Canada and Europe. In fact, even if much of the administration is done privately, around 60% of Americas heath-care bill ends up being met by the government. Proportionately, the

7、American state already spends as much on health as the OECD(Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)average, and that share is set to grow as the baby-boomers run up their Medicare bills and ever more employers avoid providing health-care coverage. America is , in effect, heading toward

8、s a version of socialized medicine by default.3.from the last paragraph we may learn that the “socialized medicine” is_.A. a practice of Canada and EuropeB. a policy adopted by the US governmentC. intended for the retiring baby-boomersD. administered by private enterprisesWhats more,. consumers seem

9、 to forget that the tip increases as the bill increases. Thus, the tipping system is an open invitation to what restaurant professionals call “upwelling”: every bottle of imported water, every espresso and every cocktail is extra money in the servers pocket. Aggressive upwelling for tips is often re

10、warded while low-key, quality service often goes unrecognized.4.We may infer from the context that “upwelling”(Line 2, Para 6) probably means _A. selling something up B. selling something fancy C. selling something unnecessaryD. selling something more expensive题型二:作者态度题Americas health system is unli

11、ke any other. The Unite States spends 16% of its GDP on health, around twice the rich-country average, equivalent to $6,280 for every American each year. Yet it is the only rich country that does not guarantee universal health coverage. Thanks to an accident of history, most Americans receive health

12、 insurance through their employer, with the government picking up the bill for the poor and the elderly.5.In the authors opinion, Americas health system is _.A. inefficient B. feasible C. unpopular D. successful题型三:推断题When Thomas Keller, one of Americas foremost chefs, announced that on Sept. I he w

13、ould abolish the practice of tipping at Per Se. his luxury restaurant in New York City, and replace it with European-style service charge, I knew three groups would be opposed: customers, servers and restaurant owners. These three groups are all committed to tippingas they quickly made clear on Web

14、sites. To oppose tipping , it seems, is to be anticapitalist , and maybe even a little French.6.It may be inferred that a European-style service_.A . is tipping-free B .charges little tipC .is the authors initiative D .is offered at Per-se Ms. Carr still has cancer, but it has stopped progressing. H

15、er cancer tips include using time-saving mass e-mails to keep friends informed, sewing or buying fashionable hospital gowns so youre not stuck with regulation blue or gray and playing Gloria Gaynors I Will Survive so loud you neighbors call the police. Ms. Carr also advises an eyebrow wax and a new

16、outfit before you tell the important people in your illness. people you tell are going to cautious and not so cautiously try to see the cancer, so dazzle them instead with your miracle, she writes.7. From Kris Carrs cancer tips we may infer that _A. she learned to use e-mails after she got cancer B. she wears fashionable dress even a



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